Greta is a sheet of bark short. She needs to get a real job and grow up

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Do camels cause global warming?? Hilarious.

Wait…. The answer, I am told by the vegan green corporation, is YES. But only if you eat them!

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I wondered the same thing!

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And so the cabbage patch doll grows up with more air between those ears.

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Thanks James, this is what happens when children are allowed to have, not only an opinion but full coverage. She thinks she’s important and obviously has no intention of fading out with dignity. She should have been helping out in Gaza for some time and now be on her way to Lebanon for the real work. I wonder what’s stopping her????

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Another disciple of the omnicause. Another uneducated young woman who knows nothing and stands for empty destructive causes. She doesn't deserve a mm of column space.

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Thanks for the laugh this morning. Well written! We have a 4yr old cat that we called Greta. Our cat had a bad attitude as a kitten, still has an attitude 4yrs on & scews her face up when confronted. So much like our dear friend still talking trash.

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Well, you can certainly tell she didn't go to school.

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Tiresome indeed.

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Tragic that the MSM exploits this very troubled and confused woman. Useful idiot indeed.

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'Gnome from Stockholm'... I didn't think you could improve on the 'goblin of doom'.

Must be tiresome for Greta, having to make so many tenuous connections to get all these causes to be so inextricably inked, while ignoring all the evidence that they aren't. I guess the only common factor is that they all help to keep her in the headlines.

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the goblin is just suffering from a case of relevance deprivation.

She doesn't seem concerned that from 2026 Sweden is offering immigrants 350,000 kroner (about A$ 50,000 ) to return to their country of origin. It must be cheaper to pay them to leave rather than have them hanging around wrecking the country.I wonder what immigrants they're referring to?

Hopefully the Goblin accompanies the first group back to their country of origin and settles there

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