Oh dear James, this is a first, you have missed an all too glaring point. No disaster here. What we are seeing is an entire Watermelon Government, supported by woke politicians who suffer from an over active "conservatism" - "deficiency" or "dementia". [A well documented case is the Leader of the Free [?] World.] The problem is not disaster, but better defined as "disability". I suggest the appropriate response is to Section 'em under the Mental Health Act and treat them with compassion.

We can return then, to clear thinking and sensiblity.

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When we increase renewables the prices always go up and Europe is now seeing that they do not do the job.

Why do Labor want to keep putting billions into them when they don' have enough money to pay for the things we really need?

If people want to put solar on their roof and a battery in their garage, then let them, but why should we pay for it?

If you believe in wind then put a wind farm in your own backyard and live with the consequences.

It was once a free country and you should be able to follow your freedom of religion to believe in the renewables gospel if you want to.

Others like me will not accept a disproven theory about ACC and CO2 being the cause.

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The flaw in the modelling was Albo opening his mouth!

Where’s my unicorn? And stop those cow farts! In all honesty, Labor did say they were going to do a better job this time and they are doing a great job of destroying our economy (again!)

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This madness can only be defeated with people power en masse in the streets but if it doesn’t happen soon it will be too late.

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Their plan is to destroy the economy. They're socoalition!

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I see spellchecker is inventing new words now! Socialition! Funny it corrects it when I type it!

Anyway, it should have been SOCIALISTS!

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James- your comments would have more credibility with facts and figures. For instance, the Treasurer blames the Russian invasion of Ukraine for our increasing power and fuel prices. Of our total fuel, 60% is imported from close regional sources, then refined here and 40% is refined in Australia from local sources. So, no Ukraine influence as OPEC control oil production. Our energy originates from coal and gas power stations which obtain their supply in Australia. So again, no Ukraine influence. Albanese, Chalmers, Bowen and the Mean Girls etc should be allowed to fall on their misinformed swords of the climate ideology as they have misled the electorate. Sadly, Morrison and now Dutton have followed this nonsense. Please let us have a peek into what our future priorities should be, as there are so many issues to pursue.

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what is most incredible is that they are believed

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The myth that renewable energy is cheaper than fossil fuels is analogous to saying a urinal is cheaper than a cubicle.

You phase out all cubicles to save money and have a cleaner, less smelly toilet, you're then surprised when the price of the remaining few cubicles skyrockets.

You also discover you still need cubicles from time to time, especially when the wind is exhausted and the moon is up. Turns out the price of having both cubicles and urinals is now greater than having only cubicles.

One day you might regret your earlier decision....see the UK and Germany in 2022.

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This is all deliberate. They are not trying to help us. They are trying to destroy the system so that they can bring in 'The Great Reset' with their social credit system and their other plans, ( "You will own nothing and be happy" Klaus Schwab). They will NEVER achieve this.

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Oct 27, 2022

West Australians have to give credit to Alan Carpenter former labour premier of WA who back in 2006 introduced a 15% reserve on our gas supplies for domestic use and now we can still reap the rewards for cheaper gas and to some extent electricity because of that. I can't understand why the other states didn't do the same.

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Whenever I say the govt are shutting down/selling our coal and gas and its to help with ‘climate change’ even though we will freeze my friends nod soberly and say,”Yes. That’s good. “ 😳😵‍💫

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You need to sign your friends up to my daily report!

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Insanity writ large. As the dope in chief intones again - renewable energy is cheaper we are looking for a small coal fired electricity generator to give us power when the sun isn't shining on our solar panels, which has been most of this year. We will all need something.

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Sadly you are correct on every point but why are we surprised 😳these people have never ever ever been able to run an economy….this time though it’s going to be harder to get the country back….if at all!!

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I am so sad James to say that you are correct again...

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I expect this will also make crime go up. Stealing, house break ins, etc

Some people will justify their crime as “needing to feed their families”.. this whole energy issues has greater ripples into our society than just increase in bills that soon the majority won’t be able to afford. It’s all a downward spiral.

But I’m also guessing all these leftist greenies won’t admit they’re wrong and continue to live in their delusions... while cooking over a fire and reading by candle light at night.

And let’s sing it 🎶 “is you’re stupid and you know it, go vote green...”🥴

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