Here in sub-tropical SE Qld, we’ve had a coolish winter, and now, with only a month from Christmas I still have had to wear a jacket at night.

If it’s going to be hot, it’s going to be a very short hot!!!

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East Anglia! Isn't that the same place that Michael TheHockeyStickScamMan Mann is from? I mean, if you are going to scam us you really need to secure the emails outlining it to your across the Atlantic mates, hey?

Sadly the leaked emails prove that he is a fraud but they make for some interesting reading!

Poor old Mikey lost his defamation suit with Tim Ball because he was unwilling to prove to the court he hadn't made stuff up.

Mind you he is still classed as oneof the top climate scientists. Go figure!

No wonder they think cooling is warming. Half way into the next ice age they will still have Greta demanding we stop using fossil fuels to save the planet from global warming.

Of course, once it gets too cold they will decide that global cooling is caused by co2.

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Well said James. Sensible people , no matter where they live would now be buying up warm clothing and bedding, especially with possible electricity issues in the future.

I wonder if anyone other than Bill Gates still thinks it’s a good idea to spray things into the atmosphere to reduce the sun’s impact?

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I have read 1984, but I don't remember that worming is cooling part.

Where do you get these crazy news articles?

They used to call this snow at the global warming conferences the Al Gore effect.

I would say God is making a point about Him being in control of the weather.

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Is it possible to rearrange Australia PERHAPS the kindest thing we could do is, repatriate all climate change alarmists to Dan &

Tassie. All living a happy life together.Away from we mean guys who doubt.them..That

would wonderful , WE could get on with REAL life matters without interference .

Just imagine life without ALBO, laborites .TIFFANY TEALS. ACTIVISTS,


WE would let play with windmills etc.

Send them fresh milk etc.we keep the farting cattle.

Coal fired electricity.What a wonderful world for both parties. 🤔🤔

IF ONLY 🙏🙏🙏👌

IDEAL 👏👏👏👍👍

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Nov 4, 2022

Can you please send to albo.....thanks... Kevin

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And still ... The One enthroned in heaven laughs ... (Psalm 2:4-6). Thanks James for another informative spiel of 'scientific evidence". Have a great weekend!

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Anybody who is using the forecasting of climate to formulate any definite climate causation is akin to a false prophet or fortune teller who makes wild assertions and speculations based upon a random string of correlations which do not lead to any cause and effect relationships. Any student of climate knows that there are 1000’s of variables which make it impossible to determine what is causing the climate to change. Then to speculate that one variable the amount of CO2 determines all climate change is akin to following a cult-like religion. We’re an uncertain factor is claimed as a truth by all. How can one of the variables control all the climate change leading to more droughts or more flood or more cyclones what disaster happens which can be exploited to drive the absolute fear and alarmist rhetoric. If your 100% certain on what science discovers in experiments you are no longer following science at all but only a cult-like ideology., Many have self-interest when promoting renewables and electric cars and battery production and rare earth metal mining which supports these industries. What used to be a honourable notion of the environmental cause which was reducing air pollution has become a pathway to gain a massive windfall by resetting the energy market. Can you image the gains that could be made if we all bought solar panels and batteries and electric cars. If reducing CO2,is their goal why has nuclear not entered the conversation why?? Australia has nuclear supplies just like coal and this would make us energy independent and would crash their climate change model for mass dependence on their renewables...while the climate keeps doing what it has done! We must remain energy independent on what Australia produces itself....

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In response to Senator Malcolm Roberts in a Senate Estimate Committee hearing, when asked to factually prove that global warming was real form the data, the head of the CSIRO made a startling admission- something we already know. Dr Mayfield: “We know what we believe in. We know what we understand through the scientific methods.”

So there it is in black and white and in Hansard- the head of our peak scientific body admitting that the science of global warming is a belief system.

God has a sense of humour. On the very day we had wall to wall news coverage of the The Climate of the Nation report which shows Australians' attitudes towards climate change are shifting as they experiences the effects first-hand, Toowoomba experienced its coldest November day in 50 years and much of SEQ had is coldest November day in 10 years.

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These people who make these educated? statements haven’t observed the time honoured saying

“better just to sit there and look stupid than to open one’s mouth and confirm it”

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Love your take on global warming. So entertaining 😂🤣

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I feel like I live in Topsy Turvey land. Stories we read as children are what scientists believe today!! It is truely bizaarre!

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I loved your article James!

Funny as usual and it reveals the insanity and lies surrounding us.

George Orwell looking down will be laughing himself silly!

We need to start concentrating on and revealing the names of the grubs making their billions out of this at our expense otherwise they will just ride off into the sunset unscathed.

We also need to especially laugh and humiliate those that fell for this scam because without them all of this wouldn’t and couldn’t be taking place.

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Thanks James. I’m glad you showed the actual quotes from the so called ‘Experts’. They’re so full of it!

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The climate change thing is all mad and it is because man thinks he God. And God just laughs.

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Ha ha ha!! I read the headline and knew it was your article James Mac!!

Great piece!

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Thanks Heather. Enjoy your weekend.

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