Very brave, James but you forgot to mention it's not only less calories rqd that NASA was also paying 28% less 🤪

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Very good!

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Too good!

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I’d like to volunteer….some women.

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Would someone please arrange for Lydia Thorpe to be included on this all-female space mission? Only, make sure hers is a one-way ticket. Then the rest of us can get on with our lives without being harassed, while she spends the rest of her days reckoning with the local Martians for invading and stealing their land.

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Great laugh. Hope your wife didn't read this one, James

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Ahh James, your humour is surely rubbing off on your readers! This is pure gold - can’t stop laughing.

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I couldnt help myself so did a little "fact checking" regard the comment "rampant sexism” had stop females (real females that is) from being astronauts. It appear the first woman in space was in 1963 and there have been many since. The first British astronaut was yes you guessed it a woman. Google "Women Astronauts and the International Space Station". Some useful info.

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The transgender movement are currently protesting outside NASA,stay tuned, more to come.

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Damn HILARIOUS James love it. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

But it did leave me wondering what colour the space craft would be?

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According to my expert calculations, a one-woman-crewed rocket to Venus could carry even more make up, nail polish, nose powder and many lavish evening gowns as presents for the goddess residing on her personal planet.

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Yes please Ruth, with you..100%..


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Musk tried to send a rocket into space and said it hit the firmament.

He wanted to go to mars, but now says it is impossible as the firmament stops us from leaving the earth's atmosphere.

I guess that means he does not believe we landed on the moon. He joked about their CGI use and how bad it was in their fake moon landing video.

If the women knew this would they still want to crash into the firmament?

I thought the problem was they needed to pass a very hard physical before you could qualify and most men can't do it, so I suspect the strongest of women may find it too hard, unless they have a penis.

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Truly bizarre how competence is now based on your sex or your race or how you identify. What every happened to choosing the best in the Aerospace fields to go to Mars...now that’s a revolutionary thought, why do we have to do the identity junket we’re diversity, equity and inclusivity Trumps competence...If our scientists are thinking about this rubbish we will never get to Mars...let alone launching a rocket that takes us to the Moon....without true scientific thought based on cold hard facts...Science will die and in its place will be the cult of identity...a religious system which falls over itself to agree with the mantra of the day...and that’s we’re science is bought out by those who control the research and funding strings...women won’t be going to Mars if we continue this man becomes woman rubbish we will soon have a failure to find true women on Earth...

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Top marks James, you have outdone yourself with this one. Great way to start the day.

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May 4, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

Love your last line James. Brilliant.

Hope I live that long to find out.

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