When will these foolish people of the queer+ mob realise that they are being used as political tools in the socialist/communist takeover of the west and that as soon as its "mission accomplished" they'll be the first against the wall come the revolution.

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“They’ll never kill our stupid“…. touché 🤪😩

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May 6, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

Are all these people on magic mushrooms? The Defence Force I joined in 1967 would be horrified today at that sort of recruiting drive! Who are they targeting? I guess maybe the idea is that it is wrong to hit a woman let alone shoot one, so if all the sailors dress as women they will be safe? I wonder what these sailors have in every port? I honestly wonder how much further this insanity can go before the whole world turns inside out. I can only cry God get me outta here!

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May 6, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

Brilliant satire on this latest delusional act from America. Even Blind Freddy would know that such a marketing theme will be a disaster for armed services recruitment. Both in America and Australia, each time there is official support for such acts of unreality, any individual sense of pride and patriotism for the nation is undermined and the country is weakened.

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Where did the Australian army recruiting ad showing Australian soldiers attacking Australian civilians go? That also must have helped recruiting new people to the military.

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Time to thin out the herd.

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Why do drag queens and men who dress as women always look like whores, tarted up to the nines.

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It's part of the charm.

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May 6, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

There are no words. Well, there are - crazy, bonkers, evil and horrifying. Plus many others. The insanity of it all. And yes, while the West panders and bows to the gods of madness, our enemies must be laughing. And I don't blame them, we are putting on really incredible performance for them. I recently watched a You Tube video of an interview by a pastor in America with Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, messianic believer and author who talked about the ancient gods/demons that are part of this madness. Worth a watch, it explains so much of what is going on around us. You can search for 'Return of the Ancient Gods' and take a look.

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t’s either a great way to scare the Chinese army or have them rolling around in fits of laughter. Here we are in the West having difficulties defining a woman and using drag queens to recruit army, naval and airforce personal..,It would be a movie directors’ delight to see the drag ship land off the coast of Shanghai only to see men dressed as women trying to combat with long nails and stilettos. With their fish net stockings and fluorescent pink hair. A real empowering moment for the LGBT movement. Somehow I think that they will avoid this combat or maybe it’s time to give these folks some real action.. it might straighten up their gender affirming speak when they see how gunfire and missiles have no qualms about who they being launched against...there is no prejudice or discrimination in a firestorm and your victimhood identity will give you no quarter on the battle field. You may cry out this is transphobic but it won’t matter any noise will just give you’re position away and turn you into cannon fodder....you can wave your rainbow flags at the Chinese army but what they will just say is it’s just the dumb west they don’t know their head from their arse...let’s eliminate these vermin...to the LGBT community you may criticise life in Australia and the US but you would not do as you do in China you will be forced to be re-educated like the rest of us don’t think that you will be spared...your movement is being hijacked to lose all our freedoms and we will all be turned us into Marxist slaves Remember the Nazi’s no Jew or homosexual was spared!

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May 5, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

Hi James - does Sky News insist you use the plural word ‘they’ when talking about one person? I am opposed to using this word as I am a purist of the English language and don’t see why I should be made to speak incorrectly. I’m not saying my English is perfect but I know the word ‘they’ is plural.

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Sky don't direct that. I did it deliberately. To emphasise how ridiculous it is. You know, give it the full effect!

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May 5, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

Navy Recruitment Officer; "Ok darl, are we ready to go with the recruitment drive with they/ them? Navy Recruitment Flunky; "Hold on sugar, errr Sir, they're suspending Tik Tok." Navy Recruitment Officer; ( Screaming)"Don't worry about that, I've just split a nail."

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May 5, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

Absolutely brilliant James...right on “target”!!

AND I wonder if the Linda Burney’s of the world will still push The Voice when the Chinese come to town?

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May 5, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

Just when I think it couldn’t get crazier….. I am proven wrong. Cheap way to win a war will be floating fashion and makeup towards the ships….

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hahaha ... worth a try.

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So funny yet so much truth. Our leaders ask us to suspend belief and truth to take on absurdity and lies.

I am sure my deaf and dumb

friends from Ukraine asked the Russians as they led the husband away into captivity if they had been triple vaxxed , used a QR code and asked fir a mask. Oh and I am sure he asked if the vehicle was environmentally friendly- all in sign language. ( thankfully it was only for three weeks) Now they live n Sydney.

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May 5, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

Excellent commentary James Hard hitting, truth-telling with your brilliant satirical edge.

Indeed we (OZ, USA) live in a land of make believe and namby-pambies, where we are asked to suspend all reality, common sense, logic, biology and the idea of original sin. They have exchanged the truth for a lie.

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Thanks Pam

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