Whoever said the Law is an ass sure knew what they were talking about - must have been an American!

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May 19, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

There seem to be some good things happening over there in the States... 🧐

At least, at the court level, that is.

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Hmm schoolteachers eh! The third sex!

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May 18, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

Well said James. And as much as you guys think Scomo is a bit of a tool just think of what is ahead if the other mob get in this weekend. In NZ the communists have forced parents of schoolkids to accept that their kids can be brainwashed about all this gender crap instead of concentrating on ...........................................omg learning and being kids. Worse the parents are criminally liable if they tell their kids that this is not on and to go do other things. I may want to move to your country. Please don't repeat the communist agenda there.

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