I've said my Wong/Albo/etc bit in a reply to PezR below.

I just want to add something I read this morning about the appalling number of deaths of children in this unavoidable conflict. It's obvious, but I didn't really see its significance.

It's that those pictures of continuous streams of young men surging everywhere, many armed, show not just youths/ young adults, but mostly definable BOYS - CHILDREN.

And their unfortunate deaths are apparently being counted as such.

It's also telling that when a child's death is seized and magnified by the media, it's most often a gorgeous little girl. Not a sixteen year old boy who just got a gun.

But we can't believe the figures anyway.

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There’s a new doco on the Oct 7 slaughter called Surviving Nova: We will dance again.-told by the survivors of Nova. It’s on the Beeb - hopefully up on YouTube etc.

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True peace will come with the return of the Prince of Peace. Come, Lord Jesus 🙏🏽

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The sooner we vote them out the better. They are an embarrassment to normal Australians.

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Excellent James.

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A very cryptic and discerning commentary James. I'm embarrassed by our Australian government's weasel response to Israel's actions.

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Sadly we have to keep in mind that we are in end times and closer than we think to Jesus returning which can’t come soon enough for me! The Bible tells us that all the nations will rally against Israel and literally move against it to destroy it. The UN itself represents all nations.

Oh dear Father in Heaven, our earth is an absolute mess! All creation has and is being trashed by satan and all people who call him (it) god. We are bowed low. Our faces are in the dust. Shorten the evil times, protect and sustain us and give us the strength and endurance to keep going. Deliver us and come quickly, Lord Jesus!

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June ,I worked for a UN contractor in 1973 and came home thinking that the UN was a corupt joke and now 50 years later I know that the UN is a corupt sick joke --and worse -- and that we should get to hell out while we can .(wont happen as it is a convenient repository for failed labor politicians---a convenient trough to get their snouts into )

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Fantastic article James. You’ve nailed many issues squarely in the head. 🎯

As an Australian, I am ashamed of the words uttered by Penny Wong supposedly in my name. I do not stand for anything she & her cronies are peddling. She is NOT my voice. Nor, do I believe is she the voice of greater Australia. It’s time for us to show Wong, Albo, Burke & the rest of them including the vile Greens that they do not represent us & they need be shown the door to anywhere but here.

Good weekend to all.

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Right on, PezR! Barely a third of us voted for this hollow govt. where most ministers just go their own way- like Treasurer to China?! Their only mandate was lower power prices. Ha. The Albo govt. would be a joke if each day did not bring another step in the white-anting of our country. Wong! Presuming to speak for Australia! On the so-called world stage of the abominable UN!

OK- now I'll finish reading comments and have a nice weekend - thank you

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Well said that man (or woman ? )I find it difficult to add on to your comments except to say that there is only one thing that I detest more than those revolting creatures running loose in Sydney with their slogans and demands (as if a word from "our leaders"would make an iota of difference)is those gutless bastards that allowed them into OUR country in the first place. Election time ?FFS bring it on .

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I love that Jeremiah quote, so true! Wong and her government are morally bankrupt and not fit to pass judgment on anyone. If she loves Gaza and Lebanon so much, I suggest she move over there and live. Let’s see how long it is before she gets chucked off a roof or stoned. She a thoroughly stupid woman and she doesn’t represent true Australians. She represents no one who is decent and moral. How on earth did these people ever get to lead this country? Answer, because there are so many Australians exactly like them. Australia is up for judgment on so many levels and it deserves it. Unfortunately we cop it too

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Thank you James. A brilliant article. Everyone needs to read this. It has given me confidence in my understanding of what is really happening in the land I love.

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Thank you James. Absolutely spot on. I’m ashamed of Wong. She is evil, nasty, and wrong! How dare she blame Israel. How dare she lecture a government which is actually for its people and instead pandering to globalist group think. Perhaps she needs to pause and do a fact check on her “facts.” And here’s a fact: Nasrallah and his cohorts are currently realising how deceived they’ve been. No wonder he’ll is a place of eternal anger and rage.

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Probably your best post ever, James. Wong gets it wrong all the time. If she had a neighbour that declared they hated her and wanted her dead, no matter where she was in the world, what would she do? Where would she go? How would she feel?

The Gloda Meir quote posted earlier resonates with me. There will be no peace while “the religion of peace” is not addressed for it’s fundamentalist teachings.

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The labor party finds they now have so many people of the religion of death in their marginal electorates that they must change their policies to please them.

They have just imported more immigrants than at any other time in our history, many of them ( the number is secret) also moslems.

I am reminded of Queen Elizabeth (Henry VIII s daughter) who issued an order to every law officer in England to take into custody every Moor ( the term to describe moslems)in the country, escort them to the coast, put them on ships and expell them all from the country for causing so much trouble in the country.

Years later the king of Spain did the same thing, over 1 million moslems were expelled. In a sane world our govt would ban moslems entering the country AND expell the lot. Japan even refuses to let even 1 moslem step off a plane into their country.

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It sounds like we will have a job on our hands a job that should be adressed or until "these people "learn to fit in ( to OUR way ) or F---k off back to the sewer from which you emerged.

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Thank you Sir for this erudite and damning critique of this country's egregious foreign minister. How a supposed Australian can stand before an international crowd and spout such vile and cowardly vitriol is almost incomprehensible. This is not the country I once so proudly served.

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I am with you 100% James. Penny Wong has no understanding.

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Diane I believe Penny Wong has full understanding of the situation.

However her viewpoint is from a Socialist left ideology, that cannot possibly view, concede that the Jewish people must have Israel 🇮🇱 as their own land, country. The land and far more than they have today, was given to Abraham and his descendants by God in Genesis 15:18-19.

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Penny W(r)ong....more than a penny short of a quid! ...The woman is nuts! That's what happens when one believes their own publicity.

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Convenient token Asian in the spotlight hoping that the UN will listen to an Asian rather than an Anglo Aussie .

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