Yare correct and spot on. Our extended family has gone above and beyond to ensure all the kids in the family have had or are having a basic education away from the public system. We are not right-wing radicals just an average with members on both sides of the fence.

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The Public School system has been deteriorating for many years. Todays school are merely the end result.

My husband and I both went to public schools but I was determined to send our boys to a Christian School. We chose their schooling over owning our own home, which we’ve never regretted. These days I suspect home schooling would be the only safe option.

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If we ignore the GPS group who need applications from birth to get in and cost far too much for most families to afford, then most private schools are supported by religious groups of many different types.

I have worked in both public and private high schools and my children went to both as well, so I have seen it from the inside and outside as a parent.

Many of the children were given support from the schools to attend the private schools. Parents were more concerned with their children's education being sound and not woke. They were not rich and many struggled to pay fees.

Public schools near the city are full of Communists / Atheists / Pedophiles, etc. that reflect the "inclusive" culture that excludes all faith groups. I was told by an old school friend of mine worked there and was part of that culture.

Further out into the suburbs and country schools the principals have found it necessary to fit in with the migrant cultures and conservative Australians who reject Sodomy, etc. and so these public schools are more acceptable to parents.

Many who were kept home due to the fear porn about the renamed flu found that home schooling was easier than they thought and the children escaped the school yard bullying common in many schools today due to the inability of principals to expel bullies and other learning environment destroyers. Some parents refused to inject their children so they could attend school and are now home schooling their children either personally or in home school groups.

There are online help sites for home schooling as it saves the government a lot of money.

Public schools at best are just adding another brick to the wall by making everyone believe the matrix.

Universities are the same only on steroids. 99% of graduates end up being Communists or they fail them.

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you are so right

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What an education, James 😁. Yes the govt school system has been broken completely. Even the non government sector is buried in massive often irrelevant redtape the government enforces if they want subsidies. The ideology of the school sets the culture to an extent. We have taught evolution and survival of the fittest in state schools for decades now and yet somehow we are surprised at the increase in violence, lack of empathy, me focused actions often for peer/others approval. Academic standards are the first casualty in an extremely busy curriculum with so many woke and irrelevant ideas and ideals that do not help with real life. I have taught in govt schools and when the underpinning doctrine of evolution begins as an accident with no hope and no future, is it any wonder that many students see no point in anything? When you have a whole class that openly states that their ambition is being on the dole, it is quite alarming. When attempting to discuss and reason with them the response was always that they didn't care. In contrast of course where you have a faith and hope belief based on love, the outcomes are often quite different.

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No James you aren’t wrong.

Our basic public education system has been hi-jacked to the detriment of our young people who nowadays don’t know basic maths, can’t spell, can’t write probably because they can’t read and tend to speak a bastardised version of English which I can’t understand.

I tend to believe they have been dumbed down deliberately to accept the new world order and all the fearful things it brings with it.

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The Public School "system" about as useful as the Working with children check, pay the fees, set & forget. Just like Convid, wake-up Australia.

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Is there a difference between low fee Christian schools and the high end private schools?

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The only religion that is catered for to some degree is Islam. Special concessions made that make me wonder.

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Spot on James ❤️🙏

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So sorry to disagree with the ABC.

A few years back l did a thesis looking at this subject.

Although there are many reasons why parents choose private schools - l did not find “aspirational” goals in the most important.

Firstly the trend was far more towards schools teaching VALUES, Christian, Catholic, Muslim, and others with strong ideologies.

It was the pushing of WOKE and leftist values by the state educational systems which worried parents. Many are absolutely battling to pay for the privilege of conservative values.

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Spot on, my parents saved and scrimped after coming to Oz to raise us. They picked catholic schools because we were Maronites. They want solid education, values and No woke rubbish

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I disagree with the ABC on most things. Very selective in where they source their research. They'll google to find research which supports the particular dogma they're trying to push, and ignore anything contrary- confirmation bias. The ABC is good at censorship by omission. My children all went to private schools with Christian worldview which informed their curricular within the state based mandates. Eg. They taught evolution AND creation science with equal emphasis.I had four children and paying for their education on a single income was difficult. Home equity loans assisted considerably. I think I'll manage to pay off their education before retirement. All four have now proceeded to tertiary education with 4 undergrad. degrees and 6 post grad. degrees between them. My reason for sending them to a private Christian school? To partner with family wold-view ethics and values and not subject them to discrimination at a pubic school because of their faith.

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Have these "journalistic experts" ever in their wild little minds thought that maybe, just maybe, good old fashioned second, third, fourth, fifth sixth and seventh generation Aussies may like a bit of TRADITION in their children's upbringing!!!!! These private schools carry a lot of tradition in their curriculum!! It's not just immigrants that are flocking to private schools who recognise that the kids also get a far better education.....

The Telegraph should take a look at their journalistic efforts...that piece was on the verge of slinging off at the immigrants wanting to give their children better educations.......how dare they intimate it's "snobbery"!!

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You are not wrong James. In fact you are spot on. I went to a Methodist girls college in the 50's and 60's and learned how ro be a lady (it was hard work for them), which made findinf work very easy in the mid 60's. My children went to state schools which were stilll teaching reading, writing and arithmetic and they came out fine, (although I must admist we sent out son to a Baptist school in his last year because he wasn't doing so well), then our daughter sent her 5 to a Christian school up to High school and they were OK academically and all did university (which wrecked their Christian beliefs) and our son sent his to a state school all the way through, non of them going to university but there are more believers among them than the others. Today, we have a great grandson going to a Christian school because his father (one of our son's son), will not allow his children to go into such a disgusting system. And another one who is at a state school will be going to a private school next year (our son's daughter's son). The times have changed so much that schooling today in the state system is abysmal and these children deserve better

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Exactly James, my 4 children went to Christian schools, and now my 11 grandchildren have been in Christian schooling. Yes, it was for a faith based education without all the Marxism indoctrination.

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You are right. Full stop! I wonder if they left out what Geoffrey Blaney said that would give context to what they quoted.

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