The City of Melbourne is fast tracking the creation of bike lanes in order to “tackle the nation’s climate emergency”.
The council voted this week to bring forward the creation of 44km of bike lanes to help achieve its 2040 zero emissions target.
The plan requires some road lanes currently used by cars to be taken over by bikes. This will, of course, cause greater congestion throughout the city.
Whatever reduction in emissions the council achieves, as drivers switch to push bikes, will be lost as roads are transformed into giant carparks where vehicles sit idling.
The plan will make what was once the World’s Most Liveable City into even more of a hell hole than it currently is, while making zero difference to the climate.
Only in Victoria.
This is a classic case of idiocy compounded by stupidity.
Just shut down the whole silly project and start returning the city streets to the useful system it once was.
Why would anyone want a car anyway, just be happy living in your 15/20 minute zone. (sarcasm)
Melbourne is no longer the beautiful city it was.