Given that Man made global warming, Net Zero CO2, the left's catch all net is crumbling under a -50C cooling example in the USA, where summers shorten and winters are expanding, topped of with a Covid flu vaccine dictate, how many of the left' hunkered down in the Academe and public service agencies will be left to roll out more of their culture shock treatments?

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Everything you say is true, the Devil is definitely afoot. It is indeed a terrible time of deceit & cowardice we are living in . Is it a pack mentality the Woke are using. The squeaky door is getting the oil, so we have to be brave & not be cowed into submission.

It’s tempting to say let them have their town & see what they get , but that’s as stupid as voting yes in the first place. ’m ever grateful you are speaking up James, bringing things to our attention putting our many fears into sensible verse.

Forewarned is forearmed

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Where are the David’s? Many sit like the Israelites in the camp apathetic, scared and self centred while the left( like Goliath) bellow out their defiance against God. We are to stand this day and take down this Goliath who dares to defy our God. We pray spiritually breaking the chains and we are led in the natural how to counter the evil that lies in the land! Will you stand with God or submit to the evil of the devil ?

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Congratulations James .This is amazing , well said indeed.. WE as a nation are in deep bother with this Looney Tunes mob running OUR COUNTRY. Saddest of all is our PUBLIC schools, lack of educational

Standards by these

Lefty fools!

Our kids are being brainwashed / groomed to be WARPED GREENIES. LBGQT , not educated.by out of control , unsupervised ,Lefties! Paying a high price when our kids are the collateral damage of the mob ..😢👍

Thanks James ..🙏

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There is a lot going wrong in Australia so there is much to be against..where ever you look...health, education, politics, the media our culture and our beliefs and how we do life....it seems that it has been an all out assault on what we have termed to be quintessentially Australian... a fair go...a decent days pay for the work you do...and just leave us alone...we know what best for ourselves and our family we don’t need government managing everything we do!.....everything has been shaken to its core! Sp much being completely un-Australian...the rank hypocrisy... the rank misuse of tax payer monies....the double speak..the virtue signalling...the gaslighting....the blatant lies the crap is just piling up stinking the joint to high heaven! We need one hell of a gerni to just pressure wash and clean this un-Australian mould off everything! Australia’s new norm is putrid!

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Jan 4, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

I’ve only heard the saying. ‘Evil flourished when good people do nothing’, which means much the same. I have kept saying a lot for 3 years, and family members have blocked me. I know I have to keep saying the truth regardless, because a lot of people have listened. And they will be more prepared.

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The original 10 Commandments had many, "Thou shalt nots" in each law, but they were also summarized in, "‘Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God is one Lord; and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ The second is this, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”

When we say what we believe it is sometimes easier to point out what you do not believe as part of that statement to clarify your positive statement as many will take the fact that you did not deny it as approval of it.

I am a biblical believer, but so are many that I would not agree with as they also accept many contradictory positions, e.g. the pope accepts Muslims as having the same faith, but they do not accept that the Father God has a Son, etc.

The Apostles creed was the earliest recorded creed apart from 1 Corinthians 15: 3-11, but many others had to be formed to deny false teachings that were current.

Even in the messages to the seven churches in Revelation chapters 2 & 3 there are both positive comments and warnings about their short comings, e.g. "You have left your first love", 'I have a few things against you", "I have this against you", etc.

If we don't point out the problems with the progressive doctrines then we are doomed to suffer the consequences of their ideology.

The first to plead his case seems right, Until another comes and examines him. (Proverbs 18:17)

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Jan 4, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

I enjoy your no nonsense, just common sense articles. And I enjoy seeING you on Sky channel. Thank you.

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Jan 4, 2023·edited Jan 4, 2023

Jesus has commanded us as Christians to take up our cross and follow Him. He has also commanded us to stand against the schemes of the devil by putting on the full armour of God.

So when we are at church or in public, we can either turn a blind eye to the truth, which is to deny Jesus, just as the apostle Peter did just before Jesus' crucifixion, or we can be bold and unashamedly stand for the truth, as Paul the apostle continually urges us to do through his letters.

Jesus has also warned us of what will happen if we deny Him. In Matthew 10:32-33, He says, “Everyone who acknowledges Me before men, I also will acknowledge before My Father who is in heaven, but whoever denies Me before men, I also will deny before My Father who is in heaven.” To acknowledge the truth is to acknowledge Christ, for Christ is truth.

The bible also teaches us to: "Hate evil, and love good, and establish justice in the gate." Amos 5:15. There are so many people who profess to love God and love good. But when it comes to hating evil as the bible commands us to do, they choose to compromise on evil instead. They think that loving others means accepting their sin as well. This is wrong. It is impossible to love truth while making allowances for lies, just as it is impossible to love good while making allowances for evil, because the two are in complete opposition to one another.

We desperately need bold preachers of conviction. If only we could have another Billy Graham!!

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Jan 3, 2023·edited Jan 4, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

Absolutely. Most church leaders seem to regard speaking out on these issues as something that they need not do. They play intellectual games with words, instead of preaching the Word of God and Life eternal. Not speaking out is now becoming matter of life and death as detransitioners are qualifying for euthanasia in Canada. Read Jonathan van Karen' Substack page today.

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

Because we've lost our "hutzpah" James.....no one has the, dare I say it "guts" to stand up, they're all following the normal social requirement of being polite....Scomo vs Macron...should've called him out publicly...what Aussie male let's someone. call him a "liar"!!

However the Left don't care...they just lie, cheat and intimidate and roll on....no one calls them out. Not even in Parliament....e.g. Dr (I use that term very loosely) Ryan....our elected members have got to stand and defend this country against these leftist treasonous acts.

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

The author below concurs James; "Sensitive to slight, they police even unintentional verbal offenses; concerned with the oppressed, they champion minorities and vilify the privileged; reliant on help, they publicly air lists of grievances. The university is the epicenter of victimhood culture. As such it is the epicenter of microaggression complaints, as well as trigger warnings, safe spaces, and hate crime hoaxes."

Bradley Campbell, The Rise of Victimhood Culture.

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

Yer well said James. 👏

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We have little hope of fighting back while we have gutless politicians pandering to the crazy left ideas, and main stream media which lacks true journalistic integrity, plus a multitude of non thinking people

who can’t or won’t

acknowledge the truth of what we are facing.

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

We are called to speak the truth, and speak the truth, I will. Regardless of the insanity around me. The most brainwashed I have discovered in my family are my young adult grandchildren. Tne ones who have been to university are so left and green it is impossible to have a conversation with them! I have a grandson who is an Anglican Priest who says there is nothing wrong with gay marriage, it just isn't "Holy Matrimony". Their thinking is so far away from what is right. They have all been brought up in a Christian home and been going to a good church all their lives, prior to university. Today they worship at the shrine of the left agenda. We continue to pray for them every day and trust the Lord for them

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Jan 3, 2023·edited Jan 3, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

Thanks James. I have in times past with good intention said the very thing you point out as a problem here. I certainly want to be known for what I stand for but it can never be a cause for a lack of courage. What a.great thought you have delivered every leader, influencer, activist and citizen at the start of a new year. What a thought for all who would lovingly act with courage that effects truly positive change and adds to a strong foundation for our nation, our children and the future.Thanks again!

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