Thanks James. It’s the trouble with following an ideology that’s an absolute lie - it doesn’t matter what you say or how you say it because it’s for the good of all. It’s only those who don’t agree with the ideology that are at fault no matter what they say or do. It’s a no win, no win for those who disagree.

Personally, I’m sick of being treated like a 10yr old everywhere I go by being told how to behave, by the arrogant who think they don’t have to behave themselves, like Minchin. When did it become ‘right’ and ‘essential’ to use any and every platform to tell others how to behave? What happened to adult responsibility, minding your own business and being humble?

We already know how to behave in both public and in private because many of us have been doing it for over 50, 60, 70+ years. We were taught as children and don’t need to be reminded every second of every day by others who have not even the slightest amount of self awareness!

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A bloke who misuses whatever talent God gave him.

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It is the way they see the world.

A Simple bigoted view

A Christian did something wrong therefor the whole Christianity thing is wrong and evil

Forgetting the fact this is just one person and forgetting the fact Christianity has had such a positive impact on society for the last 2000 years.

Even worse was found to be not guilty did ABC apologise on Air after making this man out to be a monster?

Another example a cop did something wrong therefor all cops are bad?

Have no time for the ABC or people like Tim Minchin

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Before believing any court decision reflects reality I suggest you read the book Our Corrupt Legal System by the late Walkley Award winning journalist Evan Whitton. You can download it for free, and if you don't like history read from Section E - 24 Anti-truth Devices. You will find it is littered with many "retired" legal professionals comments about the lack of truth, and therefore lack of justice in the Adversarial legal system.. It's an enlightening read. Especially when you then realize that at least a third of our politicians have legal qualifications. It's no wonder they don't have any allegiance to the truth and think it's acceptable to pull the wool over the eyes of the public/jurors.

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I would say a song which expresses his humble apology to Cardinal George Pell would be most appropriate for Minchin to deliver now. A song where all profanity used, is for the sole purpose of expressing how ashamed Minchin is of himself and one that describes a nice spot in hell that he himself deserves!

In their arrogance and hatred of others, the woke sure do excel in hypocrisy!

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Tim’s the poster boy for screeching profanity and hate to anyone who disagrees with his views. I have two words for him “ fk off” there u go I’m a hater but guess what I wouldn’t disagree.

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Wellll, when did the untalented, great unwashed,

Become relevent to the human race?

This fool dares to call his spruiking


Just as well he is friends with ABC.

TIMMY try The Project with Squalid wallid for a change of scenery..


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I boycott anything involved with Tim Minchin. He is an awful, hateful person. It looks to me like he was talking about himself.

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One rule for me and another rule for thee....I am beginning to think that we have observed some of Laws of Woke just like Newtons Laws of Motion...we need to go against this momentum lest we end up in their snare! Law 1 Thou shall do for me what I will never do for thee Law 2-Thou shalt follow my narrative or be cancelled and have no speech and be ostracised and Law 3 -I shalt do to you what has offended me! Kind hearted conservatives be aware! ...what they are asking for nicely today will be the soul piercing dagger that will kill your peace tomorrow! Say no to the controlling woke crowd and don’t give them an inch because they will drive you up the wall all the way to insancity!

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Tell this fellow James that he’s no John Lennan or Paul McCartney so a bit more education might have got him a decent job. What an owner-operator.

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This coming from an over educated entertainer!!! My sides are aching!!!

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I turn off Tim Minchin immediately the profanity comes pouring out of his mouth, which it always does! A great person I really admire, once told me that if you have to turn to swearing & foul language to express yourself then you are not very well -educated & don't know how to use the English language properly.

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Nov 28, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

Well so Tim found his moral compass did he? Hmmm I think it’s still broken….

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Nov 28, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

Reading the Bible in public is “no longer appropriate in modern society,” says Englands Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). “Whether a statement of Christian belief or not, the Court is being asked to consider whether the language has the potential to cause harassment, alarm or distress,” lawyers for CPS claimed.

“There are references in the bible which are simply no longer appropriate in modern society and which would be deemed offensive if stated in public,”according to the prosecution lawyers.

The comments were a prelude to a case brought against a street preacher who quoted from 1 Cor. 6:9 . The case was dismissed when the two witnesses for the prosecution failed to show up to give evidence against the accused.

Given the government now deems certain biblical passages as illegal hate speech, where does King Charles stand as defender of the faith(s).?

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If King Charles stands as defender of the 'faiths' (opposed to defender of the faith, as his mother was), he may as well stand as defender of no faith at all. This is because it is impossible to defend one faith while defending another faith which is in contradiction to the first.

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Which leaves him in a kind of a dilemma because all 3 Abrahamic faiths have the same attitude towards certain behaviour- one punishes by death.

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Poor deluded man. All I can think of is, if the cap fits, wear it. He seems to be wearing the dunce’s cap

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Thanks once more for this useful background.

Since I think I am by nature a forgiving and trusting person it is very useful to have this background because I have always been a swinging voter and always want to talk with people rather than shout at or prematurely judge them.

So if someone says to me there is nothing to be gained by bad mouthing I accept that that is what they mean. If this is really just another way of getting me to put forward my views so that they can be misquoted, vilified, publicized and used as proof of how misguided I am then I suspect that talking to this man would be a waste of time?

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