Thanks again James for your insight!

I wonder if the DEI advocates now see the error in their ways when their Columbia trust fund kids wage war on all the democratic freedoms that give them the right to protest for terrorists who would gladly throw them off a tall building whilst they call for the destruction of the only country in the region that would accept them for who they are or want to be?? Social justice huh?!

Poor Dr Cass but good on her for taking on a task that was sure to lead to her being cancelled when the gender champions got a result we all knew was coming!

Go Elon & let the world see the attack on the priest as it was rather than redacted to suit a political narrative.

QLD Labor…no words but lol..

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Dont know if your using Grammarly too trustingly but pedestrian for paediatrician and no for know I think?

But stirring article

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Nicely said James. Full marks all round for your views.

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I think Mr Musk might have a lot more brains than our entire Federal cabinet put together.

He certainly has more business sense than the entire Labor party. He is a billionaire because he invents things AND sells stuff that people want to buy and so he has earned a lot of money.

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Am with you 100% mate 👍

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"Anthony Albanese today called Elon Musk an “arrogant billionaire”. Tanya Plibersek yesterday called Elon Musk an “egotistical billionaire”. Labor Senator Murray Watt yesterday called Elon Musk a “narcissistic billionaire”."

Yes, well, name calling is often what happens while tantrum chucking occurs. And tantrum chucking occurs when a person wants something that someone else has, doesn't get to control someone or something, or just simply doesn't get to have their own way.

Why is our country being run by three-year-olds???

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It’s called reaping what you sow.

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James - Dr Hillary Cass, the pedestrian commissioned by .... not sure what that qualification is?

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It would be nice if all the Australian governments, Federal and State, got on with the business of looking after the Australian people....banning free speech is not!!

In fact it would be nice to see them actually get out of the mindset of Opposition and stop trying to score points against those opposite in parliament. All I see is smirking baboons laughing with each other patting each other on the back like kids in a schoolyard, instead of producing something concrete to get this country moving forward. They must've spent the entire years in opposition making wish-lists. They are floundering big time in all areas. Elon Musk is the "bad guy" this week.

Columbia Uni have just proved to the whole world that just because you go to Uni doesn't mean you are have any brains at all!!

Thank you James for showing us the utter hypocrisy of these students, all brought up in a democracy. I can excuse ignorance to a point but don't destroy our societal standards or harass and bring Nazism into todays world.....it's proving every day that multi culturism doesn't work.

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Well the governments of Saudi Arabia ,Qatar and others of a similar ilk, have done their work well. The seeds sown over all those decades have borne fruit and the most prestigious universities in the western world are on their way to becoming Jew Free Zones. Instead of graduating nobel prize winners of the future, researchers who will develop medical breakthroughs to prolong and improve life, noted jurists and the like we will have myriad graduates in middle eastern studies, gender studies,

Importance of linguistics in 18th century southern Somalia and similar.

We've probably all seen You Tube segments of American University undergraduates not knowing what basic elementary facts, I understand these are hand picked out of many answers to make up a 10 minute segment, but its a foretaste of what our universities are going to produce en masse

They say we get the politicians we deserve, wow have we sinned badly.

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Has the world turned into a huge mental hospital without medication?

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Apr 23·edited Apr 23

Strange things can happen over night. I fear a magpie called Molly may have won the Qld election for Labor and also given Steven Miles an International profile - if they know how to milk it.

Who could have guessed?

Echoes of the puppy on Salisbury Plain.

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So the younger set are convinced it is safer to join the enemy than to face them!

Our politicians are great at making plans and calling others names! Latest is to see who can come up with the most demeaning title for Mr. Musk. They are all united in the fact that he is a billionaire and they are not!

Dear Premier Mills. He thinks his own government is responsible for lowering the crime rate in Queensland!

The only thing he is good at lowering, is the State and National flags on ANZAC Day. But I'm hoping he delegates a proficient person to do that!

We will Remember those who kept our flag flying at the top of the pole and faced their enemies head on, despite all odds.

They gave us the freedom we have. Let us hope we will be able to hand on the banner to our Grandchildren.


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Bullseye 🎯

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It’s all so very sickening. The delusional of mankind are steering the ship towards utter destruction. Man without God is a dangerous narcissistic fool seeking power and control over their fellowman and not caring who they destroy in the process. satan is having the time of his life.

Surely such a world is on its last legs else how can godly people survive? Yet I fear we have still more depths to plummet in to so we all need to hang in there and be strong in our faith in our God who has promised He will never ever leave or forsake us. We need to encourage each other in these terrible soul destroying times and no matter what things sound or look like, remember that GOD the CREATOR and KING OF THE UNIVERSE sees all and has all things in hand. At the perfect time, He will suddenly say, ‘Enough!’ and then His faithful children will be resurrected with creation and we will enjoy forever the new earth and heavens. This can’t come quick enough for me but until then I’ll keep enduring and persevering where God has planted me. May the Lord give me the strength and courage to do this and may He also do that for you. ✝️🙏🏻

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Apr 23Liked by James Macpherson

Ah so Lambie as usual sides with Government of the day... when she talks of twitter being a cesspool of vile abuse... she should stop looking in the mirror.

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