The same billionaires who made their wealth off pollution spewing assets are the same ones who stand to gain from their latest hobby investments: renewables.

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You had me at “ Madonna and Dennis Rodman might have produced a child.”

Great read James!

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I see that the Goblin of Communism has resurfaced with a new cause. I suspect that the anxiety being experienced by this young woman has been fed to her by her parents since she was old enough to talk. She has no education beside what has been drilled into her via the climate crazies. I wonder if she has any employable skills or if she can add and subtract, do a family budget and live off a regular wage. I suspect not.

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A most eloquent and hilarious take down in the politest way possible!

Difficult to believe it could have ever made it this far. Psychotherapists specialising in climate anxiety! Is it subsidised?

Peter's mention of the previous (according to real scientists more likely) impending ice age fear mongering is too real! There is video evidence and they used Star Trek's Spock (Leonard Nimoy) to peddle their terror. Nothing really changes. Though their persistence and underhanded Black Ops takeover of every institution is now reaping the rewards they schemed for. Sanctimonious smut pedlars of nihilistic if not patently evil intent. Things have certainly changed.

Thanks to Mercedes for introducing me to your brilliant writing James, and thank you!

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There are so many people who say they don't believe in God because there is no proof that he exists and because they can't see him. This is despite the fact that the evidence of God's existence is all around them in the form of creation. They cannot miss it. They see it every single day.

And yet these same people, without hesitation, swallow the lie of 'Climate Change', despite the fact that there is no evidence whatsoever, let alone proof, that 'Climate Change' exists, nor is there, of course, anything to see for it! This kind of stupidity never ceases to amaze me! What absolute fools!

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James you forgot one of the biggies. The hole in the Ozone layer. We where going to fry.

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Nov 6, 2022

Interesting as usual....well worth the time to read and stay up with climate happenings

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Interesting comedy sketch: characters Albo, Bandt, Greta, Bowen, Biden and Keen...climate gobbledygook talking net zero nonsense...audience the CCP laughing all the way to the bank. Australian people when the power bills triple and you still have blackout’s ...mate I’ve had enough of this crap who is taking the piss...I’ve got a whole in my wallet mate what a rip off and the steaks have gone off and the beer ain’t cold ...right vote these hopeless bastards out they’re bloody clueless numb skulls! I cannot even watch the footy..Australian has gone to the dogs!

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Here in Australia we are so worried about climate change that we must have COP-28 in Australia..because Australia must lead the world in its climate change targets of net zero by 2050 or earlier without any net zero planning...go figure! that’s right we are switching off coal and gas and we have no nuclear in fact no tried and tested back up..it isn’t even built yet..... but that’s ok we are reaching net zero...and how will the solar panels and batteries and electric cars be built? By burning coal and making CO2 in China....but that’s ok Australia still has net zero bugger what the world is doing...as long as we have net zero we will correct global climate change....really now! how ever you dissect this issue Australia loses...we haven’t built any stock in renewables..our only hope is paying China to pollute the globe and build for Australia billions of solar panels and batteries and electric cars that will fail in the next 5 years or so if we lucky...we also have Albo, Bandt and Bowen preaching this message along with Biden...dumb economics..dud technologies....massive costs... intermittent energy and extension cords that run out of our houses to the streets to power our cars... fools being taken straight to the cleaners unless this backfires and some of us see that we are being duped!

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No one could have explained this dilemma better than you, James. Thank you for now I understand how emotional and upset I need to be

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Love it!!!

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Your story was a 4 minute read. And worth the read... the article by Greta’s mom, a 20 minute read, was a waste of time that I’ll never get back.. seriously? Personally I think the child is demonically oppressed and now she’s been let loose on the world. And how many people have fallen under the spell? It’s sad. Very sad. I feel very sad for Greta. She’s been used like a tool by the devil.

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Absolutely. Just hilarious. The irony and hypocrisy of these prophets of doom is ridiculous and should be called out. Well done, James.

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If we don't learn from history we are doomed to repeat it.

The MSM keep pushing these lies and never want to check their headlines from 50 years ago when it was all about the ice age. At least they keep saying the oceans will rise and flood the cities, but then they go and buy up all those properties that they say will get flooded!

Inconsistency is the sign of a failed argument.

Well Greta has had her 15 minutes of fame and she can go on acting like her parents. No need for an education if you can lie like she does.

I am about as scared by CO2 as Covid-19 or the fact that the sun will set today and it will then be dark.

Fear is used by politicians and advertisers to control us and get us to do what they want.

I trust God and what He tells us in His word the bible, "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." (Philippians 4: 6)

This fear stuff is a good test to see who really trusts God and who trusts the world, money, materialism, etc.

" let God be found true, though every man be found a liar, as it is written, “That You may be justified in Your words, And prevail when You are judged.” and "for all (mankind) have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3: 4 & 23)

I sense that you do not fear CO2 or Covid-19 either James and that is probably why I read your substack.

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Your funniest in a while... I am feeling very guilty waiting in the airport for my first overseas trip in 3 years. To Bali... and not in a private jet...

No sign of high water levels and isn’t Obama the biggest hypocrite? Loved “the worst president in history”...

Thanks James

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