Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson spent $30 000- on a hair trim and make-up? That must have been $30,- and a $29970,- tip to support small business.

I spend my pension money to keep myself afloat - not one cent to support the economy. Oh no! How un-Australian could I get!

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Jun 15·edited Jun 15

I fear you are correct Janes, that the man responsible for having graffitied the Australian War Memorial, will not be caught. Sadly the channel nine news reported on Friday night how some one had also graffitied other war memorials down Anzac Parade in Canberra over the last two weeks and those graffitests were reportedly still at large. It’s disgusting. There should be swift punishment for such detestable vandalism and breaking of the solemn oath of all Australians to Remember Them. There should be immediate gaol time for those found guilty of this crime with minimum sentence of two years in gaol and a $50,000 fine. If the culprit be a non Australian citizen they should be immediately deported and banned from ever returning to Australia. We need solid punishment so these cowardly graffiti criminals know that this is not an acceptable form of protest.

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Will they kick over the grave stones on military cemeteries next? Strip these mongrels of their citizenship and fob them off to North Korea.

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The rapid rise of all this madness & insanity we are witnessing is a global rise of demonic-possessed reprobates, & it's only the tip of the iceberg! As Christians we have the blessed hope knowing that the Lord Saviour Jesus Christ will return soon to deliver His faithful Christian Church from this global madness & insanity!

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Magnificent stuff James. Jeez, we are bloody slow learners here in the (un)lucky country. Trying to fathom why we are tapped into the failed policies of Europe and the UK, and the almost failed policies of the USA. But, I'll give Europe a bit of kudos as it seems some parts have had the scales on their eyes partly lifted, and are easing away from the Left. Not here though - full bore into the abyss, with Hamas lovers and Trade Unions (but I repeat myself) on the controls.

I have a question for you - we are experiencing humungous levels of Migration, and have run out of places to reasonably live as a consequence, any idea where they are coming from? Heaps of Hamas supporters now in with no notable vetting, and I am somewhat nervous to hear the answer.

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I am prepared to bet that there are no white English speaking Christians and among them , White South Africans (between 400 and 500000) are living in squatter camps after being booted and shot off their farms and homes by their new "masters"(black ) These people fit seemlessly into our society and are happy to be here,unlike some ungrateful bastards,who want us to fit in with their heathen bullshit faith.

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We are inviting Trojan horses in massive numbers. Canberra is running wild with its immigration policy. Our 'leaders' must be drunk, drugged or stark-raving mad!

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Do you think that worship of the confused has replaced our worship of sport? And we have always had great reverence for our returned service men except for the ones from Vietnam - thankfully that has been fixed.

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The preferred pronouns nonsense is certainly a signal of the utter stupidity of our times. Young people in government departments (proudly) and earnestly cite their preferred pronouns. I hope they eventually acquire the wisdom needed to put it all behind them.

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I am 'proudly' a he/him/his.

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Thank you once again James for your Saturday Sanity Check.

Enjoy your greatest joy in life & let’s all have a fabulous weekend.

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It all boils down to the heart of the problem, is the problem of the heart

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The desecration of the War Memorial is an outrage. But I kid out little hope that the traitorous villains who desecrated it will be punished in any meaningful way. The stocks and whipping are too good. Failing that a public apology, having to clean it all off and then jail for the next 10 years.

We have eternity in our hearts and we do need that relationship in whose image we are created so of course the vacuum will be filled. The Trouble is poor education and a lack of knowledge about literature, the arts and history and religion mean the vacuum is filled by these tin pot gods and causes.

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These vandals have not just defiled the war memorial - they have defiled the very ground they are standing on.

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Correct me if I am wrong but didnt the court sentence a group of "men "(of middle eastern appearance ")the choice of gaol or to walk the Kokoda Track a couple of years back for stealing and burning our Australian flag from a SW Sydney RSL Club . In the case of the desecration of the War Memorial make the bastards go to France and count the war graves there.I would take a while as there are over sixty thousand of them and that is only our own Australian war dead . And then deport them back to their middle eastern sewer.

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The War Memorial. Tolerating anti social behaviour under the guise of freedom of expression and right to protest has given way to this disgusting result. Whats just as bad is that the acting chief of the ACT police has called it " very disappointing" and the head of the war memorial is "saddened"

Others have couched their dismay with of course the right to protest.

Many US agencies as well as many of ours are going full woke nonsense and of course there will be a huge price to pay ( mainly by our children's generation ) for allowing this nonsensical rubbish to continue largely unchallenged

The idiots chanting for Hamas, another price for stupidity where the piper will have to be paid. Hamas is ultra orthodox moslem cult .. these uncovered scantily clad females ( bare arms, legs and uncovered hair,, constitutes scantily in their minds ) and students who like a beer or two, the odd joint and snort coke every now and then,,, won't last 10 minutes living under the tyrannical regime they are supporting. Oh and the gay, and LGBQI+++ , how positivley stupid can people be ? Freemasons and Rotary and similar are also seen as enemies. Its in their constitution Article 17. Feminists will be delighted with article 18... essentialy a womans place is in the home rearing children etc.

You're right James about replacing God with Marxism. Marx was a perpetual failure at every thing he touched. Its only because Engels who came from a wealthy family supported him financially that he didn't starve. he spent most of the money on cigars and in fact 3 of his 9 children did die of starvation .This is the role model of a new generation of losers

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Karl & Friedrich have become the bane of our times.

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Worse for the people who had to live under their tyranny. I was in East Germany in 1976, including East Berlin " the Paris" of the Communist world .. crikey all those clamouring for a life under socialism should go and spend 12 months in similar conditions.

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Karl's Dialectic Marxism is not the result of his Jewishness, but the result of his (and Friedrich's) sincere notion of a better socio/economic system for the "broad" masses.

I spent three days in Berlin, one day in East Berlin in the summer of 1976. I grew up there until 1959 when I ".... succumbed to the empty promises of the Bonner Ultras"* and defected to the West.

* SED - Communist Party jargon for "Republikflucht" - fled the republic, the GDR.

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Ironically both Marx and Engels were Jewish as were Lenin and Stalin's brothers in law.

When I commented on the left Jewish teaching of the last 150 years all across the Christian West that is now bearing fruit so that no one, and certainly not Jews are safe any longer in the west, to a jewish journalist from the Guardian newspaper she got very insulting. But that is the situation.

Left, woke, anti Christian teaching that dominates our universities and institutions is now showing its fruit. Australian Jews who have lived here safely for 240 years, contributed greatly to our country and prospered, a few becoming vastly rich will eventually all have to leave Aust for their own safety.

Bronwyn Bishops comment on TV the other night about the nearly half a billion dollars donated to remove the liberal party from govt at the last federal election to put in teals was very interesting. The teals are empty headed, ignorant, woke women with no knowledge of history or the facts who are greens or socialists. Apparently the Jewish donor will not be giving them a cent this election. Their pro hamas, anti Jewish ideas apparently have up set their sponsor.

Too late! Remove a right, slightly pro Christian govt with a Christian PM to install the left in the Lodge and then be surprised the new govt hates you. Well done Mr Holmes a Court!

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Many of the early movers and shakers of communism including Leon Trotsky ( born Lev Bronstein ) recognised as the founder, but more the organiser as a fighting force of the Red Army were Jewish .Communism was initially seen as the why out of the tyranny under which the Jews lived in Czarist Russia. Once the likes of Stalin and the NKVD got into stride, almost all the early Jewish true believers were killed off

A lot of Jews in the west favoured the leftist parties as the conservatives were seen as the parties of the elites who didn;t like Jews ( eg Melbourne Club, RoyalSydney Golf Club etc , certain stockbroking firms of old, there is a long list ) and as a rule Jews were more accepted by the left side of politics in the US , and Australia.

Australia has been a wonderful country and given refuge to millions including my immediate family. My wife's family goes back to the 1870;s and 1910 on each parents side and until my wife married me, all her family. were staunch ALP voters. Some have said they will never vote ALP again.

I believe there will be another mass migration of Jews away from Western Europe and within parts of the US and Canada. Some people who are like me the children of holocaust survivors think that our children might not end up living here. Two of my grandchildren have 3 ancestors who arrived in chains.

Re the Teals, big bucks from Holmes a Court and others pushed a group of wealthy lefties into seats, especially those seats populated with wealthy, elites, who were conned into thinking that the teals would hold the balance of power in the house of reps and they would dictate policy on fossil fuels and climate change, to the government and Australia would save the planet. ,In fact it didn't work out that way and we have a bunch of lefties with no policies apart from no fossil fuels sitting around collecting sinecures till hopefully they get kicked out at the next election

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Sadly the Jews who refuse to accept Jesus as the promised Messiah are Jews who invent other forms of the perfect society. These of course are just plain evil and cause incredible suffering. Totally ungodly. Had Marx, Engels and Trotsky accepted Jesus as Messiah and Saviour, they wouldn’t be trying to create a human political physical alternative.

So from the Jewish race we have Jesus our Saviour as well as satan’s spawn, Marxism/socialism. That’s no accident. satan counterfeits everything God does as it doesn’t have an original bone in its ‘body’.

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A few Jewish convicts arrived here with the first fleet, 1788.

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Yes, here from 20th Jan 1788. The Hobart Synagogue still has the seats reserved for convict worshippers. The first of my daughter in laws convict ancestors ( hence 2 of my grandchildren's ) arrived 1835

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David, I am the son of a German air force officer, KIA 1944 on the Russian front. As of June 1994 I have been a member of the Sydney Jewish Museum & Holocaust Memorial as a gesture before God, the God of Israel. I intend to keep that up until the day I die.

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Axel I read your post re growing up in East Berlin, so you know the joys of living under Communism first hand

I am grateful for your membership of the Sydney Jewish Museum and Holocaust Memorial, it is a most significant gesture of yours and I appreciate and thank you for this

I am cognisant of the fact that many who served in the German Armed forces were not Nazis, My own mothers life in Poland in 1942, was saved by a German soldier who covered up evidence that would have had her and 2 of her sisters in law shot on the spot. There are plenty of similar stories that can be told.

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This is a very sad time for Western democracy. I feel that the narcissistic views of our younger generations, brought about by wealthy & good times since WW2 is at the base of bringing down our civilisation. Basic needs are extremely well catered for, so they can turn their minds to re- thinking everything we stand for. I don't wish hard times but that may be what it will take to wake us all up..

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The present government guarantees that the difficult times are coming in fact here for many people. The UK is full of beggars, boarded up shops and charity shops on the high street. It is coming here.

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It is incompetent, even perverted rulers who run our nations into the ground.

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This is quite a thought provoking Saturday Sanity Check. It is so true that the void created by the removal of Christianity has made room for the opportunistic Satan to step in. It's nice to see some are waking up to what the absence of Christianity looks like.

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I agree, Janelle, but do these people who are waking up really understand Christianity? Most people living now are so lost and confused. It’s a spiritual minefield for them as they have not recognised that the evil all around us isn’t human, it’s spiritual. They don’t know that this world is the platform on which we all ‘choose this day whom you will serve’. As CS Lewis said, every person you meet is an eternal soul for eternity with God or eternity in hell without God.

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