We Spend a Million Dollars a Day on the Bureau of Meteorology.
Do you think we're getting value for money?
The Bureau of Meteorology want indemnity from any claims against them as a result of dodgy weather forecasts. It’s an inexact science, they say.
Wait. What?
I thought the science was settled!
What about the indemnifying US from costs, loss or damages if Chris Bowen's Net Zero fetish, based on BoM forecasts, is wrong?
Here’s my take …
Thanks James. This is so disturbing. I have a niece on the Goldy who lost all of her fresh & frozen food because the power was out for so long. I also have a niece in Cedar Vale with no power for almost a week so far and the next update apparently not coming until Jan 5. Thankfully they have a generator but it’s not for the entire house.
Sounds like a good basis for modular nuclear power imo.
The Australian would not print my comment:
"The BOM needs a clean-up. It has become deranged by climate nonsense, and so can't focus on the weather anymore. And so obsessed with issues of risk, that it lacks any sense of judgment. And so dismissive of past records that is blind to events past. Time to clean it all up, get the wokery and ideology out."