This world is obsessed with identity politics and utter nonsense

Only the best people should be in any position … the end

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Just a note on a different subject you all on the Late Report bemoan the lack of curiosity on the covid nonsense first line treatments and vaccines etc without acknowledging the sterling work Rebecca Weiser , Ramesh Thakur, James Allan and yourself have done on questioning the narrative. Just saying’

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Love it James. It’s supposed to be a good time for NASA to send people into space, since it’s a grand solar minimum with less solar flares. At least that’s what they said several years ago.

I’ll be interested to see how their warming narrative will now join in with their sending diverse groups into space. It may mean the flat earther’s will be proved correct when they have to film it in the desert. Not because the earth is flat but because they’ve employed too many idiots who can’t do their jobs. Who knows? They may even mix up their measuring systems! 🤦🏻‍♀️

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I hope Mr Hipkins in NZ reads this & learns that Chris Minns in Australia is happy to differentiate between a man & a woman! Or so it seems! I wonder what Minns would say if you asked him the same question they asked Hipkins?

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They never went to the moon in the first place.


If they are going to shoot it in the Nevada desert again then it would be woke to include a native American.

The percentages should not reflect the general population, but member % in the party. If they have 50% women members then he got it right, but if it is anything like most parties they will struggle to get women involved as they have better things to do, like their family.

I hope this means they will stop attacking women who want to protect women's rights like Dan Andrews did last week after organizing his mates to dress up as Nazis and invade their protest so he could call them transphobic.

Biden has the same policy, but half of them have penises.

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No, if they are going to shoot it in the Nevada desert again then it would be woke to include a transgender native American, who identifies as a woman.

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Thanks, James for pointing out the folly yet again. I was hoping everything sorted out overnight and there would be no need to write🤪. Clearly you will never run out of the inane insanity that passes for leadership the world over ( glimmers of hope in Italy though) 🙏

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True - and glimmers of hope in Hungary too. If only we had a PM like the ones in Italy and Hungary!

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"politicians want everyone to know how supportive they are of women while - at the exact same time - allowing women to be usurped by men who identify as women" - EXACTLY. Bring back objective truth, without which no law makes sense and society can't function. We need to sack every politician and bureaucrat who can't define a woman.

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Sherns, if you just happen to decide to go for PM one day, you'll have my number 1 vote!! : )

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So now we can identify what a woman is when it relates to diversity we can easily say we have more than 50% women in our ranks!...but when it comes to identifying women for their gender everybody reaches for the “you are what you self identify as” quote...Our politicians are so caught up with this so woke leftist narrative that it is really beginning to hurt our nation. The voice, climate change alarmism, the LGBT ideology, the interest rate economic crash, the cooperate and church compliance mantra is the perfect storm to send our nation down a rabbit hole we’re all of us won’t recognise the place in which we life! Look at the US we are travelling to this destination at break next speed!

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"Our politicians are so caught up with this so woke leftist narrative that it is really beginning to hurt our nation" - that is the whole point. Most western leaders are accountable to their globalist puppeteers, not the people who (theoretically) elected them.

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Oh my... these politicians just are so predictable and boring. Who cares about the sex of your cabinet members-that is a very large cabinet too. I just want competence, principles and hard work. I bet here isn't much of that in this government. Just box ticking and boring identity politics.

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I don't think they know the definition of words 'competence', 'principles' and 'hard work' any more than they know the definition of the word 'woman'.

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That sadly is true.

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Use the term 'classic women'; like 'classic coke', it's the original recipe and quite frankly, the best. A show stopper would be to ask Minns, "when you say women, do you mean, 'classic' women or 'new' women?"

We could limit sporting competitions to 'classic' women. For example the 'classic' women's 100 meters butterfly or the AWFL competition for 'classic' women.

A Voltaire famously said, 'I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: "O Lord, make my enemies ridiculous." And God granted it.

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It doesn't take rocket science to understand that selection based on merit is the best way to bring about a healthy, thriving society. Equality of opportunity is fair. Equality of outcome is not. Selecting someone for reasons other than merit, is not only unfair to those who apply for a given position. It also does just as much disservice to the whole of society. For instance, if your loved one had to have a heart operation, would you rather that your loved one be operated by a surgeon who was picked for that job based on merit, or one that was picked because she is a woman?

What all these narrow-minded, self-centred, virtue-signaling politicians like Chris Minns seem to have forgotten, is that when we take up a position of service, it is not supposed to be all about us, but about those we have been selected to serve.

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the women selected also have the problem that people think they only got the job because they are a woman, when in fact they may have been the best.

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Yes, that is very true, which is all the more reason why people should be selected for positions, based purely on merit/ability.

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Please someone ask him what a woman is….

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Definitely. NZ PM made to looked silly without a cheat sheet and Sturmer lost her job. Bring on the return of common sense

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Apr 5, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

So over this rot!!! It’s going to get worse.

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Apr 5, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

Oh I forgot to add "To protect our people from personal attacks, we have decided to limit comments on these posts.” Yer sure. To avoid the avalanche of objection from those who just Science, Engineering and Space Travel not their WOKE VIRTUE SIGNALLING garbage.

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Apr 5, 2023·edited Apr 5, 2023

Definition of 'protect' is: To keep people in the dark. Definition of 'personal attack' is: To share a different view point. Definition of 'limit comments on these posts' is: To cancel.

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My husband ( male) and I ( female) have often said you don’t need any qualifications to be a politician and it would appear you just need to fit the woke agenda and leave the rest to the leader. I am now too old to go to the moon, but it was my dream back in the early 60’s. I felt I had been born too early to achieve that goal. Now I don’t care!

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If the world leaders (puppets) we have today are an example of what it takes to be a politician then it seems the dumber you are the more you qualify.

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