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Why have we so much rain along the east coast of Australia?

I wonder if the UN own that too!

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Their form of science is a religious dogma. If you deter from Gai worship. You are blaspheming. Next is the inquisition, where they drag you off to re-education camps. This same science says you can be born in the wrong body and killing babies is good for Gai.

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Real science is above these scammers.

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Very good article.

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I don't use Google at all. Searchnow.com or Yannex.com do not use Google for searches.

If you use inverted commas and the exact words in your search you may have more success, but even then I find that Mercola articles are no longer listed on Google.

Their censorship is getting much harder to get around.

Science is what we use to find the truth, it is not what the WEF, CDC, WHO, NWO, etc., want to tell us, that is propaganda. Science is not owned by anyone, it is made obvious to us by facts.

They worship Satan, the father of lies and only use lies to control us. We should know by now that whatever they say is a lie and has nothing to do with science.

As God destroyed the temple of Babel and confused the languages to divide the people from having a one world government then, so He will do the same with these groups when Messiah returns (Genesis 11 & Revelation 19: 11-20: 10)

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My own comments:

To solve electricity supply we need to apply practical measures, not science because we have learned that does not work. A simple examination of the air surrounding the thermometer reveals that about 53% of the reading refers to the efforts of water vapour. About 14% of the same reading is the result of carbon dioxide. (When combusting hydrocarbons about 30% of power results in carbon dioxide emissions, the remaining 70% results in water vapour emissions.)

As everyone are so concerned about the carbon dioxide emissions, why have the scientists not made up a scorecard to be relied on when identifying how much of that emission is absorbed by water and foliage through photosynthesis leaving the remnant for the air. Without that vital information net zero globally is unattainable. You cannot produce a model if the accounting is not correct.

From my own records I took in 2021, particularly on 26th of May, the temperature at 0800 was 13.9C and at 1400 it was 22.6C, an increase of 62%. There were no riots in the street or talk of climate emergency.

The humidity was 84% and 68% respectively, an increase in water vapour in the air of 39%. I managed to get an hourly reading from a NOAA station in Samoa that showed an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide of 0.0048%.

When we make investment decisions, we need facts. The IPCC assessment reports are beautiful fiction, aimed at sucking in “Charlies” like the average politician. However, the Paris Agreement carried a hefty fund request. To elicit money based on information that is deceitful or even false is a criminal offence.

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look at "How to think about Climate Change" by William Happer, Professor of Physics Emeritus, Princeton University, who shows that CO2 levels do not change it's greenhouse effect, but it does increase plant growth rates and areas. You are right that water vapor has an influence.


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Without having seen the advertised clip, there are two things that makes climate change a fraud – first is the greenhouse effect that makes you believe that infrared radiation from Earth is directed straight back. Wrong. The photons are spread 360 degrees from each molecule, thus part of the energy does not reach the ground. Second, to measure the atmospheric carbon dioxide, the air sample is purged of water vapour. Refer to CSIRO Cape Grim website. Removing water vapour from Earth will result in the Earth freezing over. Life, as we know it, is not possible. Ever noticed that in all literature about composition of air, it always states "dry air".

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As a sheep and cattle farmer I know our ag leaders have all got on the co2 band waggon and forgotten what brains and thinking are for.

We are told ruminants all emit carbon and methane, which is a form of carbon. But where did the cow or sheep get the carbon to emit?

All growing plants use the suns energy to chemically convert air, water and minerals into more leaves, keeping the carbon from the air and giving off the oxygen. Animal eats the carbon and energy in the plant to live and grow. Cow burps and farts emiting excess carbon as methane. DISASTROUS for climate change worshippers .

Methane over time breaks down back into carbon.

The animal is just part of the carbon cycle. No extra carbon ìs made, it is just recycled by the animal who harvests/ collects the sun's energy and the minerals and water to produce a valuable fibre( wool) or meat, a valuable, healthy and nutritious food.

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I remember teaching junior science students about the carbon, nitrogen and water cycles.

The thing to remember is that we don't add or remove one single element from the biosphere.

We only have what God created in the beginning and it all goes in cycles and food webs.

I hope you can wake these other farmers up about what a scam this is before the WEF destroy them and their farms. The Dutch farmers are calling them out now and they will be next.

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I don't get why everyone is surprised after all it's her Truth, their Truth. It's just not the truth.

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Karl Marx believed the working class would carry us to his Utopia, but they lacked the backbone. Lenin mixed in a good dollop of peasantry to achieve his Utopia and Mao got to his Utopia with the peasants alone.

Who would have thought that International Utopia would be achieved when the administrative class swept the battlefield with the HR departments in the rear, the IT nerds covering the flanks and the vanguard led by the incomparable trannies and rad fems.

So good to know that we, the hoi polloi, no longer need to wrestle with the myriad challenges of how to achieve human betterment. Charles Schwab raised the banner and his army of gender, climate and identity graduate activists will sort out all those problems for us.

Won't they?

Only swivel eyed loons would doubt!

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Truly shocking. Apart from Brave as browser. What else can you do to escape Google? What other sites ar ether that have the truth rather than the stuff these idiots think we should know.

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I use Brave Browser. I'm sure it's not perfect, but it's not Google. They've built their own search index totally independent of Big Tech (unlike, sadly, DuckDuckGo, which relies on Microsoft Bing).

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Thank you. Will do that.

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I think they're coming pretty close to 60 million monthly users too, which is encouraging.

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Thanks, Collette. I appreciate your response. I really love what you said about not taking the internet too seriously and not needing it to survive or make a living. We all need to have that kind of mindset going forward, I think. We need to reinvest in real-life relationships and communications (particularly my generation: Gen Z).

I totally agree about James. He's spot on.

Web3 is super exciting. I've been trying to keep half an eye on its development as well – as well as Brave Browser's integration with it (i.e., with unstoppable domains). https://brave.com/web3/ I'm just praying that they will make it accessible enough to provide a realistic alternative to Web2.

Thanks again Collette,


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This is a takeover by stealth. One can only say BUT GOD! They forget who has the ultimate say.

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It would seem that the lunatics really have taken over the asylum...

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Timely warning about discerning the current culture. I recommend the Cornwall Alliance website as a source for accurate data based information on climate change.

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Green Murder by professor Ian Plimer has lots of facts on so called climate change and the impossibility of green energy ever working and how E V cannot be built. ( there are not enough known minerals in the whole world to build the needed number of batteries.)

The problem is it is a very long read. Bought a few copies last Christmas to give away as presents. One of the best books he has read said my 86 by year old father.

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thank you

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Hope you enjoy reading the Cornwall Alliance articles.The message needs to get out about the renewables wind and solar which should be called unreliables.They are more damaging overall.

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Thanks James, for giving us this story, straight from the great deceiver.

Now the UN & Google informs there is only one narrative, ‘their’ truth. The one that was once the exaggerated catastrophist ideas of a few. What arrogance.

However the Creator of the Heavens & earth sits and laughs at their deceptive beguiling schemes.

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Just one more reason to distrust the UN and Google.

As if we needed any more reasons.

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What’s shocking is the sheer arrogance of these people/groups, and how so many hang onto their every word. I know people who actually agree with these tactics as part of the “better good!” Dangerous times ahead, but then those with eyes to see and ears to hear know what the outcome is.

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