Agree totally. But let's go back one step further and ask: What's the definition of Aboriginal? How do we determine who does and doesn't qualify in a legal sense? Until this is established then the whole thing is a farce and should be thrown out!

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So the referendum asks us to say yes to a completely undefined outcome. You’d have to be a mug to fall for that one!

Meanwhile the guvmint funded ABC promotes it as a foregone conclusion. Is there any promotion of the “NO” case…. 🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗

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What is the saying about good intentions paving roads? Again "inclusive" decisions are exalted for lack of knowing the truth. If we were all made from the dirt (Adam), then there is no race or people group other than one common mankind. If only we could genuinely love our neighbour as ourselves. Unfortunately history does not exhibit this concept often so here we are, divide and conquer through every possible facet of society, govt, multinationals, corporations, etc. Thankfully our hope is not in this world but in God's patience and love.

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Absolutely. If we have an aboriginal voice we will need a women's voice, a men's voice, an LGBT..etc voice, an Italian voice, a Muslim voice , a Christian voice , a Sikh voice.... and so on. while we anger bust dividing ourselves between aboriginal and white, lets' go the whole hog and put us all in our identity position.

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Aug 5, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

All dead right about this being merely a tool of Marxists. Once you have divided the masses so that you can better control them and have the leaders all dependent on taxpayer money they will dismantle democracy. Watch NZ this same nonsense is already happening here.

And James when are people like that Lidia Lovelace or whatever are just going to be biffed off the gravy train if they don’t exactly for the line like everyone else. What a useless no good wastrel bitch. Who the hell voted for her? You taxpayers should rise up over that crap. She just shat on you.

Jacinta for PM. Best pollie I have heard for many years anywhere. Keep it simple cut the crap sort out the problems without the bullshit and without the gravy train Voice.

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Aug 5, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

My name is Blaxland.. Blax - Land do you reckon I have a chance? :-)

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I always thought The Voice was a tyranical musical reality show!!! Not much different to the new "Voice!" 🤔🤔🤔😉😉😉

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Aug 5, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

Such logic is very difficult to find in today's society. what happened to ' We are one, but we are many'? Coming from Italian heritage, I'm inclined to begin lobbying for an immigrant's voice to parliament and making a 'Statement from the Stomach' - you have to admit we did heighten the culinary landscape here.... If you dont' have a sense of humour you are likely to go mad in this country!

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I had Italian for lunch today. I salute you and your forebears!

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Ha ha, that's funny. On a serious note, I really appreciate your writing and commentary, please don't give it up as we will all be the poorer for it. Best wishes, Sandro

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Aug 4, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

The “voice” will get bigger and louder, and crazier and needier! We are one, but we are many! That’s that

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Aug 4, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

Will I be able to identify as indigenous, in order to take advantage of whatever benefits this voice will allegedly provide?

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Who gets to identify as indigenous is a fascinating question when you look into it.

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Aug 4, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

Ideological lunacy doesn’t come much bigger than this: proclaim the efficacy of ‘the voice’ to enshrine racial empowerment & then ditch the ‘cashless debit card’ to enshrine racial victimhood!

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Aug 4, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

We do not need a voice in the constitution as all Australians have a voice! This voice is called the Australian parliament

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If we have to prove ancestry to be incluive, then we must all go back to Noah's sons. Shem, Ham and Japheth. We are all descended from them. What this smacks of is ancestor worship and it is very wrong. These proposals are all being put forth by atheists who have twisted minds

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Aug 4, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

Agree James, a Voice will be based on racial division which as Jim said is from cultural Marxism.

Political strategists in a campaign, say emotion will win out every time over reason and issues.

I would say Albo is genuinely a compassionate man and is using that to win hearts and minds.

“He (Albo), insisted that changing the constitution was a good thing to do; a courteous thing to do; a generous thing to do.’

NO, It is a dangerous thing to do, we have already seen Indigenous activists state it’s also about power and reparations.

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Aug 4, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

Spot on James. The voice is just the latest tool of cultural Marxists to destroy our democracy. We must wake up to this.

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Quite right on all points James.

The Voice, if enacted, will become a very loud voice, shouting for so-called ‘rights’ over personal responsibility.

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