Meanwhile, at a primary school in Australia, a teacher is reading a novel called 'George' to the class, which is one of the most controversial books published in the last few years. It is the story of a young boy who believes he is a girl and describes his whole story of transitioning. Inluencing the next generation? I doubt that any parents have even been told.

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Indeed. I am gaining selection of banned publications on my Kindle and my shelves so that they will not forgotten. What a travesty these bans are. The ignorant cowardly fools that run universties are producing ignorant stupid graduates. I was astounded the other week when a young person in my church =a leader and never heard of Ulysses as a name or a person. How bad is all that and the travesties tax the networks call period drama these days!

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Free speech comes at a cost. Unfortunately history shows how much of a cost. This " sanitizing of thought is no longer locked by country/borders as in a traditional war but we now have a common language (zeros and ones) that can be/are audited by bots programmed at govt / others behest. We should not be surprised as we have been told of what is coming. Looking forward to the rapture🤪

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Aug 16, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

The head Professor @ Glasgow University called a meeting with all of the students, Head Professor; "Now listen up you lot, the heads of all UK universities, including yours truly, och aye, have put warnings on more than 1000 books, including works by that ill intentioned prat across the border Billy Shakespeare, out of concerns that some of their words or themes contained therein might ‘cause you poor molly coddled, soft arse, low rent, under achieving, can't think for yourself, easy manipulated, useless eater, ( did I say that out loud, never mind?) students harm. Are there any questions, careful now? Student up the back with arms folded; " Isn't that the same as the Nazi regimes ideological book burning in WWII?" Professor, "Security, security, free thinking git in hall A, free thinking git in hall A.

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Who's Holly Koran? I bet she won't be happy when she finds out they used her name under a picture of a smiling man!

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Aug 16, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

You can see where this is heading - ban the Bible. It is full of words people don't want to hear! There are times in history where books have been burned in the public square because they had unacceptable words. Is this going to happn again??? What a stupid world! Good called evil and evil called good

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