Hear hear! Right on the money.

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When Bibi Netanyahu retires from politics can we invite him to lead Australia?

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Thanks, James. So informative. I didn’t know that about the mossad agents. Not surprised. I well remember Bibi proudly showing the world Israel @had the goods!”

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This is an innovative and interesting format to discuss issues of the day. I am most impressed. Thank you.

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Great call-outs in your If/Then piece again James. Keep them coming to keep ‘em honest!!

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If instead of constantly but- ing Israel Peregrine Penny had said” we unreservedly support Israel’s right to defend herself and unreservedly condemn the Hamas supporters and pro pally weekly marchers and hate spewing imams..” but I must be dreaming

Brave James.

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In Israel's northern section, dozens of cement trucks are pouring concrete into tunnels and shafts dug by Hezbollah and aimed at sites crossing from Lebanon into Israel.

The Israeli's have hardened their border and come up with a concrete plan to cement relations with their enemy. Shares in the stock market have also firmed as the IDF have rio-enforced all Border Crossings. Hezbollah, however, have remained set in their way.

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🤣 very clever. I read out to hubby who’s cracking up beside me. 👍

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Very droll!

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Oct 2Liked by James Macpherson

If we all read what you write (and it is right), then we all would be the better informed. Excellent James

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Oct 2Liked by James Macpherson

Excellent James. A Mossad movie about the pagers 📟 - I’d like to see that!

I’ve read a mossad spy novel by Amir Tsarfati. It’s excellent. This scenario has the potential for a great book and ongoing series.

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Karen, Joel C Rosenberg also writes great books, almost prophetic at times. He’s a journalist in Israel.

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Thanks. Yes I was told about him recently. I’ll be on the lookout.

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Oh wow! The Mossad are brilliant with nerves of steel! Bring on the mini-series!

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Bugger the TV. ,get ASIO to give them a job.

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Oct 2Liked by James Macpherson

You’ve done it again James - all examples given are right on the money! Brilliant and succinct thoughts from a fearless Journalist - well done! ….and thank you for keeping up your wonderful articles - I look forward to them each day.

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Well said and Amen to that!

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