Whats wrong with making him a Dr??

That stupid blond school drop out Greta T, who is always on about climate change was recently given a Dr of Divinity by the University in Finland.

2 nurses yesterday told me the Albanese Govt will keep their election promise to put a nurse in all old peoples nursing homes by creating more nurses. How will they do this when there is already a shortage of nurses for hospitals? Easy. All lowly trained enrolled nurses can do a simple online course rather than a Uni course and become registered nurses. ie lower the education standard required to be a nurse.

Why not follow the same idea for school teachers to solve the teacher shortage. Anyone who can not read or count but would like to be a school teacher, just does a short online course and gets promoted and employed as a teacher. No uni study or Dip ED required.

While on Doctorates, out ignorant Federal Treasurer is also a Dr. Not earnt on any real subject but on writing about Paul Keating as there PM.

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Well said. I was unaware of the federal treasurer being so intelligent. No wonder our budget , from year to year, is a joke 🤣

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“sound analytical intellect” Wow.

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As Joe died a few years ago in a military hospital, this guy is an actor.

If you think this is Joe Biden then he deserves an Oscar.

The guy who writes his scripts (Obama) may be worthy of one too.

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Agreed. When you look back to his first year in office, he couldn’t even stay awake let alone string an intelligent conversation together!

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Ouch! And very accurate

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We ordinarily receive a doctorate for supervised academic achievement, and usually pay considerably to gain the qualification. Big zero for Joe as far as that goes. Other worthwhile achievements? Well, he’s an aged politician……….

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Such a tragedy the the once most powerful nation is “led” by a complete goose.

If only Thomas Sowell had had an inclination to be the first black POTUS...

Brilliant piece James... 😂😂

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Dr President Biden...Dr of Wokeology with his expertise we would all get a good dose of woke syrup... read off a script ...go to programmed locations and return home and do it again...the master of puppets..cannot think for himself cannot do for himself just walks around agreeing with the script and narrative of the day...,perfect leadership material yes your qualified for president and doctor what ever title you like you can even identify as you please...there is no need for merit or competence it’s the new leader..,which is being copied everywhere....agree and comply do what ever it takes to get the top job...no fight or personal beliefs or independent thinking required!...it’s happening everywhere!

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This is yet just another way for the Democrats to say 'The rules don't apply to us, we are above the rules and we can have anything we want.'

Well, you can't manufacture or steal a brain, Democrats! And it is that, that your president is sorely lacking! Oh dear, what will Biden do from now on without a brain? I guess what he has always done - live at the expense of all those who have worked hard to earn a degree through the use of their brain.

Remember the poor old scarecrow on The Wizard of Oz? Mournfully, he sings "I would not be just a muffin', My head all full of stuffin''... 'If I only had a brain." Oh dear, Biden - just like the scarecrow, if only you had a brain... 😟

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So good James.

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CV still worth ZERO


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May 19, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

Biden to Kamala about his recent PhD: “Its about time,my grand daughter has a PhD in arts, my daughter has two degrees in communication and journalism and my son is a low life, drug taking, crook.”

Kamala: Yeah, you really should kick him out!”

Biden: “Nah… he is the only one who makes any money.”

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May 19, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

'Intellectual acumen of an over-ripe banana peel' haha!

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The craziness of this world is great. It is a wealth of material for you James, which must have you rubbing your hands with glee and your followers doing the same in anticipation of your humorous take on the absurdity of the world around us.

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May 19, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

Only a few short years ago we were the laughing stock of the world (fights over toilet paper in the supermarket) but it seems the US has by far superseded us. They seem to be constantly in the media for all the wrong reasons 🤦🏼‍♀️

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May 19, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

Now Dr Biden, JR. joins the esteemed ranks of doctor- just like that other murdering bumbling despot Field Marshall Doctor Idi Amin CBE (conqueror of the British Empire)

But let’s hope he doesn’t add that other post nominal Amin awarded himself- President for Life. But when it comes to doctorates, I like Victor Borge’s take on the PhD- it’s a phttttt!

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May 19, 2023Liked by James Macpherson


Hunter will get a doctorate for his esteemed contributions to art.

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May 19, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

Just a question why were the academics all black up there with now Dr Joe? Sound analytic intellect is too funny, James. Is is he’s ability to wreck economies?

Or is his ability to embroil us in an un winnable war... ? silly me - that’s what all presidents of the US do except President Trump? Or is his ability to divide his country permanently?

Too ridiculous.

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