Do they actually understand that with their thinking there would be no “family chats”!!!

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Hi Heather,

Yes, it was in relation to a comment to me by Peter.

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The bible only shows us God's view and He is able to do whatever His will is for any of His creation.

Pedestrian view is man centered religion and that is the same as Baal worship.

True theology is God centered and biblical.

Do we trust that He is wise and merciful? Then we can trust that His decision are always perfect.

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Just when we get Roe v Wade overturned and returned back to the states where it should be we get these bioweapon injections that will make all these young women sterile.

They may wake up to the stupidity of their beliefs one day, but it will be too late and there will be no children for them to indoctrinate. Those that did not get jabbed will be home schooling.

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These PP ghouls as you have described James are soulless unthinking creatures. They cannot be human.

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If Jesus had been aborted, we would all be in hell now.

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Thank you James for yet again cutting through the lies to the truth that abortion is not normal. I cannot imagine that this subject would even get a mention at most, if any, Christmas tables, let alone be the main topic of conversation.

I thank God that the real reason for the season, the coming of Jesus to the earth to save us and give us hope and a future, will be on the lips of many grateful Christians around the world, including mine, this Christmas. And for those experiencing post abortion grief and or shame, Jesus brings the hope of forgiveness and love that the world so desperately needs to hear. There truly is hope in no Other!

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How about the mums of these girls take control & teach their daughter to live with self respect LADIES. Eliminating the NEED for abortion!

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Merry Xmas James

The parenting skills of these young people is questionable ?

Poor misguided fools, they have such empty souls

wandering around,aimlessly chanting this rubbish! Clueless simpletons deserve pity. This lot really need to be shut down to protect them from themselves!

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Well put James, their sentiments are disgusting. Any parent who has given birth and marvelled at the beauty of their child could never imagine aborting a child. As you say they are small human beings and the miracle of their growth in the womb is amazing, to destroy that little person is inhumane and if you use your imagine you can almost hear their screams of terror.

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The meaning of Christmas is the celebration of birth of Jesus a precious baby who saved the world . Planned parenthood is the Herod of 2022…..trying to kill them all

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Forgive them Father for they know not what they do!!

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Dec 23, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

If Planned Parenthood have their way, you won't have to worry about awkward family chats any more. No babies leads to no family.

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Dec 23, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

Yes. Control language and you control thought; control thought and you control action; control action and you control the world. Peter Kreeft

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Thankyou for your insight. Very encouraging, we need reminding to do our best to reduce the influence and of the propaganda speak.

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Supporting abortion is the sole unarguable reason that most Christian’s have lost their rudder leading to a spineless apologetic lukewarm christian lifestyle..having a biblical understand and allowing abortion to reign is about as useful as a door on a submarine or worse allowing a golden calf into your worship. I cannot believe it but we still have some Christians who don’t want to make abortion an issue in their churches. They say it is to controversial or we have more important things to cover or we don’t want topics which cause offence. Allowing the shedding of innocent blood is about as satanic and society destroying as you can get but it’s still is a no go zone for many leaders...why? because they care more for their popularity than speaking up for the truth and fighting the right fight...why? the power of the tithe rules and many care more for numbers than making messages that literally saves lives...we have Christians going to abortion clinics saying that this topic has never been taught on in their church and that the church’s position is either neutral or non-existing about this issue....now that is a travesty! I have never been against a woman’s right to have autonomy over her body in fact she owns her body and she can do whatever she wants with it but when having a child the stakes change and we must consider the rights of the new life....saving children and allowing them to come to life is Gods plan for our race to flourish and repopulate Earth...we must avoid interrupting birth as much as possible as our birth rates are rapidly declining leading to an aging society which cannot sustain itself....we must repopulate and refresh and flourish...allow the natural order of things and allow children to be born... nobody has the right to kill a child just because they change their mind or it becomes inconvenient to them... make a decision to avoid pregnancy before it happens if you don’t wish to have a child! We must not fail in this area because of ignorance my goodness!

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