More madness, James. World gone mad - tick, more red tape -tick, more meaningless Bureaucratic BS-tick. And the world groans with another nail to the coffin lid of sanity.

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Stereotypes BAD, Mandated quotas GOOD. Yer right. If only these $%#@!>*&^ insane idiot s really understood what a woman was none of this garbage would be an issue.

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James, this job sounds almost as honourable as that of a pole dancer.

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If vast numbers of employees of the govt say they want 5 days a week pay for only 4 days work it proves they don't do much work each week. Logically by their own admission, 20% can be sacked with no bad effects on the amount of work done or the efficiency of the govt. A great many of the work from home group can also be sacked with no reduction in work output.

2 good outcomes could occur if all these surplus people were all sacked:- 1) pay rises from the saved wages bill of those sacked could be paid to those who actually work and do something needed and useful. 2) vast numbers of sacked people would be available to fill some of the many job vacancies.

Sorry stupid idea!!! Hoping useless employees could hold down a useful job where they had to actually do some type of useful work. How stupid of me.

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I should apply for the job. I’m all about inclusion and diversity 100%.

I like to include every single person who is different/weird, you know, to have variety and with the diversity I would employ tall people, height challenged people (that’s the correct wording), not permitted to say short people then the slim challenged people, then we have to go with the mentally challenged people (we used to call them stupid but we can’t say that anymore) then good looking people and (ugly people) well not so good looking people. But who decides that?? Then surely there should be elderly people and youngish people. I have to sure there are people who love cats and dogs and then people who hate them. Let’s not forget employing vegans, vegetarians and definitely meat eaters.

I’m happy to include every nationality.

OCD people so we can keep things in order and of course the messy people.

And then we really should employ everyone who applies for the jobs that are advertised and everyone should be given a job, after all we are all winners. 😀

Diversity? Trans people, homosexuals, lesbians, adulterers and can we must be accepting of everyone so a pedophile. I know, ridiculous!

What the heck is wrong with people??

Whatever happened to getting a job on your qualifications and ability??

So a person’s sexual preferences is paramount in getting a job?? How does that work???

I’m definitely applying for the job now!!

I’m pretty inclusive and driven to have diversity of every kind.

I will let you know how I go with my application.

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You forgot to include the murderers!

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Oh gosh! How could I forget?? Shame on me for not being inclusive!!! 😂😂

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Hahaha! Totally!

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These guys have seriously gone around the bend and gone loopity loop....my goodness 200K to be a D.I.E officer that’s right your job will be to exterminate all the places we’re you find some perceived lack of D.I.E...exterminate..exterminate I must remove all lack of D.I.E....if your wonder D.I.E is the acronym for diversity, inclusion and equity the new job killer...if your white, Christian and you are showing to much leadership get ready for the new D.I.E guillotine...you will be chopped from your place of work because you inherently have too much privilege...and you don’t measure up to the D.I.E standard...you are like a bent banana In a straight banana republic...make up Australia the tall poppy syndrome is about to be trumped by the D,IE extermination officer! Identify as a victim or as one who is oppressed otherwise you will be exterminated

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Spot on assessment of the inclusion & diversity situation James. Meanwhile productivity reduces - even Philip Lowe, RBA Governor is publicly warning about it! I have always said that there are two types of work - useful & useless. Sadly, the latter incidence is rising.

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It’s across all govt depts … it’s a rort, and people are sick of it. Pushed by HR and woke mangers. They do nothing … it’s also rife in NSW

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Yep. They are useless bureaucrats who exist to make life more difficult for everybody else while sponging off society! They are growing like a kind of cancer in the workforce.

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May 7, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

It gets harder to believe this tripe every day. What a sad and sorry state of affairs. No wonder we are on the downhill slide to oblivion!

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One word (I was a star in the PS) SVB. Never forget.

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Our rail system is NSW is calling apart too. It is lottery as to if you get a train at the time advertised and it actually gets you home without the route being changed. Must be all those diversity officers! All we want is for the trains to be safe, on time and clean. Diversity offers are never going to achieve that -it requires hard work and diligence -all missing today in Australia.

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I heard an interview on a new online radio station recently (Reality Check Radio). It's a Noo Zild creation that has come out of the plague madness and has a wide range of hosts (including former politicians, ex journalists, and so on) and interviewees. The interview I was listening to was with an American woman who used to be a 'social justice warrior' involved in the entertainment industry until the lights were switched on. She said that this identity and inclusion madness and all it involves wouldn't happen in third world nations because those people have REAL issues to do with. Like food, housing, health etc. We are relatively wealthy in the West, in comparison and lazy, with too much time on our hands. And so there is time to create things that don't exist, or make mountains out of molehills. I thought that was so interesting and accurate. When you are just trying to survive day to day or week to week, and have to work hard (probably more manual, physical jobs) then that is what occupies your time and energy. Not this frilly, fluffy unicorn and rainbows stuff.

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May 7, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

100% agreed what a complete waist of time and money, we truly are in the grip of a full woke government. Even the so called people being discriminated against can see through the bull sh**

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I worked in the Public service for a couple of years after leaving school while I did my HSC at night (20 hours a week + homework, etc.) I did work in a brickyard previously pushing a wheel barrow full of bricks all day. I could not have done the night school after the brickyard work, but in the PS it was easy.

In the PS you are surrounded by low IQ and low energy people who could only get paid for their job in the PS. They would never survive in private industry.

The aim of the left is to have big government and hope they all vote for them. That is why Canberra votes Labor all day long. When you consider the massive changes in the size of the budget since Menzies retired and how much it increased under Labor you can see they are trying to bankrupt us.

Here are two old videos that explain the history of politics that many of us have forgotten and shows why we are going broke.



The Story of the Common-wealth Bank-Theft of Australian money system


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May 7, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

Great summary of the woes of OZ unproductivity and better still a vision for productivity, excellent

however, I think we are headlong into authoritarian control in every sphere of our lives. The demise of small business swallowed up by bigger and bigger businesses and corporations.

The control of all aspects of healthcare, BIG PHARMA and the one narrative or else, removal and cancelling.

The rise and rise of Big Tech ( for good or bad) sees fewer & fewer jobs, and more info on us.

Smart Cities - well planned green space community living or is it containment, constant surveillance, digital ID, carbon footprint.

And then there is D I E, infiltrating every organisation. Danistan would probably be the winner in this field, the latest job is proof.

James, then there’s your humourous vinaigrette’s to soften the narrative and show how insane most of this dystopian idiocy is. Thanks again 👍🏻😃

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The devil rewards his own.

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Until they are no longer of use to him then he discards them

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Yes, that's exactly right. To follow after the father of lies will only lead to destruction in the end, that's for sure.

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