Advance Australia are raising funds to expose the Greens in the lead up to the next election. Every bit of support helps. We must educate people about the real motivation behind these communists.

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No No No No No!!!!!!!

No Greens, No Teals nor Independents.......

In fact, I don't even trust this current government with the security of our country...but I guess we have to....democracy and all!!

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It amazes me that anyone votes for the Greens, especially since they don’t care about the environment even a little bit. The name itself seems to draw those individuals who think they do care and aren’t interested in finding out the truth about what they actually stand for. Minor details for many!

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Such a committee, especially with the Greens on it, will turn Australia into an overripe plum dropping into the waiting hands of the Chinese.

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Having met Shoebridge in person I can hand on heart say this man is a slippery snake, certainly wouldn't trust him or his party with anything let alone Nanna's sacred soup recipe!!

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Accurate assessment and classification of the Fifth Column in our midst. Thanks for sounding the alarm on this disturbing development.

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Yes, Christine, the Greens are slime. They are treacherous to Australia and would sell us out in a flash and shouldn’t be let within a bull’s roar of ANYTHING requiring national security, defence, intelligence, loyalty and conscience. They live in a world of their own and love imposing it on the rest of us. They are evil and dangerous.

And that’s just the good things I can say about them!

Our national defence is already in a disgusting mess and as James said in an earlier blog, we have only got a week’s worth of defence protection if our beautiful country were attacked…. And now Albo wants to include the Greens in our top defence secrets?!?! He’s obviously got a death wish for Australia.

Albo is dangerous and mental with power. His Labor government is the same. They and all the state Labor governments are the most serious and dangerous threat to Australia. They are ruining it and they haven’t finished yet. The idiots who voted for them are just as bad.

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I say it again:"Albo is a danger to Australia!" And the Greens? Should all be arrested and exiled to uninhabited Heard Island to fend for themselves there.

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Well said, June. Not one has an ounce of decency. They think they are so relevant, but are the complete opposite. Dangerous, stupid tools of Evil!

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🎯 the Greens are slime. Sorry to hear so blunt, but they are.

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You nailed it in your last sentence James; “we live in dangerous times”! & it’s getting scarier by the day…

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Dark clouds in the sky above Australia.

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May 20Liked by James Macpherson

The Greens are a security, a political, and a moral threat to our society. They must be opposed at every level, especially at anything like a serious security level.

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May 20Liked by James Macpherson

The Australian greens must be denied access to this committee. In my opinion it is downright dangerous for our nation to allow them anywhere near it.

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Well that is one of the worst decisions our esteemed Government could make! Military decisions should be made by those who are trained and know what to do, not by stupid people who glue themselves to footpaths or wave flags of terrorists

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Well summarised.

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May 20Liked by James Macpherson

Indeed. Dangerous with incompetent leadership and government.

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