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Sickening the judges allowed these vermin to get away with raping this poor poor girl.

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Where did they all go indeed! What a scary time we live in.

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25

Everything about this is sickening 🤮

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Beyond sickening

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I remember seeing one of those Police shows on TV some years ago where police in a squad car were being harassed by a group of middle eastern males calling them 'Pigs"!

No arrests as far as I know!

Someone somewhere is doing their best to irritate us and turn the Law inside out and upside down; and we have to suffer it!?

By the way. Members of a certain religion can get away with rape because it is OK to dehumanise and soil a woman not of their religion.

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Look at what happened in Rotherham in the UK over a period of at least 15 years where young English girls were raped ( about 1400 girls ) by a gang of mainly “ British-Pakistani men” names and details were passed to the police and council repeatedly and nothing was done because the police didn’t want to de seen as being racist

Some of the girls were as young as 11 and were passed around

Malmo in Sweden is often referred to as the rape capital of Europe. For many years the police statistics in Sweden didn’t include the ethnicity of the perpetrators so they wouldn’t appear racist

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I thought the reason why Justice was 'blind' because it showed no partiality to anyone?

Now she's blind because someone might be offended!!!

I wonder if I'll be able to sit in the Court of the Judge on Judgement Day and see real non-racial, Justice with His blazing eyes wide open!

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Sad? Is that all???

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It’s truly sickening that the poor young girl was subjected to such a degrading situation, but even more sickening that the perpetrators were not severely punished by the courts.

To then have a woman jailed for expressing her view of the criminals is just plain adding insult to injury. The legislators, politicians, German courts and the German people need to have a long hard look at themselves for allowing a system where this could happen.

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I'm convinced that the devil has inflicted such a system on all Western countries and is operating it himself.

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Jun 25Liked by James Macpherson

Hard to believe these men did not get much harsher penalties . Horrific

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Just believe? I'm not surprised. I can see what is really going on here.

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Jun 25Liked by James Macpherson

Unbelievable…I am lost for words apart from wtf, what is happening with society??

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Disintegration, collapse - collapse, disintegration!!!

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Jun 24Liked by James Macpherson

All nine of these men are dishonorable rapist pigs. And to say that, is to be very kind. And if someone wants to throw me in jail for saying that, go ahead! I'll just say it again - All nine of these men are dishonorable rapist pigs!!

This 20-year old girl who said this has spoken for millions of people, no doubt. Good on her for speaking the truth! It's just a pity she was bullied and treated in such a disgusting way, so much so, that she was pretty much forced to apologise!

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She should have repeated the same words into the judge's face and so become a martyr around whom the German people rallied.

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Jun 24Liked by James Macpherson

that is an absolutely shocking story.

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Jun 24Liked by James Macpherson

We are witnessing, in real time, the moral inversion spoken of in scripture.

When people "... call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter."

But we battle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers and against spiritual wickedness in high places. It's a spiritual battle being wrought in the physical realm.

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As I said: "Satan ruleth."

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Jun 24Liked by James Macpherson

I am weeping 😪

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I thunder!

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Jun 24Liked by James Macpherson

Good on that woman! She shouldn't have apologised though. That is totally disgusting and no one cares for what that poor girl suffered. Yes, 14 million people should have cried out and 9 rapists should have been jailed then thrown out of the country

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Jun 24Liked by James Macpherson

Anarchy is coming because surely there’s enough people in Germany, including the migrants, who find this lack of justice appalling?

If only they could imagine their own daughter’s in such a situation, things would be different and I wonder how many other children will be raped by these men in the future?

Germany still carries the weight of WW2 atrocities. Why is this any different?

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Germany is in a parlous state. The people in charge are in way over their heads. Scholz’ party will probably disappear in the state elections coming up. It’s just disgusting that only one rapist was imprisoned. Where’s Margaret Cuneen- that’s who they need. Not the cowardly German police and judges.

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