I think too many Christians have fallen prey to that adversary the devil and have left themselves open and unprotected to his prowling deceptiveness. 1Peter 5:8

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Expertly written James & amen too Julian S.

We are in ‘new territory’ when it comes to Govt overeach & authoritarianism,particularly here in Aust.....I’m not even sure a return to ‘conservative’ leadership in the future will lift us out of this dire predicament - keep fighting the good fight & sharing where we can!

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A very good summary of the state of the world. There is no good out there.

If they are promising protection for religion etc- I would say as I did to my local member yesterday- they can’t and don’t want to protect the Jews - how will they protect Christians? After Saturday comes Sunday.

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Perfect summary, James! When the government is godless and self seeking they recognise no boundaries to their desire for control and power. And when the majority of citizens have also abandoned God then this is what we get, chaos and evil. It’s no surprise. God has lifted His hand from protecting society from evil. He has given people over to their own choices, desires and delusions. God says this will happen in His Word. Genuine Christians are being marginalised more and more and it will get worse and worse.

But to true believers this gives quiet deep joy and confidence because it means that Jesus’ return is coming closer and closer when He will do His inventory of every single human being for every single unrepentant sin and put every single thing right. The sun will rise on a new eternal dawn and we will rejoice forever in His loving radiant presence.

However, at the present time we have to live in a world that’s getting darker and darker by the day but Jesus in us is the light of this horrible world, the only light.

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Such an excellent article - I agree it should be on the front of every newspaper! WEF is alive and well and we are in a fight on the supernatural level. I’m reminded of Paul’s defence in 2 Corinthians 10:3-5. “ For though we live in this world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against against the knowledge of God and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ”. (NIV). Stand up for Jesus on our knees! Maranatha!

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You are so right James.

It doesn’t matter which level of government, Federal State or Local, each have overstepped their charters in order to make themselves relevant or to satisfy personal egos.

Regardless, they have all pervaded our lives well beyond their boundaries and it’s beyond time to rein them in and tell them all to stick to your charters and get to hell

out of our lives.

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You speak truth James. May the Church rise up and declare the Way,The Truth and The Life! His Name is Jesus.

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This government is making me very very very nervous.....

They have broken our economy, our education system, our energy system, our religious system, our financial system, our social fabric and on and on we go...

This article should be front page of every newspaper in Australia.

Thanks James

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I t is hard to take any government seriously that allows its "leader" to behave in such a frivolous-no stupid manner when under the spotlight of the world. I mean smirking like a 10 year old when described as a" pretty little boy" (my translation )or waggling his arse like a demented teenage kid at a disco.The mind boggles when one considers past PM eg Menzies, Gorton Howard Abbot (I could imagine Turnbull or Rudd) but not even Juliar would be that stupid . God knows how or when we can get rid of this embarasment but the sooner the better.

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I can feel the fire in your belly James! Mine is raging too! Satan may have clipped my wings at times, but this fallen angel is still on fire for God and willing to fight to protect what is left of what he has blessed us with! Bring it on!

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You nailed it....again James!!!

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What you have written is so true James. More and more, we are seeing the rope tighten stopping our very freedoms. The government has lost its mandate as has the church and the family unit. I can see how the destruction of the family was beginning in the 1960s when “ free love” became the in thing. It would never have occurred to me to leave home until I got married, unless of course, I joined the Air Force which I did, but that was still under discipline. It seems to be that we all need to get back to our base roots and take a hard look at ourselves. Government does not own me nor control me. They all need to get back to what they are meant to do

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