The thing that also maddens and saddens me is the parents!!! If they didn’t take their children to these shows the clowns would have no one to parade to. And what parent would want their child to see this!? It is so wrong ! 😠😤😡😭

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Apr 4, 2023

These guys are in danger of Hell Fire!!! No doubt about it!!

They need to ask for forgiveness and repent for their whole eternity is in Jeopardy

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How inclusive is the Canadian Government ? May we suggest meet the pastors segments to provide real inclusion.

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Spot-on James. Well-written & everybody should read this piece. You are right - it is trying to dull children's survival instincts & is deeply disturbing. By the way, where are the parents? do they know this is going on? If it was my child's school the kid would be out of there immediately.

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Well all this started with sex education in schools ...normalise everything is the Lefts mantra. Parents are losing control of their own children!!

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Yuck! Perfectly said James! How dare they manipulate our beautiful innocent children who know more about right and wrong at age 7 than they do!

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They want our children. A loving caring family environment means the family can influence the child’s thinking whereas the state wants to influence them exclusively. Evil bastards.

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Spot on James. 100 percent.

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Thanks James. Where are the parents and why aren’t they going ballistic about this? Are people too busy working to even notice? Are they assuming the day care, kindergarten and school teachers have their child’s best interest at heart? It’s reprehensible that anyone would think this is a good idea and I suspect many parents are too gutless to stand against the narrative.

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James, thank you for bring this to our attention. May I plug a recent conversation of john Anderson with Katy and Stacy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHYOSGf2WnU&t=595s, advocating for a Children's Bill of Rights.

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Sick is my first thought, sad and unnecessary at such a young age.

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James, where to begin? Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, and don't try to stop them!" Clearly a deep pure love for their innocence and trust. However as we have continued to reject Him, we see the enemy exalted. Unfortunately history shows nations were allowed to choose to pursue evil to the point of demise, lose everything before they realise their folly. Thankfully mercy is a hallmark of Jesus. We must not accept evil but love those decieved as written in Jude. This is both a challenge for us to be salt, to point to the one hope/light in the darkness that we see growing. Thankfully we know this is temporary and our struggle of being in a lifeboat while the decieved drill more holes pursuing their hope of their utopian dreams will inevitably sink from view. Hopefully we will still be there to say we were also sinking but were saved.

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The Lord Jesus asked “how black is black” well we’ve seen it!!

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I am so sick of all this rubbish that is being promoted as normal. Not that long ago, anyone peddling this agenda would have been locked up. We need to lock them up and throw the key away!! How dare they go after little children who have a right to grow up normally! It makes me so angry! I know our battle is not against flesh and blood, but the devil has gone too far! Christians need to arise and cast these demons into the pit!

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Thank you James for being so outspoken on the cognitive dissonance that is drowning the society we have been fortunate enough to enjoy for so long. I do not like where this is all heading. We are being tricked into accepting the unacceptable in the name of tolerance. Well Posie Parker sure found out who really is intolerant, that’s for sure.

Where are the Christian leaders leading their flock against this onslaught? I was discussing this with my adult son after sending him a video by Neil Oliver on GBN news as he talked about our loss of democracy. And now I hear of a book called “them before us” which talks about research that substantiates how much better children grow up in a traditional family.

Jesus never said to his disciples “just hide in that temple/hall/cupboard and pray and my angels will make everything just peachy”. Christ was outspoken and controversial. So was Paul.

The church needs to grow a pair before it is too late.

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We can pray, pray, pray. God can command legions of angels to stand in the way of this horror programme.

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