Well said. In NZ we have a PM who was feted internationally for donning a tea towel after a maniac killed mosque goers in Christchurch then we were all meant to chant "you are us". Pretty much contemporaneously 250 christians were blown up in a church in Sri Lanka. Nothing followed. Then we had a known nut case towel head who had been looked after in an Auckland mosque stab people in a supermarket. Still nothing much. Then our Govt gave the Taliban $3m of money they did not have as "they seem to be nice boys". Israel hasn't got a show with this nonsense going on.

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As someone who stands with and prays for Israel, thank you for highlighting these murders that go unnoticed in most of the media - apart from Times of Israel. Thanks for all your posts, keep it up, we need to be informed re the absurdity of this woke (Wilfully Overlooking Known Evil) society.

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