I lived within about 50k's of a working reactor for about twenty years.

As far as I know, I don't glow in the dark


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Without searching Google, and of cause being directed by algorithms, I don't know of any country in the world which has 'Simpsonism phobia' except Australia!

There are some countries still having hot spots from nuclear type weapons, but not three-eyed-anythings.

Agent Orange of the Vietnam era, was a chemical of dubious origins which has shown DNA distortions in some unfortunates in Vietnam. But that is not of 'Nuclear power' to my knowledge.

The sooner we have sensible and informative debate over this issue, and cut to the chase, the better, or we'll end up in an ice age catastrophe of Labor/Greens and the Unions making.

I do remember the anti-nuclear demonstrations of the 50-60's era, and wonder where we would be now if not frightened by the Cold War propaganda directed at us by Communists of that period in our history.

At this rate, I'll be pushing up daisies long before any nuclear plant is started.

At least I won't be accompanied on that journey by any three eyed earth worms!

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Red ‘Like’ button still won’t work but I loved all your comments.

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Jun 22·edited Jun 22

These people are seriously quite the mental midgets. But what would you expect from people who are convinced that rising sea levels would have had all the Pacific Islands and most of Florida submerged already and that men can literally become women and give birth. I'm not sure anyone with these points of view can be taken seriously about anything.

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If you believe the lie that carbon in the air is bad because it causes the world to boil then you will easily believe nuclear is also bad.

Solar and wind only work less 25% of the year. This means we need to build at least 4 times more solar and wind than we need to charge big batteries to provide power all day every day. We then need 28,000km of power lines to link solar factories and wind towers to the consumers. All the above costs lots of money and is not free.

As well we need a complete oil, gas, coal, nuclear, hydro system to supply power all year. Ie we will pay for 2 complete systems rather than the 1 system that currently works and was giving us some of the cheapest electricity in the world.

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Jun 21Liked by James Macpherson

So good, James. The poisons and damage to the environment that wind monstrosities and solar sterilisers are far worse than modern small nuclear reactors. The subs and Lucas Heights are testament to that.

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Jun 21Liked by James Macpherson

Fantastic article James, can’t stop laughing 🤣🤣

Labor is pathetic!

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What they fail to provide in policy they more than compensate for in entertainment

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Jun 21Liked by James Macpherson

Ha ha James. You’re so good at this!

Do any of these idiots realise there’s a little nuclear reactor at Lucas Heights that has been there for over 60yrs???

Have any of these morons or their families ever had radiotherapy from the nuclear reactor at Lucas Heights????? Where do they think they get their materials from and what could they possibly be doing with the waste 🤔🤔🤔

I seriously can’t understand how their thinking is so far from the reality of our ‘modern society’?

Yes, we’re an island!

Yes we’re down under below everyone else but seriously??? We’re not that close to Antarctica that our brains have frozen 🥶 but it feels like it.

Come Lord Jesus!!!

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With all the nuclear exposure I've had in my lifetime, last time I looked in the mirror I'm still as my Maker designed me. 1 large nose, 1 talkative mouth, 2 flappy ears, 4 eyes (when I wear my glasses)! Nothing out of the ordinary here.

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Jun 21Liked by James Macpherson

Anyway, give me a three-eyed koala over a two-faced Prime Minister anyday 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Top shelf James Macpherson there 👌👌👌

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Jun 22·edited Jun 22

This was my favourite line too

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The jokes write themselves with this government

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Jun 21Liked by James Macpherson

However, the sad part is there ARE people who will believe them!

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As Andrew Lawson said in the comments, if people are silly enough to believe C02 is a pollutant, they'll believe a nuclear reactor will result in three eyed fish in Lake Macquarie!

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21Liked by James Macpherson

How could anyone say this better than you James? They are as full of superstition as the Salem witch trials! Idiots, for sure

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I sometimes wonder if it was the reason I was put on earth Dianne

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You have an incredible mind James. God uses you in amazing ways to bring out truth. I for one, amd glad He put you on this earth. I always loved your preaching and now I love your writings.

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I agree Dianne, my life is certainly better for having met James and being able to read (and watch) his sharp wit and hear common sense and wisdom, and join conversation with all you lovely people here.

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Jun 21Liked by James Macpherson

The fear of losing the election is strong in those idiots.

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Jun 22·edited Jun 22

Yes, so much so that they allow themselves to look like complete morons with their fear mongering and lying tongues, in their pursuit to deceive the simple-minded, just to gain more votes!!

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Jun 21Liked by James Macpherson

This idiocy is backfiring. Polls looking very supportive of nuclear power across all ages.

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Yep. They have reacted too wildly, and I think they are starting to realise that

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Pun intended?

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A little reaction would do them good!

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They are two-faced, double tongued snakes!!

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Just like their upset on the Voice?

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Jun 21Liked by James Macpherson

James the sad truth is that there are people out there who will fall for this nonsensical rubbish

We all know that Bowen is a dill but Andrew Leigh is allegedly one of the brighter ALP parliamentarians

It seems that the parliamentary ALP members are learning about nuclear energy by watching The Simpsons reruns

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I cannot imagine a more mediocre group of people running a country. It's like the sourced an idiot from every village in the nation and combined them all to form a cabinet

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I think our country would do better to have an eighteen-eyed dog as PM than another term of Albanese.

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OH James with that observation, what hope for us in future elections?

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Jun 21Liked by James Macpherson

Hilarious, James, am absolute classic! 🤣

I’m - almost - speechless! The mentality of these people just beggars belief! These are the ‘adults’ in power in 2024!?!

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I would rather have that eighteen-eyed dog on the pier as PM than another term of this woeful Albanese Government!!

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Or a multi-tailed donkey.

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Yes, I would also rather the ass that has multiple tails than the ass that has 'hole' at the tail end of his name!

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Good one! 😋🐴👍

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They’re behaving like I’ll-mannered spoiled brats in the checkout line. I doubt there’s an adult amongst them.

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Yes, it really is incredible that these people think this is adult behaviour. And they are supposed to be leading our country?! Quite terrifying!

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