I read that Musk was using the vote to identify bots who would vote against Trump.

Even those that hate him love to troll him and read his tweets that are of a high standard.

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Go Trump! It’s time to change the name of the crazy ladies to ‘Hilary’. It’s giving us nice Karen’s a complex.

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Surely you can find a better alternative than Karen to end on. Let's face it, its mainly males and their stupidity pushing the blokes in skirts agenda as a number one priority of the day in education. They outclass the Karen's of world by far.

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The internet and social media’s original promise to the masses was to have a social e-space which facilitates free communication and information sharing, and that platform organisers would just facilitate this digital utopia... the radio and TV cooperate models would be smashed and there would be a space for true freedom of speech and information sharing... how wrong were the first original founders?...this promise lays in tatters...with some invisible algorithm goblin tampering and suppressing and shadow banning...over emphasising or completely canceling...one voice over another..this supposed digital utopia of the internet and social media has completely crashed....we now have platforms who have been bought by elites and by foreign entities who most definitely exert political and ideological influences everywhere....cancelling and de-platforming and cranking the algorithm to support one view over another. Twitter, Facebook and Instagram are no longer free spaces...they are avenues filled with information trolls who seek to re-write all content and thought.by cancellation one idea and over empathising another one...our supposed free media has now become an echo chamber a cacophony of misinformation and miseducation...! We must override the algorithm and push the pendulum back to the public square model...much easier said then done!

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Nov 21, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

I agree that letting Trump back on Twitter should have nothing to do with popularity. Either Musk supports free speech or he doesn't. I tweeted as much when I saw his poll. (After I voted.)

No surprise the anti-free speech luvvies are trying to manipulate Google play & Apple into removing Twitter from their app stores. I am sure Musk could make it available elsewhere if that happened.

At least we won't have to listen to the luvvies crying about it.

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Nov 21, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

I am not on twitter and never intend to be. I do however love that the fact that this news has sent so many "Karens" into meltdown. Screams of needing a safe space from free speech and Trump are not quite the same as us ladies needing a safe space in our change rooms and toilets from mentally unwell men but anyway...... lefties

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Nov 21, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

How is it free speech if there’s a vote to see if he can go back on? I think it’s a bit of an insult. What if 49 percent said yes? Or right on 50? I think he’s probably going to pass on it!

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Nov 21, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

I know lots of Karens. Good thing about them is when they talk to me it frees up my constipation. Bring back Orange Man with hot wife. US was the poorer and the interweb was never as funny without him. Orange man and rocket man. Too busy outslagging each other to ever go to war. Sleepy Joe more likely to press the button while slumbering

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Nov 21, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

"And besides, Twitter was never as good as this classic Donald Trump tweet". A classic tweet indeed!

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Just like your woke disctionary this morning James, freedom of speech is out, which is very sad. This agenda will have humans being trained like seals soon

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Nov 21, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

Yes we are all free to agree with the current zeitgeist. All people dissenting will be “encouraged” to desist... ridiculous that proponents of free speech (like Ms Coulter) only allow it on their terms.

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