Who authorises this stuff??

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I’m just waiting for an independent Artifical Intelligence program to get hold of this data and start using it to improve things. After all, the politicians have failed for years - maybe AI will do a better job. Although its entirely likely that a rational AI will decide we are beyond help, and better off being eliminated althogether.

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I wish I could produce thoughts that are powerful enough to blow the fuse behind Big Brother's eyes.

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Are the stalkers who perve on people's emotions through CCTV cameras at UK train stations the same bureaucrats who insist that there should be more female train drivers?

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Who is watching the watcher who is watching the watched?

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Yet another watcher.

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21

Xi Jinping and his minions no doubt. Well, maybe if it was in Australia. Not sure about the UK. That is a very important question though.

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Ah, the thought police! We were in a church once that had the Thought Police, we didn't stay there for too long. If travelling on British trains is anything like Sydney trains then the people usually have deadpan faces. Mind you, I haven't travelled on a Sydney train for a very long time as I got whisked away to Queensland when I got married and the only trains I see now are about 2 kilometers long and full of coal! If a camera wants to track my thoughts, I would say, let it, my thoughts can be quite bizaare , but as for British rail, it is a NO from me

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Do you sit in the car at the rail crossing, and watch the coal wagons roll impassively by, whilst passively counting the wheels endlessly spinning round and round and round? Hypnotic, eh? Mesmerisingly time wasting and thought provoking exercise guaranteed to clear the brain of useless thoughts. I think I might try it sometime.

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When travelling from Gladstone to Rockhampton, the trains are visible and there are lots of them along that line. I think I would go stir crazy just sitting watching them!

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who remembers the TV show Person of Interest staring Jim Caviezel? This is where we are headed - or at least we are here already.

so much of the tech we have seen in movies the last 10 - 20 years - think Iron man and his augmented reality virtual computers in the air - they all exist! I've seen it in action at UTS tech labs in Sydney, they have been working on and developing them for years, these things are in use now, have been for years, surveilling us - they have tech that can count sheep on farms - yes individual sheep - smart enough to be able to identify each individual so they are not counted twice, the same tech is used to track mining staff on work sites and tell bosses who's where on site and exactly what they are doing. the same tech being used to track and trace people on city streets. Did they tell us they were building this tech? did they tell us how it would be used? of course its all sold to us under the guise of keeping us safe, or making life easier and removing manual tasks. but the insidious side of it is the reality - that it makes the rich richer by reducing low level jobs and gives big tech, big pharma, and big business and governments m ore power to control the people.

its no longer fantasy, its a hideous nightmare that has been coming to us subtly for a long time, while there are benefits to tech, the downside is its corruptibility and the nefarious use by those who wish to control and enslave us.

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Pity the technology can't keep track of all of us. Look how many go missing every day!

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true - they only track the people they have interest n tracking hey

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To be fair the trains to and from Glasgow and Edinburgh are great. And the ones we used from Theale to Reading and Paddington were quite good. The cameras would have caught the top of head as I read to each destination.

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Thank you for that heads-up. Next time I walk onto a British railway platform I shall exchange digital greetings with every camera I see.

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Travelling on a British train is enough to piss anyone off. Over crowded. They don’t run on time., just for starters. Overcrowding because of the huge population is rife.

Then sometimes they decide that after one station that there is something wrong with your train and dump you at the first station. So you pile onto the next train which is already full, look for your first class seat and find the carriages full and stand up as we did from Hove to London. Last year from Hammersmith to Heathrow we stood up, clinging to a strap with a huge and I mean huge obese black man snoring in his seat, legs stretched out and with about 20 other people in that one carriage. So to think the rail non services are spying on you as happens in every street in Britain is too much. I do hope they caught my royally ungracious expression on camera. Dutch trains are nearly as bad.

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Summed up perfectly 🎯

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Thank you for most evocative and unappealing of account of BritRail or whatever it's called nowadays. Cheers.

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That’s very weird. 😳

Individual facial expressions often don’t match what people are saying or thinking. Have you ever noticed how many people nod when they’re saying no or talking about something negative?

I’ve been accused of certain thoughts by my wayward facial expressions. It’s been less as I’ve aged. I must have learned blank face expressions from my husband 😂😂

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Quite true. Take President Xi for example - he does a nice line in funny faces!

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