Substitute openly Jewish for openly police as wearing a police uniform could be construed as provocative.Please Mr officer your uniform and equipment hanging off your belt makes me anxious would you mind moving on.

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STAND UP AUSTRALIA.....first cab off the rank is to get rid of that grinning idiot unionist running Qld.....then the Albanese government. They've all been at the trough for too long.

Britain is gone!! Wonder what would happen if all the Christians decided to have church services in the street...

As far as I'm concerned that's just INTIMIDATION by the Muslim community....all men taking over streets...if the police can't handle it..the military should be brought in...TURNING THE OTHER CHEEK IS NOT WORKING.

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It should be as plain as the nose on a Roman soldiers face, that England in particular, but UK as well, have been sold to Islam without the people seeing the For Sale signs! Ever since I saw Islamic prayers sung in Bristol Cathedral, thousands of muslims taking over parks and roadways, including outside Parliament House, to prostrate in prayer, my heart took a flip. I'm not sure but I know that to divorce a woman only requires the husband to repeat, I divorce thee, 3 times and that marriage is annulled. A convert only has to repeat his acceptance to the Islamic way by parroting a few words, and he's in! So what if Islam preached that they only have to front up and sing in Arabic, in a Christian church, a prayer to Muhammad and call a prayer meeting outside in the streets and they recognise they are taking over your city!

They are being represented in Local, State and Federal Government positions, and their dedication to ensuring that Islam is in control and before you know it, Sharia Law is upon us.

The Peaceful Religion is insidiously permeating our culture, which the Left has emasculated, and we are still going to the races, football and beaches where we put our heads in the sand and pretend nothing is happening around us. The long gone ANZAC's are being forgotten as Colonial power brokers.

In the words of a former PM. We may well say, God save the King, but who will save the country?

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I noticed when the Assyrians were offended the Imams were very defensive and talked about, living together in peace and all that good stuff, respecting other religions and we love Australia stuff . When its the Jews then its the sons of pigs and apes rhetoric. Could it be that Assyrian gangs can crack heads and break bones and Jewish gangs... well there aren't any Jewish gangs.

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These reports are making it more clear what life in Europe was like for the Jews before the Second World War. Like this and worse. Where are we headed?

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So now you arrest someone who might possibly antagonize someone else? How is that even possible in the UK. They have sunk so low in their search for freedom

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First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

—Martin Niemöller

This quote is attributed to the prominent German pastor Martin Niemöller. It is sometimes mistakenly referred to as a poem.

After World War II, Niemöller openly spoke about his own early complicity in Nazism and his eventual change of heart. His powerful words about guilt and responsibility still resonate today.

"Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;" - Titus 2:13 (KJV)

"But after that the kindness and love of God our Saviour toward man appeared, Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost; Which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour; That being justified by his grace, we should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life." - Titus 3:4-7 (KJV)

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Apr 20Liked by James Macpherson

Thanks again for exposing this.

Although this situation is abhorrent it’s relieving to see this malicious conduct is not coming from our general society but rather seemingly only from the violent pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel/Jew, radical Muslim mob who seem to be anti-everything; anti-UK; anti-Aus; anti-USA; anti-democracy; anti-womens right; anti-LGBQTI++ rights.

Stand up against them & you’re accused of Islamophobia.

These demonstrations aren’t peaceful, not designed to peaceful, they are designed to be intimidating & violent. Perhaps Met Police aren’t the right authority to be put in place when these mobs gather; more appropriate that riot-police be there & at the 1st inkling of the threat of violence or aggression the mob should be dispersed with the force necessary to do so.

The radical Islamist mobs are the ones who have a law to themselves. I don’t know why? They don’t represent the majority in fact they are a threat to the majority & to all the values our democratic society offers us (& them!). Try forming a similar anti-Islamic Regime march in Iran & see how many stay alive.

We need strong leadership which is AWOL in most democratic countries, including ours.

#releasethehostages. Remember them??

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Perhaps if we all wear kippahs like the others wear keffiyehs, the atmosphere might change? If there were too many of us doing that, the police might leave well alone??

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Apr 20Liked by James Macpherson

This is exactly the same as the October 9th reaction from police here in Sydney who are still pandering to the Muslim/Left Wing mob.

Remember the Jewish man who was arrested for carrying a rolled up Israeli flag?

Remember how Jews were told to stay away from the Opera House when it was lit up?

Remember how NOTHING was done to arrest or prosecute any of those vile pro Palestine protesters for their revolting behaviour at the Opera House and how the subsequent enquiry was completely whitewashed and no one arrested.

Can guarantee that many were the same (protestors) rioters at the Church of the Good Shepherd last Monday night.

How many have been arrested? 2-3?

Just like the Middle Eastern criminal gangs that the Police are powerless against.

This is what Australia has also come to thanks to weak, ineffective, incompetent government. Time for some tough action.

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Apr 20Liked by James Macpherson

Hard to believe this could possibly happen, but it has.

The medieval hate ideology adherents are protected by police. Peace loving Jewish people going about their lives are seen to be the ‘antagonist.’

Australia is fast going down this destructive road.

Firstly, by bringing in too many who are not here to assimilate but to change our culture and impose theirs on us.

They live in certain areas to concentrate the Labor vote.

Our police are either highly politicised or fearful of arrests and intervention of the hate filled protest mobs. This first disgraceful incident at the Opera House where the police stood and watched, fuelled the beginning of anti-semitism. Just appalling.

Mosques preachers inciting Jewish hatred - free to spew forth these messages.

This mantra from 2010 states:

“First we come for the Saturday people, then the Sunday people”.

I say - Come Lord Jesus come!!

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Apr 20Liked by James Macpherson

Unbelievable! Soon the Jews in England will be rounded up and put in ghettos - for their own good, of course. HIstory does repeat itself, we are seeing that. The heart of man is being exposed around the world and it would appear that Jews are the catalyst which makes sense actually.

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Apr 20Liked by James Macpherson

Coming to a city near you, if not already there.

It shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone that what Muslims have been saying openly for a very long time, that Islam will take over the world.

Too late for the UK and maybe too late for us unless our dopey politicians get their act together and enforce, or create new laws, which apply to all Australians.

It always was folly to import large numbers of Muslims who were supposedly escaping the problems of their own countries only to have them bring the problems with them and create problems for us.

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Apr 20Liked by James Macpherson

Disgraceful. What people don’t realise is that first the Jew, then everyone else the police don’t like. It’s only a matter of time. Actually it’s way too close to a Monty Python sketch. 🤦🏻‍♀️

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Apr 20Liked by James Macpherson

Man oh man, this is how far we’ve fallen. Thanks for shining a torchlight on the absolutely atrocious state of affairs in the Western ‘police forces’ who for years now have been infected with some sort of ‘peace-and-public-order-at-all-costs’ cowardice cancer that they end up protecting the bullies and thugs rather than risk a fracas arresting them. You just shake your head alright.

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