"Maths. English. History. Geography. That’s your lane. Stay in it bozo." One of many reasons why we homeschool..

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Homeschooling is actually the perfect way to teach our kids nowadays with amorality rampant. Contrary to ‘popular’ opinion, homeschooled kids do NOT miss out socially, far from it. My son and his wife homeschool their six kids and they are mature and socially confident and enjoy a wide range of friends and activities. Furthermore they are all at least a year or more ahead of their designated educational level.

However I realise many parents would feel very inadequate homeschooling and wouldn’t know where to start as it’s quite different from the classroom situation. It’s quite popular in the US where my family now live but out here it’s treated almost with a stigma and certainly with the ‘how do I do it’ thinking. This is sad because it is the only way parents can keep their rightful parental authority and protect their kids from the trash that they are forced to endure by trashy teachers. Our education system should never have been allowed to get so bad that it is harming the hearts and minds of our vulnerable kids.

Lord have mercy!

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I completely agree!

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Anyone with a brain knew SSM was the short edge of the wedge, the crap since then is sickening, those poor kids will not be able to get this evil out of their minds for some time, maybe never, The saying I can't unsee it, comes to mind.

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Good on you for exposing this James!

There are so many elements of this that are so wrong. The so-call advocates, who I believe are merely LGBQTI++ activists, have no place pushing their agendas onto the innocent malleable minds of already-confused children. Further, the progressives who believe they have the right to encroach on parent domain of their children’s upbringing are also totally out of line. Both these are wolves in sheep’s clothing, evil with no accountability.

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Well said!

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This is the most disgusting thing I have heard yet...but unfortunately tomorrow is another day.

Parents are going to have to be loud to the School, the Department of Education, their elected Politicians and the Media. They need to shout loud from the roof tops to stop this one.

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Wow. Every parent should remove their children from that school so it goes straight under. Why haven’t they already done it?????

And every teacher should have already walked out!

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the number of teachers that just go along with this saying they can't go against it "for fear of losing thier jobs" (I'm so sick of that excuse) is almost as vile as the content being presented. If only they all knew that if they all spoke up they would out number the bosses making them do this. if the teachers strike over this sort of thing as much as they did over pay i would be far happier than just hearing them strike for more pay.

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Me too. Just fed up with people getting away with these terrible things and sick of the good people who are too cowardly to do the right thing…and so the degradation and destruction continues unabated.

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I agree but the fact that this happened in the first place shows a basic problem with the school and it needs to be gone permanently. Everyone out imo!

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I totally agree! I’m sick of these people abusing our children’s innocence and indoctrinating them and brainwashing them with all this rubbish and filth

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Funny but I am sure I can hear Nero playing a violin in south Australian parliament…

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Live is love???? The parents ought to be taking legal action.

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Way back when sex education was brought into schools, I was very concerned about what they would be taught. IT IS NOT A SCHOOL'S PLACE TO TEACH SEX EDUCATION! Hust because the word "education" is included doe not make it right for school children. I agree with yoiu James, this is something for parents to tell their children and I couldn't imagine any parent telling their child sex with an animal is a good thing! This is appalling! Even at 14, some young people are still innocent. I believe children should be allowed to be children as long as possible.

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Absolutely! I also find it appalling the way the education system is trying to squeeze childhood innocence out of our young when they are nowhere near ready! 14 year old girls and boys should not be engaging in this stuff, but rather, forming friendships, enjoying laughter, games, sport and adventure etc.

In the case of pre-teen and teen girls, I think it is normal and natural to want to look pretty and wear pretty dresses too. I have heard of so many young teen girls these days, who don't even own one dress! I think that is very sad.

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That is sad that these young girls don't own a dress. I was talking to one of my granddaughters today about this situation, she has a 14 year old boy and a 13 year old girl. They are both beautiful young people and my granddaughter said how she has realised just how important it is for children to have both parents. It is a very tragic thing that has happened to families over the years. My granddaughter and her husband are still only 30 and 31. They virtually have grown up with these two kids that are 10 months apart. They have worked so hard, now have 3 properties and spend all their spare time as a family as much as they can. I am so impressed with they way they have managed and overcome so many things in their lives.

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I wonder how “OUTRAGED” elbo is with the government funded Headspace program?🤮

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If that creature raised a comment about this he would be barred from the Gathering of Sodomites in Sydney next year. ( I dont say poofters parade any more !)

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Being an ex-Pat South Aussie, I recall Corey Bernardi’s speech, and the fall-out. How right he was Many people of faith commented after the SSM legislation passed, a portal of evil was now opened. Here we have it!!

Thank God these girls reported this disgusting talk. Now exposed for what Respectful Relationships really is; cultural Marxist indoctrination.

What an oxymoron (RR), are those two words‼️

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Very well written, James.

I would be very interested to know what the parents response is in all of this. If I was one of the parents, I would be joining forces with every other parent affected and take action.

This vile LGBT person, the company she/he represents, the principal and the education department all need to be taken to court for child grooming, child sexual and psychological abuse and negligence of care. This is actually a serious matter. It is totally unacceptable and utterly disgusting and illegal.

I work in a school with children. And as such, I have to have in my possession, a suitability card (blue card), which I have to pay good money for, in order to be allowed to work with children. Unless you are a registered teacher, anyone who works with children must have this card. This is the law. If I began saying these kinds of things to any of my students, I would, at the very least, lose my job immediately, and rightly so.

So why is it that certain groups of people (The tantrum chucking woke and the alphabet group) can go about doing as they please and that the law apparently doesn't apply to them??? The law does apply to them and it is hide time that it is enforced!!!

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No Blue Card or its equivalent, means no police check. No police check means it must be legit! I feel for the young people these days who have to rely on tic toc and other social platforms for the 'truth' and guidance in life. No checks and balances in any of that media.

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I was told that it is illegal to work with children in any form, without a blue card (unless you are a registered teacher). From what you are saying, there must be exemptions given to people like the LGBT group, including drags as well. This sounds so typical, doesn't it. Hold the innocent workers accountable while giving those who are the real offenders a Free to Pass Go card!

This is all the more reason why these people should be taken to court for these child offences. Because if found guilty of child offences, legally, they would never again be allowed (or shouldn't anyway) anywhere near children in schools.

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OMG! How can any of us send our children to school anymore?

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You can’t really because of what schools have been allowed to interfere in like sex education. That should NEVER EVER have been given to who knows who to teach. If good people don’t soon make themselves heard and push back big time, then the West will go under and rightly so. It will judge itself. But I actually fear that it is too late now. satan is thriving in too many people’s lives.😢

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if my ex wasn't in the picture I'd be pulling my girl from school, it's messed her up so much!

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As a loving Mum, that’s very hard for you. My heart goes out to you and your daughter.

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Thank you, it's a super struggle. These poor kids are so indoctrinated and brainwashed and the damage they are doing to these kids is just inhumane!

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As my dear mother would say "they have the morals of alleycats!"

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I'd say alley cats have better morals!

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Mine would have said the same. I wasn't even allowed to wear my hair in pigtails because :prostitues look like that!!! It wasn't until I joined the Air Force at age 20 that I saw my first prostitute in court in St Kilda, I was on my police course and we had to go to court and being a Monday morning, the pros came in. I was actually shocked to see my first one, and she looked like a normal woman! I have no idea what I was expecting!

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All this under the guise of ‘Respectful Relationships’.

Why is an LGB+++ activist being invited into schools to lecture kids on how to conduct a respectful relationship and how to respect your dog?

Why can’t they have a heterosexual person, give the lecture?

Another reason to steer clear of Government Funded Public Schools.

Cory Bernardi is a wise man.

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Step by step, one very wide Romans road to hell on earth and elsewhere, and one narrow road to life.

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The speaker needs to see a Psychiatrist as does the minister and the principal. Immediate dismissal should be the action taken.

Sick and repugnant is the only way to describe this exposure.

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I feel sick to the pit of my stomach! Those poor kids are stuck with that appalling ‘knowledge’ and those terrible images in their minds. It’s evil, criminal, disgusting and everything else you can think of. God, please send angels to protect our kids against this satanic evil perversion of Your image and purpose.

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Amen! These children will probably never forgot what they heard and what they saw. It is indeed, abuse. And so long as these unlawful acts continue to get swept under the carpet, this kind of abuse will continue.

Children are like blank canvases and we as adults and as a society must begin to paint the picture of their lives. It is up to us as adults and the responsibility of society, to nurture and guide children in the right way.

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i agree its just sickening that kids are being exposed to more and more of this degenerate evil matter. They can argue that kids will look it up online, but they wont go looking for it if they don't even know about it.

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The argument that kids will just look it up online anyway, is totally irresponsible and unacceptable.

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