I certainly won't be apologising for saying that there are only 2 genders and only 2 sexes.

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Such a good piece James & right on the money as usual. Thanks for the witty insights!

And as well as "the truth hurts" we used to hear "suck it up"! (Princess! - but only the last word IF you were a girl! But hang on, we don't know now if we ARE a girl!)...When will this craziness end? Well it won't end will it, if we let the Marxists win this battle......

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What a crying shame James. Two things. You opening bat for Australia and the American "dream" now being "what doesn't kill you makes you weaker"

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Thanks, James but sooo sad Santana didn't say his words to evil ways. -

I'm gettin' tired of waiting and fooling around

I'll find somebody that won't me feel like a clown

This can't go on

Yeah, yeah, yeah

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But where does all this madness come from? Could it be from Dante Alighieri's (1265-1321) lowest level of hell?

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So the legend Carlos Santana is no more he has become an old man who is scared to now upset the status quo in his twilight years. Carlos its suppose to be the other way around as you get older and closer to the grave ,people normally dont give a rat's what others thing about their opinion. Absolutely pathetic and Im throwing out all your music. You have no balls

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Aug 26, 2023·edited Aug 26, 2023

I’m sorry for his piss weak beliefs too scared from the cancel culture. So when do we cancel the cancel culture or do we have to apologise for every thought

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He used to be so Smooth

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You’re such a great writer James. I’d vote for you if you go for PM! We need you’re voice to be LOUD and CLEAR! 😃👍🏽

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The cabal has been putting fluoride in our water, heavy metals sprayed in our air (chemtrails), toxins in our food EMR poisoning in the airwaves and filling the heads of uni students with Communist propaganda. They then teach our children this goo.

They all reduce our mental ability, no wonder many people have goo for brains.

UCLA students couldn't name the US capital or the ocean east of the US, but they could name all the Kardashians.

This dumbing down is so they can control us and bring in the NWO after they destroy it all so they can build back better. Better for them that is with full control of everything we do using their social credit system with tracking our every move and thought. Orwell was right about the thought police. They just locked up Carlos in their virtual prison and after his apology there is not getting his respect back again.

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But since when is is ANY of the stuff the constant pedals at all logical..?

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

Carlos will soon discover that, unlike true repentance and forgiveness in Christ, there is no absolving your sins in the cult of secular humanist wokeism. No amount of apologising, grovelling and self flagellation will ever be enough for the perpetually offended and self virtuous priests of the alphabet mafia.

He could turn up tomorrow in high heels and fishnet stockings for a drag queen story hour calling himself Carlotta Salamander, but the sacrifice of his sanity and dignity would not erase the eternal damage of his hurtful, albeit truthful, words.

Nope, he’s gone found out the hard way there’s no appeasing the holy order of fundamentalist progressives and their doctrine of self worship. If you’re gonna speak the truth, never apologise for doing so. For in doing so, you will lose respect twice over; for yourself and from those around you.

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Spot on. Each person who apologises for the truth makes the woke stronger and even more demanding in the future.

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Well state👍

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

Unfortunately this rubbish fast-tracks itself to its target audience. Our young people are being attacked on all sides.

The 'trans' group at my *primary* school is growing. A group of weird kids have now adopted a trans identity.

Most staff just accept it.

May God have mercy!

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Carlos and many others who trhink a lie is truth. People these days think their own truth is Ok and this is why this world is such a mess. Jesus ius The Way, The Truth and The Life. There is no other truth regardless of what people say or think. Full stop, no further correspondence will be entered into

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Ain't that The Truth.

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I think God can help anyone if we call on His mercy.

The fantasy world that these trans activists live in must be such a prickly place as they pop out every now and then to cry foul as they parade their offence before the world. Santana should take a leaf out of Mark Latham’s book and never apologise for the truth.

I understand why some of these people apologise, the right as well as the left are merciless when the truth impinges on their fantasy.

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There’s one thing totally verboten to the woke class of lunacy. I guarantee you as a white person I can’t identity as trans black. To do so would mean having to put on blackface- oooh nasty racist. So does a trans woman put on woman face? Or a trans man, man face and start mansplaining about gender ideology. And can a fat person identify as translender?

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trans men can wear flannelette shirts and glue on fake beards, but the trans women don't even bother to shave or have other appendages removed.

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