Let’s face it Muslims are a protected species. They can get away with anything. I wonder if the stabbing of the bishop had not been beamed all over the world if the authorities would have been so quick to call it a terrorist attack. That description allowed the moronic head of the AFP, the silly bloke that rubs ASIO and Inman Grant to go after X and Elon Musk. I imagine that it would have called a line wolf attack if we all hadn’t heard the insane ravings from the boy that stabbed the Bishop then there would be a ‘nothing to see here’.

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Here’s an idea - the Muslim Council, like the AFL, should order jihadi junior to do 3 months of Christian/Bible lessons with the good Bishop as his penance ( and to display their inclusivity and diversity!)

( Like the Port Adelaide player is subjected to 3 months of LGB+~ for making a rude remark).

Learning about love and forgiveness instead of hatred and violence might do this kid some good.

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If that riot was to occur in Victoria, and it was suspected that none of the rioters were C-19 Vaxxed, the police would turn up and shoot them all with high velocity, rubber projectiles.

Amazing what our government will and won't fight for...they are supposed to be voted in to be our representatives in Parliament. It's been a long time since I have felt like my voice is represented in Parliament, yet these representatives are paid significant amounts of our money to "represent us".

Being a representative seems to be similar to being a weather person...you can be terrible at what you do and just keep doing it.

Maybe it's time I ventured into the BOM or Canberra and made myself available? I can be crap and still want to be paid!!

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I would be interested to know what a sermon on the iniquity of Islamophobia would look like if a performance by an Islamic jihadist, of Stabby Stabby, was to be delivered during business hours within the walls of say, Parliament House or one of the main stream media buildings, whence such sermons are preached!

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Definitely the latter!

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Apr 17Liked by James Macpherson

"Salvos don't go all stabby stabby ....." tears of laughter rolling down my face 😂lol

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I have been thinking (and discussing with friends) a lot lately about the actual terms Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia.

And how it came to be that one was ‘Anti’, but the other wasn’t Anti-Islamism !

Cos people hate Jews, but they aren’t typically scared (phobic) of them.

But for the most part people don’t hate Muslims simply for the fact they’re Muslim but plenty are scared of/by them (especially the government and police) it would seem.

Food for thought. Strictly kosher and halal of course !

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Apr 17Liked by James Macpherson

What is the agenda behind our Labour Government ? What has happened to our police force ? They are afraid to tackle the rioters, are they cowards or under orders ? In this latest atrocity by a Muslim attacker, where did all these rioters appear from, who attacked the police and destroyed police cars in a wild melee of violence ? The government wishes to appease these terrorists, which will lead to more of the same, all in the name of appeasing Muslim voters. This an Australia descending into racial and religious disaster .

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Apr 17Liked by James Macpherson

Another great call-out James!!

It’s getting tiresome, this whole omg don’t criticise the Muslims for the terror their jihadists reign down on our communities!! How dare we! & if we do we again risk being attacked for our…stating the facts?!

It’s time we started calling things out for what they are & thereby putting pressure on the non-jihadist Muslims to stand up against their radical Islamist brothers & tell them “not acceptable, not in our name!”. They’ve had lots of opportunities (especially of late) to do so but all I hear is the deafening silence.

Can’t have it both ways…

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Amen to that Peg - I totally agree!👍

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Apr 17Liked by James Macpherson

I want to know where are the Australian Muslims condemning this latest attack....you can hear the pin drop!! Nothing...Nada!! Where is the law enforcement stopping the "hate speech" by the jihadist Imam's? Where's the condemnation of Syrian Girl/Partisan Girl who falsely named Ben Cohen as the Bondi Junction attacker? All I hear is a lot of chatter chatter chatter from this Damn Federal Labor Government telling Israel to back off....How Dare They!! This Labor Government (I use that term very loosely) want us to just forget about October 7, 2023....and never mind about the survivors of that outrageous attack, 50 of whom have committed suicide.

If any palestinian flag or chants happen around Anzac Day I hope they hear LOUD and CLEAR the wrath of AUSTRALIANS and yes feel the harsh sting of Islamophobia.

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I don’t assume the worst of all Muslims because there are many of the religion who not radical, including personal Malaysian friends. I dare say that there also are many in the communities in Australia who want no part of violent dictates of the Koran and just want to live in peace.

Chris Minns the NSW Premier had the right idea yesterday following the latest incident, by gathering the religious leaders of many and various religions to try to come to a consensus of calm.

I hope he, and many more leaders continue with the idea, with invites to those Imans who are known to preach radical ideas to their respective communities. Perhaps debate with other religious leaders may get them to realise radicalisation is not acceptable in Australia. Then if they continue, it will be appropriate to take action against them including deportation where possible, or jail sentences.

Of course, we need leaders with enough guts to tackle this problem head on.

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There’s a bad case of Jewophobia around, also of no concern to our ‘leaders’.

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Well I am a Baptist and even I am scared of me.

Seriously though. There has been little, if none at all of the Islamic community calling out the hate parades that have been occurring since Oct 7.

You have rightly pointed out that there aren't too many other religious groups bombing, shooting, stabbing or raping in such large proportions at the "religion of peace". How do they think people are supposed to respond. It seems to me the word anything-phobia gets tossed around way too much whenever some attention seeker wants to cry "I am a victim".

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So true, James. Christians turn the other cheek. I am glad the Bishop didn’t get time to take it on the other cheek. What a gracious man. One lot are taught to hate anyone different from themselves and the other are taught to love their enemies. We have brought these people into Australia and now we suffer the consequences. I must admit I did have arachnophobia though

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Apr 17Liked by James Macpherson

So true, I have never been to a combine church service and worried that I might be attacked with a knife by the 70 year old Presbyterian Pastor, or that the wife of the Baptist minister might try to blow me up while sharing a devotional. The worst that might happen is that there was not enough Tim Tams to go around., now that could cause a problem.

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