Why would anyone want a car anyway, just be happy living in your 15/20 minute zone. (sarcasm)

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Melbourne is no longer the beautiful city it was.

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This is also another way to discourage people from having babies and punish those who already have more than one child (or any children at all). Of course, this is the People's Republic of Victoria. Not many people are going to want to ride a bike with a young child in tow in the middle of a city. Who is going to be able to ride a bike in the middle of a city with an infant or two or three children in tow???

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Isn't this a form of ableism?

Ableism refers to bias, prejudice, and discrimination against people with disabilities. It hinges on the idea that people with disabilities are less valuable than non-disabled people.

To give travelling advantages to those more likely to be younger and fitter than others is green privilege and ableism at its utmost. Knowing the lack of tolerance to anyone who dare use a bicycle lane who is travelling at less than 40 klicks, anyone looking for a leisurely ride in a dedicated bike lane soon gets the green thumbs down. And will bikes then need to be registered with an annual license fee to pay for the upkeep and creation of new bikeways or will the ever-increasing fuel taxes paid by evil motorists subsidise this green self-righteousness? We already pay extra for office leases to pay for those proverbial "end of journey" facilities which provide hot showers and lockers for these virtue signallers.

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I don’t know how anyone could live in Victoria

I would have left a long time ago

And all those woke muppets fall on their own sword with all their insane policies

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What climate emergency? I don't mind cycles lanes per se , so long as they are well designed and don't restrict vehicle traffic. But to use the delusional climate change hoax as a justification is idiotic.

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What do you expect James, the man's an absolute cycle path or something like that?

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Possibly the rushed trip to China recently, to confirm

Approval & funding.

For whole project!!

LUNATICS in charge. 🤬🤬🤬

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May 9, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

Good luck with the bike lanes, James. Adelaide council did some areas in the city and it was a dog's breakfast. So dangerous in places and the loss of lanes, time wasting etc. It is unfortunate but I initially wondered if they were trying the long game of killing cyclists 🤪

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How long before they either tax cars for using the CBD or ban them altogether?

About 1% of commuters use their bikes, 5% use public transport and now 90% will be pushed into less roads / car parks to increase pollution by 90%.

Dan obviously didn't pass his math test.

This is all about control. They took away our guns with a false flag CIA operation and now they want to take away our cars (they can be used as weapons too). Only the rich will be able to have an EV and they can be turned off using the 5G control system.

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Ok so riding a bike solves the global climate change emergency....like doing anything in Australia solves this issue globally. Do any of these guys do population mathematics we don’t have the population to make any significant effect on global emission levels...does any body even consider these facts. Well in Victoria we continue to go down the extreme left agenda soon enough it will feel like the Soviet Union or China..with what ever the government decides happens without any say or debate if it’s good for Goose Dan it’s good for the gander Victorian populace...Bike roads, crashing power grids, electric cars that don’t work and no renewable infrastructure to take on the power challenge....well done we have a failed state that needs a government because it so screwed.., wake up Victoria and see that the government is the one who is doing the screwing and they are screening you! but it doesn’t matter many are falling over themselves to join the climate change religion I mean what else can you live for in Victoria...not family values or any sort of faith...no the only thing that matters is attributing virtue to a live that has no real meaning....move while you can go rural or skip the state i reckon!

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CO2 levels have increased greatly over the last ten years, but the climate has cooled!

ACC is a WEF scam to destroy western economies by indoctrinating our children with lies.

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Why is a pledge in US dollars?

If I live in Australia, read what is most important to me in Australia then why is my pledge in a foreign currency?

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As an avid cyclist, it drives me mad to see this insane push to turn our once useable road network into a series of seldom used bike paths. If people are truly committed to riding a bike everywhere, for whatever reason, the current roads work perfectly fine. I should know, I've been using them for over 50 years as a cyclist without any problems.

The idea that cyclists need to remove cars in order to ride on public roads reveals more about their lack of skill and confidence to ride in traffic than it does about a lack of safe spaces for cyclists. But of course, when it's an ideological push, you don't need a rational argument to justify millions being spent on such monuments to one's worldview.

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May 9, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

Just another aspect of prepping for ‘20 min. Smart Cities,’ along with the sudden appearance of intersections having CCTV installed. Oh and my small suburban street has a massive 4 storey social housing build.


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This is a good reason to retire in rural Queensland. Fresh air and sunshine away from all (or at least most) of the insanity!

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This is a worrying trend. As someone who was consulted in the Town Planning/Urban Design business for 25 years, I'm concerned at the increasing Ministerial over ride of Local Authority Planning Schemes in the name of welfare housing. It seems that Planning Schemes which limit medium density housing only to those areas appropriately zoned and as per a publicly consulted planning documents, are being ignored by leftie state governments who see public housing as a way to bring in Labor voters into conservative areas (typically low density zones) to make safe blue seats into marginal red ones. There's no end to the electoral cheating which socialists will go to to maintain power. This is also happening under Biden where planning schemes are over ridden to produce modern versions of the ill-fated "projects" which were an un-mitigated social disaster. Pruitt-Igoe #2

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Thank you Philip for your knowledge and insights. What an underhand scheme of turning a conservative blue seat into nominally red (Socialist) one.

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May 9, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

I believe their only climate emergency may be the build up of leaves in the gutter. It seems the more you build bike lanes the more it rains and floods. Then the less those lanes are used and the more roads are clogged. Clearly an afternoon resolution by Councillors who have their lunch at that open drug taking centre we hear about.

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The biggest climate emergency they have is the presence of a thug at the top (Dictator Dan), who is actively killing this city.

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Hear hear Heather. A godfather perhaps?

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May 9, 2023·edited May 9, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

Absolutely. I guess older people aren’t welcome e in the CBD anymore. Well we have taken Sydney off our go to list. Melbourne is next. Sydney CBD is pretty much a dump and clogged with bike lanes and light rail now Melbourne- not a good time to be growing older. I would add disabled people will be disadvantaged by these idiotic moves.

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Say thank you hideous Clover!!! Voted in by Pride residents each election..🤬

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