Why not tell us what you really think, James 😁

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Not surprising James...it's what the "woke" community have been doing for the past years.......tell lies and they're never stood up and asked to prove anything!!

We need strong politicians that just hammer hammer away and never ever give up!!

That's the reason we elect them, to represent us and our values.....not their own....case in point that Liberal in Tasmania that keeps crossing the floor!!

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If Santos was a dog who had just destroyed a whole garden, but came when called with a flower in his mouth, would you belt him or say thank you?

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I guess this idiot is the perfect politician. Making up truth with no shame. That is the worst aspect of this. He has no shame or even any insight into the deception he has perpetrated on people. Bt then we are no better -look at the fools that given us.

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Unless those days were shortened, none would survive. We are living in the days of deep deception and we need to be aware more than ever . This agenda has taken the mind of almost an entire generation of young people. They have their own truth and it seems impossible to get through to them. We have lying poiliticians and media everywhere today and it seems to have happened very fast yet it has been a gradual slide and now it is extremely fast

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We live in such an “ish” world!

I thought only children made up stories! 😳

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As the King of South Australia I cannot quote on this article. I am also very busy sorting out the U.N. and the QLD police force. But keep up the good work. I need a laugh as much as the next 8 ft midget. Bless ya.

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The new mantra is: if you tell the same lie continually,and long enough it becomes truth. It would seem George Santos’s lie became his truth or his own fantasy became his reality.

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Well James, a perfect example of how gullible the sheeple are and how they want to believe the lie so that they can feel self-righteous and affirmed.

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We are surrounded by, and accept lies and liars in our daily lives.

Politicians blatantly lie to us.

Mainstream media lies to us.

Advertisers lie to us.

Used car salespeople have a notorious reputation for lying.

As shown recently, even some in the medical profession lie to us.

We lie to our children about a jolly obese man and his reindeers along with an Easter bunny.

Fibs, white lies and exaggerations are lies none the less.

A good liar needs a very good memory and most of us know someone who gets tangled up in their lies.

Always tell the truth and there is no need for lies but for some, that is an impossibility and a way if life.

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Are we so surprised? The con artist.. those who are loose with the truth and those who out and out lie straight to your face.... the art of fakery... to gain booty or advantage..the Melissa Caddicks of this world those who can live in perpetual lies until the facades come crashing down all around them like a prop filled stage...they exist...how many?..,many preying on the vulnerable pretending some skill or expertise until none is realised...the court jesters of this world they mesmerise and deceive why?? Because to live in reality is unthinkable..their world of self promotion, self worship and planned prepared punch lines is a far better deal than being who they really are....for many it’s better to fake being an expert some master of skill or some person of worthwhile repute..,than to actually fess up and say the truth...you exaggerate and embellish you sew your own tapestry of life experience and you orchestrate your own tune! ... it all about the marketing...what you can mock up as your self-image...a little Gyprock some putty and some laminate and your done.. you dodge and hustle... and you spin that wheel your completely run by your minders those voices in your head.. which switch on the stage lights and scream out I’m a star!...the lime light of your own celebrity, the web of fantasy, the dizzying light of fame...your a moth bedazzled by your own glorious candle light..you have become high on your reflection!..,it’s all vanity and the smoke and mirrors you use to hide the gaping flaws which will eventually find you out to tell us all how truly pathetic you have become! Pride is always before a fall!

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So his perfect as a politician …. Nothing but lies

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Remember when the media used to dig up the dirt so this couldn’t happen? So so long ago…..

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Good point Anne

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Isn’t it criminal to do that?

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Good morning. It is so obvious that the media (most), politicians and bureaucrats have no respect for the people. When politicians like Albanese and the greens/teals open their mouths you know they are lying and most of the media protect them. It's important for Australians to open their eyes and ears more often to see what's really happening.

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