This hard left cultural marxist ideology must be politically destroyed.

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I read Maley last Sunday knowing what to expect! She has form in extreme wokeism! But try to listen to her speak....she can hardly string a coherent sentence together without all the props of "you know" & other crutches.....very hard on the ears!

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

I just can’t feel anything other than Outrage! It motivated me to write Maley at the SMH. If she is deluded enough to think her views of morality are the accepted standard for us Aussies I want her to find out otherwise. Here is her email address in case you feel the urge...


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Mar 27, 2023Liked by James Macpherson


I think you are so far removed from real life and have surrounded yourself with only those who support your continued trend towards depravity that you are unaware how sinister and ridiculous your articles have become.

I don’t believe the vast majority of Australians would ever want a world like the one you imagine where innocent children are forced to endure falsehoods, especially concerning gender. Your article is a twisted mess of desperate ideas that are mocked by the majority of Aussies that you imagine are in agreement with societal saboteurs like yourself. You should be ashamed instead of “proud.”

Pride…just a twisted and deprived movement that those vacant of morals substitute to make themselves feel good about their own aimless life.

The SMH has lost me!


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Mar 27, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

"gravitational essentialism" - lol 😁

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

James this is great although I had to google some words lol. Particularly Obfuscation wow what a word! Can you relay or reply your views/comments to SMH? That would be awesome! Also I'm moving to Idaho lol. But seriously it's funny IT thinks we are copying the US? What? don't we have morals or religious beliefs in Australia?Unfortunately we're copying America with the stupid celebration of Halloween that is dumb. But America isn't the only Christian country! As alway I love your satire responses keep it up and I hope I used the word "satire" in the right context 🙏🙏

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You're moving to Idaho?!?!

The good news is that you can still watch The Late Debate from Idaho using the FlashNews app and my emails will still find their way to your inbox!

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No I'm joking lol because Idaho shut down their clinic I am assuming it still holds on to Christian values.

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I'm confused! Why did this woman come to Australia to bring so much rubbish to an already weird society unless it was to bring more idiocy.

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Mar 26, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

“A lie travels around the world while the truth is still getting it’s boots on”. Thanks Winston.

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She obviously has a good thesaurus. And little else.

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Mar 26, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

I am going to remember “Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull is a women’s rights speaker, not an “anti-transgender activist”. I bet the author doesn’t refer to people in favour of abortion as “anti-baby”.

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Does Jacqueline Maley have a brain? I wonder how she would feel if a bloke was accessing her change room when she is in a state of undress. Does she have children? Maley has written an article/rant full of slander and lies. How on earth did the editor let this drivel slip through?

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I do hope this vacuous SMH writer has a good lawyer. She has slandered the Let Women Speak group and thrown women who speak up for women’s right to safe under the proverbial bus. Is she serious when she has a go at people who stand up for children against drag Queen shows? Is she really that vacuous? My .. how low the SMH has sunk. Let women speak was even standing for idiots like this so called journalist. When did it become remarkable to speak against the grotesque parody of women that is a drag queen and to want one's spaces for women?

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Mar 26, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

Such a great response to their nonsense. Even the cat litter tray deserves better than the articles they're putting out.

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What will the author write next?

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Mar 26, 2023·edited Mar 26, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

Brilliant summary Mr Macpherson. It is clear the world, the west in particular, is diving headlong into the abyss of insanity. It is an insanity born of spiritual degeneracy with the inevitable, subsequent moral depravity, weak, amoral leadership and corrupt culture.

We are witnessing the moral inversion spoken of in scripture where good is evil and evil is good.

And at a surface level, aside from the very real spiritual implications, we see the hierarchy of victimhood constantly changing, gradually devouring itself as each new victim group is given untouchable, sainthood status. Men = bad, women = good... LGB = good, straight = bad... men pretending to be women = good, actual women = bad.... you get the picture. Eventually no one survives in the unhinged race to be the most victimised.

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Yawn again James. A number of our pollies went to see Posie and one of them who is probably the most obnoxious was thereafter knocked over by a motorcycle. I did not care less. I should have but they have lost credibility and respect. Just as I did not used to care less about trannie weirdos. But now that the nasty little weedy shits have decided to get the numbers to gang up on other people it is time to fight back. We have put up with them quietly for many years after our fathers bashed them up on sight but now that they hanker to be celebrated and are brainwashing kids there is only one word for them, GARN!

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Mar 26, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

Do these “journalists” realise they come off sound like pedophiles themselves everytime they try to sound intelligent by trying to score brownie points from the trans community?

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