What make democracies inherently good when they can so easily be manipulated. I see a bigger threat from the Masons, the Club of Rome and Communists.

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Bit of an oxymoron devout followed by pro choice!

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Devout - what next?!

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I was actually struck by “people.”

Not women.

Not babies.


But men are not allowed to have an opinion, since it relates to women’s “reproductive right”.

And (unborn) babies are not considered to have an opinion. Because... well....

But we don’t want to offend pregnant men, you know... that ones that cannot get testicular cancer.

So it’s people... just don’t call them women.

Didn’t we used to refer to issues like this as an “article of faith”. It’s a dogma, that’s for sure.

When 96% of biologists agree that life begins at conception (Dr Steve Jacobs) then you know that people calling babies “a clump of cells... not a human” they are ignoring the science.

Religious zealots... devout at that...

Or Babies.

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That last Or babies was an editing error...🤦‍♂️

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A 12 week ban on abortion is something that we should be discussing here in Australia. Currently in my home state of Victoria it is legal for any reason up to 24 weeks and up to full term with the sign off from 2 medical practitioners.

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Yeah, I guess it's a start. Although I would much prefer to discuss a 40-week ban actually.

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Just a 12 week ban on abortion? What about a permanent ban? Abortion legal up to 24 weeks? But a new human being starts at conception! The blood of the murdered unborn will testify against our nation and will be avenged !

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James, great post. I have two reflections: a. the use of the word 'stunning'. Its very telling that the commentary is knocked-out by one of their own changing their mind. b. the idea that a topic such as this would never be a 'conscience vote'. What has happened to conscience votes, they used to be quiet normal for such topics I haven't heard of parliamentarians being asked use their conscience in years!

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Again, words that used to be indicating a depth of faith are hijacked and twisted, James. Devout atheists? Good is bad? How many hijacked words and symbols are absorbed by these polluted minds. A rainbow of hope and promise, twisted to represent delusion and deception that leads to death. Words like gay used to mean happy but are now twisted to fit a lifestyle that tends to have more violence, sadness and disease/death. Inclusion now means separation where people are cancelled? It is a sad sign of our time.

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We've had dyed-in-the-wool unionists, one-eyed-labor-voters, life-long-conservatives. But a devout democrat?????????

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Devotion commonly used as a religious term relating to an act of worship...I guess they are attributing being pro-life as an act of worship...well they could be right but it’s also scientific and logical...why would reproduction be such a huge part of humans and how we live life if all we do is kill the infant at the moment of conception... yes following God gives you an absolute regard for life but so should science and humanism without a regard for life all we have is absolute determination for the acceptance of death all we have is a human form of ourself which is truly abominable and repugnant...if we stop fighting for life what have we truly become? ....hedonistic vile trash...

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Is it the word “unstoppable” that stood out to you James? It did me!

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Devout "devoted to divine worship or service; pious; religious" says it all.

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Devout seems to be totally out of place for a pro-choice godless politician.

Do they believe he is now a Theist?

Perhaps he has seen enough death and destruction from the Plandemic bioweapons and now has a conscience after many of his close friends and supporters have been injured and died from them.

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Devout stood out for me too.

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Yes, see Alex Lloyd's explanation. I couldn't have put it better.

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