Particularly love your last line, James! 😁🤣

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....I know from parental talk that a church run girls school in regional Qld was also doing the same thing......parents MOST unhappy.

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Is “Gazebo” code for something?

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That last line. Perfect.

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The Principal of Birrong Girls High has announced; " Due to our all inclusiveness policy our new school sign shall read," The School With The Gazebos & now Pergolas ( they have feelings to you know). Any objectors will be counselled then expelled.

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Thanks again James. So sad all this BS is allowed to flourish at the expense of truth.

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You wanna believe it.

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This principal is completely ignorant of the society she is working with.

If I were in charge of the DET I would make a swap of this principal for one who is more in tune with conservative religious values so that the parents are able to support the school.

She obviously live in the inner city with their echo chamber of thought. To them everyone believes in the woke mantra and nothing else exists, but if it does it must be exterminated!

The reality is we are a country that allows freedom of religion and she needs to respect the religion of the parents and not try to enforce something abhorrent on them when it is only going to cause friction.

She is the problem, not the children, parents or the society

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Sep 23, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

No one else is allowed to Strut Their Stuff in our faces like the alphabet crowd.

It’s becoming another nail in the coffin of free thinking., let alone speech.

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Sep 22, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

Right on James!

What's a public school doing forcing cultural behaviours down kids' throats?

Can they please just stick to the syllabus?

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School staff are wrong draping in colour ,unnecessary from management..

Getvon with the job of EDUCATING, forget all the social lefty BS!! 🙏

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Just curious..how can you be homophobic in a girls schools? and what does the word mean anyway? We are not scared of these Homosexuals whoever they are..just disturbed that they seemed not to want to live quiet lives in peace with the rest of us.

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Sep 22, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

I just last night read an article by Maurice Newman that spoke about how the English general strike in the 1926 did not bring about the revolution that the socialists wanted. It has taken them decades to make way through the long march of the institutions.

I am so tired of this being overlooked in the name of “tolerance”. The disciples of Derrida and Foucault have done their masters bidding well.

We need you James as at least one honest voice in the media to call things out for what is going on. So glad you are being noticed and now have a voice on Sky news.

Brilliant work 👏👏👏

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I appreciate your support Michael.

It's amazing how much heat you take for speaking out on these things.

If you haven't already, I'd love it if you would contact Sky on their feedback form and thank them for the show. I'm pretty sure they are under constant pressure not to air straight talk such as we provide.

And if you have, even just to reaffirm your thanks to them for continuing the show and for giving me opportunity.

Link is here


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Sep 22, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

And every individual has the right to reject the concept of wear it purple day. Another school trying to force rainbow idolatry (yes I mean idolatry) on its students

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Sep 22, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

Why is it a girls high school? Surely this discriminates against all the other 71 genders of people,including boys.

Clearly the disease of promoting sexual perversion controls our schools.

2 weeks ago at my local country primary school p & c meeting the principal said the ( nsw) education departments new inclusion policy was available for parents to read.

When I said I hoped it did not include "transgender woke crap " 2 of the other 4 parents present jumped and 1 snared at me that my question was offensive.

The principal did a good job of explaining the policy but finished by saying if a member of staff decided to change gender they could not be discriminated against under the departments policy that the school had to follow.

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Good on you for speaking out.

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Sep 22, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

What the school is really doing is saying to it’s students “you have to be all inclusive because if you’re not, you’re not inclusive and that’s offensive. If you’re not inclusive, we won’t be inclusive about the reasons you’re not inclusive, and we will no longer be inclusive of you!” 🤣

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