So our society has come to the standard of presenting pornography to children under the guise of good education.

The children’s book “Welcome to Sex” is wholly a moral statement. It presents a perverse moral lifestyle to vulnerable children in such a way as to look normal and good.

It is co-ersive, intent on changing the moral standards of young readers to suit the views and life choices of 2 adults, and should be stated as such.

Good argument recognises both sides, adverse possibilities and limitations. This book is so narrow in ideology any other possible perspectives are totally ignored.



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I found the whole concept of the book “Welcome to sex”, deeply sad.

So many rich and wonderful values trashed by it.

Our kids have been shown a cheap, tawdry, momentary, unhygienic,

meaningless farce - the results seem sure to produce dissatisfaction and hopelessness.

The respect, honour, commitment, fruitfulness, joy, purpose, deep satisfaction of a loving, committed, caring, respectful,

relationship celebrating the magnificent design, harmony and beauty of our bodies with the potential to bring about a new life … has been lost and forgotten here.

Our kids deserve better.

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The lesson in the story of Lot is not to choose your new home due to how it looks from afar.

"Lot lifted up his eyes and saw that the valley of the Jordan was well watered everywhere... like the garden of the LORD."

The most important thing to look at is what sort of people live there. Will they help you to raise your family properly or not? Lot was a righteous man, oppressed by the sensual conduct of unprincipled men in Sodom. (2 Peter 2: 7)

If you live in a town full of perverts you can expect your children to be perverted.

Actions have consequences, learn from it, raise your children with care and live a good life.

The children born to them were a problem for Israel, their cousins, for hundreds of years. They worshiped other gods and lived corrupt lives.

The bible is raw history of sinful men and women to teach us the right way to live in obedience to God's laws.

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Very well said.

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Thank you James.

We wouldn't know about half this stuff if not for your great articles.

Oh dear! What next?

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Your expose of the child indoctrination so blatantly passed off as a kids book is an extremely worthy cause…. A desperately worthy cause.

Keep up the good work.

Save our Kids!

Mag James

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James lawyers are officers of the Court not participants in or supporters of wacky grubby tomes. They should defer to PR companies for that sort of nonsense. If I as a lawyer had ever been asked to support such a thing I’m afraid the requestor would have been frogmarched from my office and left in the gutter from whence he emerged hopefully to be detained henceforth in the city sewerage system where he belonged.

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But look at the philosophers that guide these authors. Foucault was a pedo, Rousseau left his 5 kids to their fate in an orphanage, Derrida deserted his 3rd (illegitimate) child to his mistress, and was a serial philanderer...

You shall know them by their fruits.

We are being drowned out by our silence...

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Yep I agree; James you are an excellent Bible expositor; much better than a lot of so called “Pastors “ I’ve had the misfortune to listen to!!

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As always… well said James!

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My Experience is that some Lawyers are not that smart. Seriously, these fools make my head spin.

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Yes, it’s child abuse.

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Clarifying that the vile book “Welcome to Sex” is child abuse.

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Gosh! I’ve never knew of some of those things. Even now!!

I was 4 years old when my brother was born. My mother changed his nap and left him on the bed naked. I was shocked that he had something between his legs so I grabbed my sister And said quick go get some scissors we have to make him like us. As my sister was holding his penis I was about to snip it off and my mother walked in just in time. 😂😂. I think my mother should have explained that boys are different. That’s it!!

When I was 14 we were having discussions with the girls at school trying to work out how to have twins. I said, “I think you have to do it twice”. One girl said “what do you do twice?” I said I don’t know but whatever it is you have to do it twice. 😂😂

Probably at 14 it should have been explained to us what sex was.

My sister got married at 19 and she knew nothing. Thus her unwillingness to have sex with her husband for a year. After counselling etc she finally gave in at 20. we just didn’t discuss sex things, all us girls knew was about kissing. So definitely we should known by then.

So I wanted to keep my children as innocent as possible. My daughter was 16 and she was unwell. I took her to the doctor and the doctor asked her if she was on the pill. My daughter looked at me and said, “what’s the pill?” Oh my gosh! Nothing wrong with keeping your kids innocent as long as possible but I realised it was time to explain things to her.

Do kids really need to know all the in and outs of depravity? I don’t think so. I never knew any of things until when I was in my 30’s and that’s because my ex wanted to do some things which were foreign to me and I said no.

My ex looked at porn unbeknown to me and wanted to try things out. I said no.

My words to him was God gave me 3 places in my body. One for eating. One for sex and the other for getting rid of stuff and I am not getting the 3 mixed up. 😂😂😂

So my point is my ex looked at porn and was influenced then how much more can little innocent minds be influenced by this rubbish. It’s so wrong on so many levels.

Let’s keep children as innocent as possible. Yes explain the “stranger danger” and no one touches certain parts of your body.

I think children shouldn’t know those sort of things until they are in the teens. That’s my personal opinion. But some of that rubbish should not be even taught. It’s sickening.

Totally shocking to read what they want to teach children.

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Thanks, James for the factual account of that Bible story v depraved current culture. As you say context is everything. It is unfortunate that these people do not look at facts of how much violence, health issues are in same-sex relationships and the degrading of other people in other compromised relationships. It is interesting that Jim Caviezel's new movie, sounds of freedom, is getting so much harassment from the powers that be for exposing abuse of children. Again it is people that lead children astray that will be queueing up for worse than a millstone.

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"Sounds of freedom" recommends parents use agencies set up by Hillary and Pedosta who are both pedophiles, child sex traffickers and worshipers of Satan.

It seems like controlled opposition and we should be careful in how we support it, if at all..

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Thanks, Peter. I will have to find out more.

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Sex,sex,sex, obviously the Marque of the Beast.

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A good play on words.

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Heck! Even I don’t want to know what some of those sections are as a 54 year old adult woman (yes, biological, bona fide, woman). When you justify that kind of sickness with perversity it highlights your own depravity. “Your honour, I object!” “Sustained.”

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