Another superb article by James, a prominent Christian truth & freedom cherishing intellectual.

Australians can no longer afford to trust nor vote for the vile reprobate woke-left political parties of Labor-Liberal-Greens-Teals that are all collectively responsible for deviously nefariously legislating and fomenting the utter social and economic subversion of Australia plunging the nation into rapid moral decline and lawlessness and the pits of hell of utter national ruination! A society or nation that embraces and normalizes sin and evil will inevitably reap the sin and evil they have sown unto utter social and national ruination!

As Jesus implored:

"Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." - Matthew 7:21-23 KJV.

(Societies are preoccupied with just about everything other than making good people - Dennis Prager, author of The Ten Commandments: Still the Best Moral Code) A must-read book.

(When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation….We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.—That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness… it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. - Thomas Jefferson)

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Spot on James. At a recent dinner party I recalled how my husband and I had been to see the military museum in St Petersburg when celebrated Mikhail Kalashnikovs' 80th birthday. The usual outrage from the woke contingent who said all guns should be banned. It was pointed out to them that a guy with a gun had given them their present lifestyle where they could make inane remarks. Do they ever consider what our life would be like without armed resistance in the last two wars?

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I dont recall who said this ,that "he who beats his sword into a plowhshare will plow for the man that didnt ." Its a piy\ty that these intellctual pygmies have not read up on their history .

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I was just going to comment about the Teals and then you did. Spot on. They call this free speech. Also worth mentioning is Georgie Purcell from the Animal justice party was a willing participant. She woke up , said goodbye to Josh Burns, her Jewish boyfriend and went on her way to demonstrate for the destruction of Israel and Jews and stand with those who would throw acid at horses. Charming. Then others from the greens say on tv we should be more concerned either way the environment while they lit bins in fire. Absolute #%#% jobs. I say fill up Qatar aircraft and deport them to the loving Islamists they support.

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The protestors are a disgrace, the Greens are despicable & our leaders have deserted us.

Australia’s reputation on the world stage is in tatters, our society is fractured, there’s so much aggression, disrespect & divisiveness…how the f did we get here? & how do we turn this around? We are a nation of good, well humoured, tolerant people but we’ve been ambushed & taken hostage by thugs who want tear our societal values apart. Further, we have a government with zero moral compass who are singularly focused on staying in power & not in the good of our country.

I hope the silent majority will vote with their heads & send this lot, & the Greens packing to a land far far away!!!!

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About time to show these disloyal creatures the convict streak and getting rid of that joke of a government in Canberra will be a good start.

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Here here 👏🏼👏🏼

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Can someone explain why all of a sudden people openly hate Jews. It not as if they invaded Palestine & murdered 1250 kids & kidnapped 150 for ransom is it?

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Dear Thomas.

As Jillian Stirling has already mentioned anti-semitism goes back a long way. It began when the God of the Bible gave the land of Israel to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and their descendants, as an everlasting covenant. (Psalm 105, verses 8-11), and chose those people to reveal what God had revealed about Himself to the rest of the world. ie., the Gentiles. We know that whatever God ordains, the enemy, Satan, hates, and there we have the root of anti-semitism. Those who indulge in it are siding with God's enemy and in Deuteronomy 12 verse 3, God states that there is a price to pay for doing that.

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Correction re the above:- It is Genesis 12, verse 3, and not Deuteronomy.

" And I will bless those who bless you,

And the one who curses you I will curse.

And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed."

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It’s the oldest hatred. It has thus always been culminating in the Holocaust. But now the same underlying Jew hatred that has always been has been unleashed again because the barbarians think enough time has elapsed.

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Well said James. It's interesting that all similar violent protests are happening around the world with the same anti-Semites dickheads.

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Well said James, nothing surprises me anymore in the lala land of Victoria, this is so typical of the Andrews/Allan dystopia and symptomatic of the turkey dilemma i.e. you stick your head in the sand and you get bitten on the arse.

More power to the police, i say, and high time the water powered cannons were bought out to flush this distasteful excreta off the streets.

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It's about time the Senate Leader, docs the Greens and Teals pay packets, Big time! They cavort around wearing symbols of terrorist nations, they disgrace the Nation they call Home, and who pays them to represent them, then they send out memos, using Government time and equipment, to organise rally's to incite the public and assault the police! These are undercover agents of another ideology other than ours, and now misrepresent their electorates. They should be sacked from Parliament for breach of contract, sent to jail for encouraging rioting, made to pay for the damage to properties affected, and the hospital bills of the police injured n the line of duty. These insurrectionists, have no part to play in any government in Australia. They would do better if they and the ones they incite should go and join the Russian Forces in the Ukraine war, or the 'peaceful' Palestinians in Gaza.Maybe then the'll appreciate what it's like to be really demonstrating against violence and war!

The evil that men do, lives after them!

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The Russians wouldn’t want them. They would be imprisoned or worse. The Russians would not tolerate behaviour displayed by these barbarians. As for Hamas or Fatah these fools are ‘useful idiots’. They would be no use except as shields.

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These "luvvies "that adore Russia (its ideology ,not its people )and China would get short shrift ,gaol if not death for trying the same stunts there .

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Sep 12Liked by James Macpherson

Such an angry response, James, reflecting my own disgust at what happened in Melbourne yesterday. The police and their beautiful animals were magnificent in the middle of the rent-a-crowd ratbags. I watched the red-headed fool trying to goad the horses, and was delighted to finally see him arrested! We cannot sanction this in our country! Protest? Demonstration? It was War! The ALP, Greens and Teals cannot be our voices in the Parliament or in our streets!

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It was disgusting on every level. Those poor horses were magnificent in the face of those pre-human rabble rousing idiots using violence to demonstrate they want peace. What a laugh!

And the selfish disgraceful disruption to all the citizens just going about their daily business.

It’s interesting how the majority of these idiots spokesmen are women. A twenty year sentence of toilet and floor cleaning would soon cure them of their destructive ‘ideology’ and straighten them out. They are all hell bent on destroying our western culture and society. Shame on them!

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Yes, I was amazed at how well trained the horses are! They stood their ground amongst the protesters with just a few snorts and head shakes. Beautiful indeed.

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Sep 12Liked by James Macpherson

The first things the government should do is to make it illegal to have a face covering when attending any protest. Protest if you must but let us know who you are

Need to know who the protest organisers are and who is funding the protest organisers, who are the names behind the organisations

Need to have laws in place to protect police and animals from harm, so that those hurling objects at police or horses are identified and punished, with custodial sentences.

Any non residents need to be deported irrespective of what they state will happen to them when returned to country of origin

Any political party member abetting public violence should banned from parliament for life

This definitely wont happen with Albo and Co in charge and no doubt ALP will do a deal with the Greens and possibly some of the Teals before the next election

Albo can't run an Oasis in the desert but I'm sure he will do some deals to hang on to power

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Agree with everything you’ve said! We certainly should start deporting these serial rabble rousers. No excuses for this destructive behaviour!

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Well said that man! We might get quite a shock if the masks were removed, to see 'normal students', bored with books now egging and 'cocktailing' the police.

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Sep 12Liked by James Macpherson

Yes, people into the 10th year of their B.A.degree in flower arranging

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🤣🤣🤣 Love it! 🤣

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Flower arranging would need a degree of finess Finger painting maybe?

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Far too intellectual! 😂

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Sep 12Liked by James Macpherson

There are too many people in parliament who dont take their pledge of allegence seriously. When these people step outside their obligations to their constituents and ,for eg promote disloyalty to Australia they should be expelled permanently ,. And Australian citizens ONLY no one who is a dual national should be allowed to sit in OUR parliament.

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Its meant to be that way, but people carry their dual loyalties with them and use their seat in parliament to push another agenda. Unfortunately we are stuck with those who would want to destroy our democracy.

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I agree David .perhaps it is time to change the rules . I doubt that any other nation would allow someone with Australian citizenship to sit in their parliament .May be NZ and UK but I doubt it .

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I am ashamed of my government and law enforcement- to allow these barbarians to behave in such a disgraceful way is appalling. The Greens are traitors to this country.

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They are! It’s treachery. The barbarians have no concept of loyalty let alone reality.

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Sep 12Liked by James Macpherson

Well said James...

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Rent a mob at is best .They were squealing about babies being killed when I would be prepared to bet that the same mob would demonstrate in favour of full term abortion . And would labor preference the Greens and Teals? You could bet 100/1 they would if it saved their arse in the next election. No wonder they want our guns taken off us (like Curtin did .from civilians in 1942 when the Japs were breathing down our necks .)

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The sad part was they were expecting this to happen, and 16 million was allocated to protect the event display. Albo knew it, so that also displays his lying capacity to the Australian people.

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A deplorable waste of public money having to rein in your own uncontrollable violent protesters. And the police and their brave horses put their lives on the line.

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Sep 12Liked by James Macpherson

Peace, peace, when there is no peace. To quote the late Barry Smith, they put their peaceful bullets in their peaceful guns and cause chaos and then turn around and say "we are innocent"! OK, they threw dung and acid at police. They needed the fire hoses turned on them. What a disgrace. They would be the first to complain if we are invaded and our rights taken from us. I cannot believe the hypocrisy and stupidity

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And they would be the first to cowardly run away and hide while expecting the people they despise to look after them.

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