Any thing barmy Bowen advocates has to be a crock! What a goose -filling his car up with electricity! Did he stand there for 10 hours? So ridiculous.

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Their stupidity is scary and expensive.

A mob that gets into power on 31% of the vote, believe without justification that they have a mandate to commit vast sums of taxpayers money to so called renewable energy, the source of which doesn’t produce sufficient power when the wind doesn’t blow and the sun isn’t shining, but this mob also wants to shut down current reliable energy sources.

It just doesn’t make sense.

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Minister for Climate Change and Energy, Chris Bowen has never earned anything in his life as he has never had a real job. He is paid money because of our laws to fund people who win elections on lies and become politicians. Most cabinet ministers are paid $370,000 a year.

Forrest Gump explained that stupid smile best when he said, "Stupid is as stupid does"

Why do these politicians not seek advice from scientists and engineers who can look into the problems with EVs before they open their mouths to show us how stupid they are?

If not all are stupid then the rest are liars.

The CO2 level has nothing to do with climate as it's greenhouse effect has been measured at normal and double concentrations in the air to find no difference when it was graphed using lasers to measure it.

Increasing it causes faster plant growth and greening of deserts so we can feed more people.

Ice cores have shown it was once 20x higher than it is today and we are still alive and the planet did not burn down.

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Gold! “I will catch the bus” said no politician, ever.

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I guess we could have "walking buses" for adults too?

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Oh silly me. The latest revelation, friday, on the Outsiders [Sky News] was Penny Wong's [?] decision to spend $20 Mil of taxpayers money to reinstate and DOUBLE the grant to a UN agency that supports Palestinian anti Israel genocidal education and that provides funds for martyers' pensions. Breathtaking hubris against the pain experienced over the last two years in this country.

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An afterthought. We were told our aspiring PM that he had "A PLAN", not just for cost of living but for just about everything. Since he came to office, and I might be missing something, he seems to have been busy looking for his PLANS as all we have seen are junkets, Kangaroo Court legislation, Talk Fests to empower Unions, Foot baths for Bali tourists, Grants to Corrupt Islanders and now, best of all "Rescue terrorist brides and 40 Kids" Priorities in evidence? I may well have missed it BUT has the government presented us with anything that addresses "cost of living" or was I so distracted by climate crisis and the cargo cult of renewables and ev's ??

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

Wow, what intelligent readers you have James. Here I was under the delusion that we were so dumbed down we were totally incapable of critical thinking! Wrong! Hope springs eternal.

A major observation was the miss-conception that politicians have a conscience about saving taxpayers dollars. The evidence says otherwise. "Saving the taxpayers dollars" is the oft repeated mantra [expressed by an opposition] which applies to the "pork barreling" of the party in power.

Absurd schemes [EV's, Alternative "base load" Renewable energy] or say Snowy 2.0 are totally justifiable... IF you are a Maxist ideologue, focussed on the implosion of an entire democracy. Still we can trust what we are told by the world's greatest economic advisor, can't we, that this is an "investment" and totally justified. Now that explains the stupid grin.. nes pa?

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

Yes, James. Today's Advertiser paper has an article on p 14 that batt replacement costs can be over $40k. Other manufacturers are too scared to tell. Life span of batts is assumed to be 10 years. $4k a year buys a fair bit of fuel. The recycling of batteries and charging them are the looming issues. The current draw when everyone wants to charge overnight will be huge. Also the need to rewire many k's with expensive copper cable to supply. Recycling masses of highly toxic and potentially combustible materials is a whole new level of pain. As much as I like the slotcar like performance of EVs, it is very short term thinking that has been pushed and we will all pay dearly.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

I think that someone just said “Stupid grin,” and he obliged. Plimer’s book “Green Murder” is devastating for the likes of Bowen.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

I believe that the "electric vehicle" scam is really about elitism and the undemocratic use of infrastructure. Here's the scenario as I see it. Electric cars are out of the price range of the average punter. There will be a sunset date for all fossil fuel powered cars so no more affordable cars. So the expensive electric car option will only be for those with enough readies (or commercial entities on expense accounts) Most will have to rely on government provided/sponsored public transport and with less vehicles on the road, the infrastructure currently in place and paid for by generations of fossil fuel users (via petrol tax) will be a breeze for the elites to travel to work without relying on inefficient and smelly overcrowded public transport. Don't forget the who urban design concept of TOD (Transport Oriented Development) is to have dwelling units within 400m of a line haul bus route or 800 m from a railway station.

In a sort of "Animal Farm" way, equality under the green scheme of "democratic" socialism is that some (the electric car owners) are more equal than others.

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I was surprised to learn recently another reason for purchasers to 'go EV'. There is no luxury car tax, and more importantly, no FBT! From an accounting firm: Are hybrid cars FBT exempt?

If an employee salary sacrifice's an electric or hybrid car that is exempt from FBT, the employee will receive substantial financial benefits. Namely: 1. Since the car will be exempt from FBT, the employee salary sacrifice (pre-tax) will comprise the lease payments and potentially the vehicle running costs.

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I have yet to ever see anything resembling a cost/benefit summary of any issues relating to EV's, windmills or solar farms. This is a subject studiously avoided by anyone promoting the fantasy of alternative energy or EV's.

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Maybe the extra power for the wind generators will come from all the hot air expelled by politicians. They would generate enough to power a whole city! What absolute rot. No wonder horses will suddenly be back in demand

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What is the difference between Bowens Tesla and a porcupine? Porcupines have pricks on the outside.

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Oct 3, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

Boom, boom! You did it again James. Hit the nail right on the head. All this ridiculous, farcical emissions talk that so called “intelligent” politicians go on with ……WAKE UP BOYS and GIRLS and do real work on real projects.

Wish I could send you a photo I saw from USA yesterday……A Tesla roadside assistance vehicle filling up at a FUEL pump 😳🤪……..we rest our case!! Keep up the great work James.

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