Allowing free speech they say...so are Christians allowed to mention Jesus in a state school or pray to the Lord in public meetings? Are Christians allowed to share their faith and trust in Jesus and call others to faith in Jesus? What about preaching about sin, and the need of a saviour? These are firm convictions of the Christian faith, that was part of the foundations of our nation, and are meant to still be "tolerated" in our diverse and accepting society...but in practice...Christianity is being cancelled every day, while calling for a world leader to be assassinated is deemed "free speech". Speech is only "free" when it supports the narrative and agrees with those driving the woke agenda. The gospel is the most powerful "love speech" known to man, it is the most inclusive truth ever, and yet, it is being silenced as "hate speech" every day...and then we wonder why our world is in such a mess!?

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When was the last time a crowd of Christians in thousands closed London (or anywhere else in the civilised world )to "call to prayer '? The army would be out in Saudi Arabia and anywhere else "these people "reside .

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I don't put myself in either camp! I agree that calling for murder or attempting murder is a heinous crime and should be punished as such. Jesus said that hating your brother is committing murder, in your heart! Let's be sure that dislike doesn't proceed to hatred, no matter where we stand.

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Tenacious D just wanting to get publicity ( which they have achieved!) if you ask me!

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Jul 18Liked by James Macpherson

Nailed it.

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The West has allowed itself to be white anted by the insitutions. We had better get our boots on quick if we want to savour any of our amazing life....

"A lie travels around the world while the truth is still getting it's boots on." (Winston Churchill)

My heart is sad for the youth of today. Hollywood stars are tragically awful role models for the most part. Our politicians are too often evidently without principles.

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Holly weird ?revolting role model indeed And those perveyors of pretend and fantasy dare to inflict their opinions on politics and leaders? As if any of us could give a rats arse what they think.

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It is usually the lefties who bay loudest for gun control "in the interest of public safety ' and then later blather that they should be the boss and that ultimately power will come through the barrel of a gun . I will see if that I have got this old English saying right "that the best indicator of a free country is the musket hanging behind the door of the peasants hut." Funny the Swiss are the most heavily armed civilian population on Earth with the lowest crime rate in the world .And I believe that if the black on black/ Latino on latino /black /on white gang warfare, that the US is the fourth safest country (for gun mis-use in the world )

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Mental illness rates were 15.7 percent in the U.S., 17.6 percent in Australia and 13.8 percent in the U.K. in 2019. Yet, the U.S. had 10 times higher death rates from gun violence than Australia and 40 times higher death rates than the U.K.

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Knife yiolence is a serious problem ,if not out of control in both Australia and UK Could this be the consequence of the immigration policies of both countries?Average the number of violent death to include both gun and knife crime and see how that stacks up .

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Yet would anyone have gotten close enough to Trump to knife him? I doubt it.

"Australia in 2020 had an overall crime rate of 0.87 per 100,000 people, while the overall crime rate in North America was higher, with 2.1 per 100,000 in Canada and 6.5 per 100,000 in the United States ..."

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Not bad, Judith for crowd of invading ,black murdering ,land stealing and enslaving colonialist racist white trash ? And we havnt even shown the convict streak yet.

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Let's have objective viewpoints please, rather than vitriolic opinions! 😀

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Not my opinions Judith every one of these"opinions" have been spouted in the media in this country by various "activists "with an axe to grind. I have frankly had a gutful of being described as some sort of a monster for being a white Australian.(probably got sidetracked a little there) just that a country with such a perceived moral bastardised upbringing be one of the safest countries in the world to live in .

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Jul 18Liked by James Macpherson

I agree James. Well said.

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Love your work JM

Don’t agree.

A mildly funny ageing comedian trying to get a joke in front of a mildly unintelligent crowd doesn’t deserve deportation.

We are better than that and we must be better than them.

The action “joke” didn’t hurt anyone, did not impact a career or result in financial loss, which is the criteria we use for fighting back against the vile corruption of society that is cancel culture. He was hardly genuinely calling for Trump’s assassination.

(It turns out that career and financial loss etc were experienced but not via the route normally taken).

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He publicly hoped, not 72 hours after an assassination attempt, that the next shooter wouldn't miss. Joke? People who believe it was a joke likely also believe Tenacious D are the greatest band in the history of the world :)

The fact that incitement to violence doesn't directly result in violence is beside the point. Incitement is an offence.

That Australia would tolerate people calling for the assassination (joke or otherwise) of the likely next President of our major security ally is unacceptable.

The Australian political temperature is already quite heated, with the AFP reporting the number of threats against local MPs are out of all proportion to previous years. We recently had a Victorian MP's office set on fire. There should be zero tolerance for people 'joking' or otherwise about killing politicians.

When even Kyle Sunderland's (who banned Tenacious D from his radio program over the remarks) has more insight into the seriousness of the situation than the Albanese Government, you know we are in dire straits.

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Jul 18Liked by James Macpherson

Thanks for replying JM.

We are on the same side.

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Ps: And I have no issue with you with saying I am “either completely stupid or completely dishonest” because although I obviously, “completely disagree with you”, just as a meaningless bad taste joke in a room full of drunk fans is exactly that, so too do your slurs only have impact on me if I am allow them to. And I choose that they don’t.

God bless freedom of speech.

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You subscribe to the JM Report so you're clearly completely brilliant :)

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Today, everything is so twisted, these people say things then deny saying it, all out in the open. They will look you in the eyes and blatantly lie. As Christians, the only culture we are interested in is Kingdom culture. That culture is what draws people of all nations together, nothing else works or ever will

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The left have no limits. If it supports their cause, it's ok. Because they have no moral base to draw from. It is only ever about power. That's why the left are without limits, without any conscience when it comes to their side winning. They will distort the truth, and then make it up, if it supports their side. The right start with a moral base, even though some might stray from it, or get confused about it. They hold back a bit, and scrabble for a moral base, to justify their position. There is usually some constraint, some self consciousness which holds them back, far more than the left.

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I don't see it as black and white. I'm in the USA at present, visiting a hundred people around the continent. I'm Interested in perspectives from both sides of the divide. There are genuine and thoughtful opinions throughout.

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Jul 18Liked by James Macpherson

Well said Mac!

It is truly beyond belief what utter nonsense we have to put up with these days, I'm as exasperated and frustrated as you are!!

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