Like button gone on permanent strike. Loved all your comments.

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What kind of a nation does not educate its children about the diabolical History of a enemy (Jesuit Vatican) imposing war, it is a nation that has surrendered its children to the diabolical adversary (Jesuit Vatican).

The Jesuits and the Covid Pandemic – Berean Beacon

JESUITS HELPED TO START TWO WORLD WARS (1 & 2) - (remnantofgod.org)


Climate Change will lead to The Mark of the Beast - https://remnantofgod.org/climatechange.htm

The Satanic Jesuit 4th "Bloody" Oath Of Induction

​*Taken from the original document found in the archives of the Library Of Congress in Washington DC, USA.

The Jesuit Oath - Darkness Is Falling


​ "And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints and of all that were slain upon the earth." Revelation 18:24

The Luciferian Jesuits & the Roman Catholic Church

Vatican Assassins: “Wounded In The House Of My Friends” The Diabolical History of The Society of Jesus

Including: Its Second Thirty Years’ War (1914 - 1945), Its Cold War (1945 - 1989), And Its Assassination of America’s First Roman Catholic President, Knight of Columbus John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1963)

By Eric Jon Phelps

White Separatist American Freeman

Dispensational, Fifth Monarchy, Seventh-Day Baptist-Calvinist




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Sadly, I think it's part of the game plan. I think they know that we won't even get to the election that's why they allowed it, or possibly they are just acknowledging the truth of what the rest of us already knew and this will give them an excuse now to quickly retire him and prop up another puppet.

It's sad and hysterically funny to hear the conversations around the debate that this is unusual for Joe. What really!!!! They are playing us for fools. Get ready for the next move.

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I seriously doubt that the Yanks will fall for the "candidate of colour like they did with O bama ---let alone his wife, who would only be his mouthpiece anyway . A lot of Yanks ,who normally voted for the Republicans thought they would go with the "man of colour" as they thought that he might be a breath of fresh air . T hey are unlikely to get caught like that again.

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Amen Paul👏

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Now that the world has been exposed to Jo's decrepitude(and I don't wish to be disrespectful..the situation is sad) the concern must be..who will be his replacement? Gavin Newsome? I don't think the VP is popular...but some younger blood may be a greater threat to Donald Trump.

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29

At times I thought I’m watching comedy show !

He is a very weak Palestinian 😂

The number 1, number 2 thing was very repetitive

And often times Trump kept going back to the previous question to defend himself or correct Biden, which was on one hand hilarious but on other hand they didn’t even address some of the questions !

It felt like I’m watching arguments between 10 year olds! Lol rambling and going around circles and accusing each other of lies.

And of course watching Biden was painfully sad! This man has a long history in politics, and from what I’ve gathered, he was sharp and well respected in his party during his younger years. There’s no doubt that for most parts he is a good man to those dear and near to him, and compared to other 80 yr olds (generally speaking) he can be seen doing “ kind of okay “ for his age.

But as a president of United States who is running not only America but also influencing the world , having him in power for the next term is criminal and incredibly dangerous.

I don’t understand Jill Biden either. Any woman that truely loves her man wants her man to triumph and succeed in his career and other areas in life , but in this case she has absolutely lost the plot. This man is declining not only mentally but physically ( there’s a significant decline since 4 years ago, can’t imagine another 4 years ) and putting him through these debates alone not only stresses him significantly- causing more decline , but it is also publicly humiliating and internationally embarrassing 🙈 😳 , and a loving woman will not accept or allow that for her man!!!!

One cant help but wonder, maybe she’s enjoying the perks that comes with being the First Lady .

If Joe Biden never became a president and retired 4 years ago, he would have been for the most parts remembered as a respectful, hard working and dedicated politician. Instead - Unfortunately, by large, he will be remembered as a disoriented unfit president of United States, a national embarrassment and international disaster.

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'Doctor' Jill has a lot to answer for, treating her husband like a child and pushing him into the spotlight, not just embarrassing her husband but the whole nation of America. Joe should be in a care home enjoying his last years/months/whatever he's got left... God help America indeed!

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Why do the Yanks have these debating sessions? Every time it is only a mud-throwing fight. Why don't they present their plans and policies if elected to the Oval Office instead of tongue-lashing each other?

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Maybe someone decided that the world had to see Joe as he is, not as he’s been presented for a decade, before he gets dumped. Otherwise the US democrats would have been puzzled by the dumping.

Hopefully some of the democrats will realise that they have gaslighted, and get to some truth in their country.

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James you've put more nails in Bidens coffin than a cobblers repair shop!

The sad thing about this awakening in America, is that the delusion bubble has burst and they are about to reap the results of 4 years worth of hypocrisy, lies and a Government stuck in reverse gear!

Will Donald Trump win the Presidency? If he does, can he undo the mess of slime that took 4 years to ooze from the swamp he had almost drained?

Meanwhile the world is recklessly careering towards Armagheddon and all eyes will be on the war in the Middle East with Israel right in the centre.

I always wondered why USA was not one of the major protagonists in the up and coming War in Ezekiel 38. Now it's so, so clear!

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I still can't believe people voted for that man to run a country...

Or that he has nuclear launch codes!!

My prediction is that this upcoming, US election will be the lowest voter count ever, as people who will not vote for Trump realise that they cannot vote for Slow Joe, so they just won't vote at all.

Quite sad for one of the most powerful nations on the planet.

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It’s so deeply sad for the Biden family and a man who should be respected for a lifetime of service and is now being ridiculed for normal aging ....and, of course, it’s overwhelmingly worrying ... just part of the mix in this perfect storm that’s brewing .

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Feeling sorry for Joe is one thing, but his family should be charged with elder abuse for continuing to share in the dream of power and public admiration showered on the Presidency.

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Absolutely! The Telegraph has said that there are only two people who could get poor old Joe to resign, his wife and his sister. His wife disgusts me. She’s enjoyed all the kudos and perks of being the First Lady - if she cared for him at all, she should never have let him stand for president in the first place. It’s elder abuse right out in the open with no conscience at all. But Old Joe is still a crook and should answer for all the corruption he’s initiated and condoned. They’re both as bad as each other.

It’s unbelievable to think they and the Democrats could think they could get away with this! Hopefully this is the way they fall in their own swamp ooze and never be in power again. Poetic justice!

Things in the world are certainly unravelling at a very scary pace. God have mercy on us.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 29

I can't understand why the Democrats have allowed Biden to remain in the top job for so long now, representing their party, when he is and has been senile for so long now. To me, they look like absolute fools for doing so, as Biden is supposed to be a representation of them. Secondly, is it not elder abuse?

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Is this REALLY the best America has!!!??? The same applies to our beloved country!!!,How sad!!! God save America and the rest of the world!!!

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Australians cant point the finger at the Yanks for voting for that goose when our own system allowed the wog to get up with 30% of the primary probably not knowing the preference deal they had with the green slime . Look at the unmitigated disaster that has created aided an abetted by a compliant left media (like the Yanks have )

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It is happening almost everywhere. Totally inept “leaders” systematically destroying nations: USA, France, UK, New Zealand, Canada, Portugal, Scotland, and of course Australia, to name a few. Has to be by design. They’re all pushing to same lies/policies aided and abetted by the media. The WEF has long and dangerous tentacles.

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That is very true - it is happening in so many places around the world. It would seem though, as I have found out recently, that there is one country - El Salvador in Central America, that is being lead by a God-fearing man - President Nayib Bukele. This country is known for having one of the highest crime rates in the world. Below is a link to a very interesting interview of President Nayib Bukele with Tucker Carlson:


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Thanks. I’ll definitely watch.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

Dr Jill seems hellbent on her husband Joe staying in power!

The scariest part is what will happen in the next 7 months around the world while everyone knows the Commander in Chief is asleep.

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