What? $8.50 for a lousy snag?? That's 'not very nice'. The treatment of Cheng Lei by Beijing's goon was definitely 'not very nice'.

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James-your live presentation of this piece was terrific and it's a great read.

Also, it gives me the chance to make a point about 'silly sausages'.

In my childhood, apparently somewhat concurrent with your grandfather's, kids were called a silly sausage as a mild rebuke or reminder not to do harmful things to themselves- like putting fingers on a hot stove. It was a simple part of the learning process that, in those days, encouraged a child to take responsibility for its own actions.

I won't go on-- whining and blaming are too depressing after enjoying such a good laugh.

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Albo is a weak Soy boy, he really represents the people who voted for his party and by extension him. 30%. At least that many people in this country are incapable of thinking for themselves. the other 70% of people know what a joke he was going to be and boy even they could not have imagined how bad he is. Energy crisis....tick. Housing Crisis....tick, Defense problems....tick. Wasteful spending....tick. The list can go on but I can't. I feel so "unprofessional" to complain about his government..

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Shawn ,you left out that the wog is also a gutless ,useless maggot that is a total oxygen thief that apart I dont like him either..

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I didn't want to get too colorful about his lack of a spine, but I can agree with you Bob. We have inherited a breed of politicians, where their interest is in their own wealth creation, by selling the country off to the highest bidders. I thought Twiggy was looking pretty palsy with the Chinese Boss dude, maybe they do some business on the side too.

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It was worse today. Dutton has even shunned Cheng Li.

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Oh no! What’s is wrong with people?! What hope have we got…

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I hope Cheng Lai was mistaken.

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In a word, Albo is " panda-ing" to CCP takeover of Australia.

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Snivelling. maggot crawling to the chinks (what is in it for him?)

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A laughing stock in China, and very silly incompetent and embarrassing coward. .

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Still, and always will be, a cowardly student activist.

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Albo is an absolute coward. He doesn’t have the guts to stand up for his people. If that had happened in China, there’d be hell to pay. Trade might be important but not if you sell your soul to get it and allow bullies to shame you and walk all over you making a laughing stick of our country. If that had happened to President Trump, China wouldn’t get away with it and furthermore they’d respect him. They mightn’t like him but they’d sure respect him! Albo has to be a real pin up boy. We need a statesman in this country not the weak little weed we’ve got.

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Should read ‘laughing stock’.

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Silly sausage indeed!!

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How many times did Premier Andrews or ex as he is now, go to China? Every photo I recall seeing him showed excited, nay, exultant even adulatory smiles at being THERE, you know, CCP HQ, and oh how proud to strut in the holy city he was. He was as Red as Rudolph's nose!

Reminds me of another proud Lefty keen to bow and scrape at the presence of one of THEM, you know another CCParty giant!

Phooey! Some poor soul of a reporter was snubbed! I'm showing off in front of one of the hallowed members of Lefties Heaven! I'm not going to spoil the moment with trite political situations such as Defence concerns, or political correctness, I'm here to make friends and be influenced by others.

("Now where is my Little Red Book? I'd like some autographs and I'm looking forward to being hugged by a Panda." Come on Penny. They're gunna name one of the Pandas after me! You'll get the first one to be born in Australia!")

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Sorry to say it, but the inactions of our PM could lead one to the conclusion that he is 🐔💩 and I mean that in a totally unhateful way.

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I agree but this is the diplomacy game. It was most likely confrontational to have Cheng Lei there at the press conference & to be fair to Albo (which I find difficult to do) we, as a nation, want to get the most we can from China to best serve our needs. What’s he supposed to do in that situation? Why poke the bear? How does that serve our best interests?

I love the Chinese people; I’m wary of the Chinese government. We are dealing with an aggressive, powerful, dangerous, communist, autocratic powerhouse. We can’t beat them, we don’t want to join them , we don’t want be beholden to them but we do want to trade with them so let’s not do silly things that we know will cause tensions. Our leverage against them is limited; which they are well aware of.

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I don't think Albo is going to poke a Panda....He adores them!

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Your grandfather must have been a gentleman, you would not hear that phrase today. I honestly feel that in the not too distant future, our illustrious handsome boy, will undergo plastic surgery on his eyes to make him more like his idols who swoon him with flattery.

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Do we all feel re-assured about Albo's determination to protect Australian citizens?

Or would he toss you under a bus to get a Panda?

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Or a Tasmanian devil!!!

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At the risk of sounding racist I would say he is just plain yellow!

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With a ruddy tinge maybe?

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