Every time a Labor government instigated issue arises, Albo creates (or tries to) a distraction. Twisting and moulding the truth to take the pressure off his government's incompetence. Gaslighting the Australian citizens.

You say KFC I say WTF. This bloke is destroying our country.

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Another good article James, you’re on a roll!!

“The PM went on to lament the fact that footage of the attacks had the potential to “inflame what was a very difficult situation””…it seems to me there’s only one section of our society that gets “inflamed” to the point of committing heinous violent acts & that’s our Muslim society. They’re already committing these acts, they’re already inflamed, they have a history of getting inflamed if anybody dares call them up on what they do &/or what they say.

I say, it’s about time that the rest of our society gets inflamed to the point where they write to their local member, their federal member, the police minister, the foreign minister, the prime minister to tell them “enough is enough & get a grip on the evil of Islam”.

Time for the good, law-abiding, righteous, tolerant, thus-far-silent Australians to get inflamed!!

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No surprises here with Albanese. This smacks of the communist manifesto whereby if you control the content of the news, you can pretty well hoodwink everybody. This was put into practice in the Russian revolution when Lenin's bunch took over the media and told everyone the revolution was a fait accompli when it actually hadn't happened.

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We have to ask the question what is really behind the Government's wish to take down the videos.. what is their ultimate goal..what is behind this? They have never bothered about anything on X before..Musk could decide to ban X to Australians and who would blame him..

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I trust the majority of Australians see through this pathetic attempt by the government to hide their ineptitude and cowardice. Thinking people know it’s all about the Muslim vote and NOTHING to do with protecting the populace. I am truly disgusted by them all.

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This is not a new approach from our political leaders...

Push the agenda of the 4% ensuring plenty of personal benefit along the way...enjoy tax breaks and benefits that help acquire great wealth portfolios...while penalising anyone else who dares try to take any initiative and grow anything...and if anything should happen that doesn't suit the narrative, bury your head in the sand and pretend it didn't happen...and if the commoners find out about it, just spin them a BS story to make them think it is for their benefit.

Yep, same old, same old.

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Very disappointing from Dutton, totally expected from Albo.

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Apr 22·edited Apr 22Liked by James Macpherson

As always great article James. The bizarro world we now live in aka Satan's diabolical matrix exposes the power obsessed egotistical hypocrites in government, Liberal, Labor, Greens, Teals who are not morally fit to govern. We have politicians who belong in mental institutions wearing strait jackets not government eroding our God-gifted human freedoms of mind, speech, conscience, we are being ruled & dictated by a select few who think they have the authority & right to dictate how we must all communicate & act. Sorry but this is not good decent government, this is government dictatorship rule by a power obsessed select few who resort to fear & crisis either imaginary or real as opportunity to appoint themselves as arbiter of all knowledge & truth, of what is moral & immoral, of what is right & wrong, this is an ominous step toward totalitarianism! It's not hard to discern that our politicians & police have been intentionally targeting innocent Christians, Jews, atheists, even Muslims for some time now, but they really act as a protection racket for the godless Islamic Jihad extremists & others who commit acts of violence & murder. For many years now I have not voted nor trusted any of the major political parties Liberals, Labor, Greens, Teals, because they are a bizzarro reprobate mob with the same demoniac agenda, a globalist agenda aka "climate change" aka evil modus operandi of social & economic subversion & subjugation, because they revel in dishonesty & lies and for that reason the sovereign creator God and Lord Saviour Jesus Christ in the Bible has given them strong delusion & given them up to a reprobate mindset because they love not the truth but lies!

I discern as a Christian that Australia, including other Western Nations' is rapidly heading toward totalitarianism! And it's really not that hard to discern why Australia, New Zealand, America, Canada, Britain, Western Nations are rapidly heading toward totalitarianism, we are being ruled by educated-indoctrinated Liberal, Labor, Greens, Teals, & other demoniac reprobate politicians who are Jesuit Illuminist Marxist pawns!

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Albo has to be if not the stupidest man on earth, at least up there with the best of them. He doesn’t want us to see a hatred filled young Muslim stabbing a man of peace in the face because he, Albo, favours Islam regardless of what its hate filled adherents do to us infidels. He hasn’t the guts to call out Islamic evil as after all, he depends on their votes. How on earth did this weak excuse for a human being ever become the Prime Minister!? It beggars belief. Albo and Biden make a good pair. They both disgust me and they are both incredibly stupid. Militant Muslims must laugh and sneer at us as we routinely destroy out own culture, our integrity and our beliefs. Only a moron and an idiot does that.

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Apr 22Liked by James Macpherson

Am I naive… Where are the calls for the Islamic preachers’ sermons being taken down from what ever platform…..

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Have we ever had someone so imbecilic in charge? And the rest of them. The uniparty are just hopeless! As we haven’t already viewed both events!

And esafety Karen!! Just go away!!

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Apr 22Liked by James Macpherson

This is the PM who doesn't want our security chiefs to be allowed to attend meetings to give advice. Clearly he wants to live in his ignorant utopian heaven

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Apr 22Liked by James Macpherson

I am delighted to think of Albo being in a memory hole. Let us hope that the memory hole he is trying to create for us engulfs him and his cronies who are trying to snuff out any thought that they may not be the way, the truth and the light.

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Our esteemed Prime Minister only cares for the people - Not! He only cares that the attacker was a Moslem and if there is mention of that ideology in the public, there could be more attacks. No doubt this one is just the beginning. Elon Musk is in a position where he can thumb his nose at our Government, and why should he vet every post. Next, Elbo will want all posts on social media to pass through ASIO before allowing them to be seen by the public. I just can’t help but wonder how much more this vile man can bring out for the “ protection of the people “

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Apr 22Liked by James Macpherson

James, you are quite right, life follows art and it is a Did Somebody Say KFC moment.

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Apr 22Liked by James Macpherson

I agree James, the PM doesn't want to talk about the actual events, or have people discuss them. He knows I guess that an informed public is vital for democracy to work and might just vote him out next time. People should be able to see the truth, not have the PM cover it up. Already some news broadcasts made it seem like the guy doing the stabbing was the victim as he lost a finger. Poor guy, commits violence on an innocent man and loses a finger in the process. I would say that is what happens when you do the wrong thing. The victim here is the Bishop. He spoke truth and got stabbed for it. Where is the Australian tradition of a stiff upper lip? The young Muslim boy should have said, oh well, the Bishop can say what he wants, I believe what I believe about Islam, and then go about his business. He didn't need to attack the Bishop.

I'm so tired of everyone saying Islam is a religion of peace - it is NOT! The real religion of peace is Christianity as what did Bishop Ma Mari Emmanuel do after being attacked in the face with a knife? He reached out to forgive the young perpetrator of violence. If that is not a peace loving reaction, I don't know what is. The headlines should have all read "I Forgive You" the next day. That is the beautiful news

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