Honestly I just get so sick of hearing this rubbish I stop paying attention.

"Diversity" is one word that is so done to death it means nothing anymore - too many idiots running around about it or lack of it have rendered it devoid of meaning.

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I agree with you James! This is so much like that teaching from Jesus.

Don't pray out in the open, Don't give alms out in the open - if you do, YOU ALREADY HAVE YOUR REWARD.

That's where we are with these corporations - in making these announcements they're looking for a reward for something that no-body otherwise would have noticed - except that having made a thing of it they want people to notice, and to reward them, for doing something about an issue which they just manufactured.

And their reward is that people nod and think - "well at least they're doing something about this..." even though it makes no difference at all.

Well done, chaps. Money well spent.

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Well written. Thank you James.At least some still have common sense.

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My Dad was a signalman with the Sydney rail network. We went everywhere by train and did lots of train outings. My favourite day with him was when he took me to the Zig Zag steam train railway near Lithgow and I got to sit up with the driver (with a jealous husband back in a carriage).

Even then I had no desire to be a train driver and especially in a steam train. Most women have never even thought to drive a train and we all know why.

No one cares where the driver is from or what colour their skin is. We just want the train to take us safely to our destination, so it’s preferable that they know how to drive the train!

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I'd have to say, there are too many bored white nitpicking women working at the BBC.

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If the applicants for the position were/are 90% white males then there’s no issue but if the applicants are 90% women of colour then perhaps there may be an issue. Not enough info to make an educated assessment.

Who cares??

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Indeed. It’s all such garbage.

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The BBC should have a look at the heavy iron ore trains in the Pilbara of WA A hell of a lot of Anglo -Indian, White Pommy , Maori white Kiwis and even a LOT of white Aussies. Bloody trains (at that time ) were of 3 locos and 150 cars containing 120 tons of ore . Some trains had 5 locos and 200 or so cars Trains ran on time and only one accident causing death in the 8 years that I was working out of Port Hedland . Guess what ? no bloody women to be seen . To day ,I understand only one crew member and trains are computer controlled via sattelite . The driver is only there to take the blame when the computer /and /or nerd stuffs it up.

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Like the trains that come into Gladstone, they have up to 5 engines, over 100 wagons all full of coal. What a loss that will be to the economy when they stop!

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Quietly buying oil and gas company shares and coal company shares. They are cheap and will be needed for decades to come.

Over the last 10 years, despite the vast expenditure on renewable solar and wind generation, the share of the world's energy consumption that comes from fossil fuels ( coal, oil, gas) has only dropped from about 82% to 81%.

Electric vehicles can never replace all the oil powered vehicles with current technology because all the minerals needed to build the new cars have not even been discovered yet. An example:- to go all electric by 2050 requires more copper to be discovered and mined in the next 26 years than in the last 4,000 years of mining.

Where will the electricity for the cars come from... burning coal as is happening now???

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I am glad I won’t be around by then, unless I live as long as one of my aunts -103!

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They cant be allowed to stop . Time to get rid of these frauds pretending to be leaders in this country ,

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May 3·edited May 3Liked by James Macpherson

Thank you James. I can't tell you how much I detest all this garbage! It is racist and sexist and endeavours to rebel against what is normal and natural! It functions as, yet again, another weapon, used to further weaken our western society, which is abhorrent beyond words.

It is a pity that certain members of government and narcissistic, self-centred, two-faced bureaucrats, like Zoe Hudson, are so self-consumed that they have completely forgotten that real jobs exist for the purpose of serving others, NOT the worker!!

If I have to catch a train, I would like the train to be on time, travel safely, arrive safely at my destination and arrive on time. That's all. If I have to undergo heart surgery, I would like the surgery to be as successful as possible. That's all.

It is hide time that this nonsense is put to an end! Equality of opportunity is the only fair, equitable way for society to work. Equality of outcome is not equitable at all. Rather, it is blatantly racist and sexist and is grossly unfair for potential employees. It is also extremely damaging for the rest of society, because of the gross disservice it does to consumers who have to endure workers who are second-rate!!

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Terrific in the airline industry . Take a critical look at PNGs safety record since "independence "and thank heaven we still have standards of excellence in that industry at least.

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Are all these weirdos on drugs? I can just imagine a little girl beinf asked what she wants to be when she grows up, answering - I want to be a black train driver. Well, drive an old steam strain and you will soon be black! Women today are unbelievable! I worked in the day when if a girl got married she had to leave her job! I started in the bank (Hornsby to Concord West), then when I joined the Air Force, I had to leave to get married. That was not fair! Today, women can be anything yet they still complain! What a crazy world we are living in! The is a severe lack of gratitude and thankfulness around today. By the way, I travcelled many times from Hornsby to Central and I didn't see the driver either, but the train always got there, but those were the dark ages!

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so well said Dianne!! Women want it all but they want more as well, when are we going to wake up and realise we can't be everything and do everything for everyone all the time! It's exhausting! I was born in 1980, Mum hasn't worked a full time job since i was born (how lucky was she, tho i feel sorry for poor dad who had to work his guts out to support us right up until he turned 70 now he's sick).

I'd like to go back and live in simpler times!!

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What did your father do?

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He was a plumber, ran his own business in the late 80's then his partner screwed him over, then he worked for a company, went back to night school (as he had dropped out in year 8) and worked his way up to GM, then in the late 90s started his own business again which became very successful, he was even on the tools still right up till he sold eth business the stayed on as a consultant and helped on tools with the new company for a few years.

Love my dad, the biggest toughest grumpy German exterior, but the most generous and kind person you'd know, thankfully he has mellowed a bit in his old age!

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That is a lovely tribute to your father, I am sure he is very proud of you

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May 3Liked by James Macpherson

More lamentable drivel from woke-fearing, virtue signalling nongs who see racial, gender and sexual preference issues as existential threats to the planet and the mantra of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion as the answer to every problem.

Consider this, in the not too distant future there will be no more middle aged white train drivers. Nor will there be middle aged brown train drivers... or female drivers or drivers of uncertain gender and ethnicity. In the not too distant future there will be no train drivers at all. Trains will be entirely computer driven with the aid of AI technology with almost no human input required.

And most of that tech will be made by people of Asian descent in Asian factories for the comfort and ease of all those virtue signalling navel gazers in the West.

I wonder how much diversity these whingers will be pushing for in those Asian sweatshops in a day to come when all the jobs in the West have been replaced by AI technology?

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May 3Liked by James Macpherson

Much the same wth planes. I don’t care what the pilot is or looks like, just so long as they get me to where I want to go and hopefully safe and on time.

I think a bigger problem for the BBC to look into, if the English never train station like ours, is the loud speaker announcements of departures and arrivals. Indecipherable garbled words is all I have ever heard in Australia, regardless of any station, anywhere.

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May 3Liked by James Macpherson

The South Australian Museum is promoting a "Culturally responsive mathematics workshop", which will " Delve into First Nations histories and cultures content."

Do you think that is a bit silly? When are they going to do Tugeri mathematics, or Motu science?

Know what is even sillier? It was booked out and there is a waiting list for the next workshop.

I'd like to get a list of all those attending, and send them into the desert, without their Toyotas, for some genuine indigenous lifestyle enlightenment.

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All the early books on Aust refer to Aboriginies counting as quote" 1, 2, 3, big fella mob! Ie they did not count past 3.

I was told about a big Aboriginal massacre on Sunday. It happened at Fairy Meadow, just south of Wollongong and 70 Aborigines are buried on the bank of the creek. It happened just after the 1st settlers had arrived.

An Aboriginal man from the coastal plain tribe went up to the top of the range and abducted a young woman and took her down to the coast. About a year later a big armed party from the range tribe went down to the coast and attacked the coastal tribe. 70 were killed in the fighting. The abducted woman was injured in the fighting but fled to a white settlers home and they protected her.

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That piece of history wont suit the black armband agenda of the "modern historian" who is there to rewrite history and not to record it.

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May 3Liked by James Macpherson

Mac are the metro trains even manned with drivers? I thought they were automated, so diversity wouldn't even be required on our metros. Maybe they just need to paint the emergency control panels different colours to represent diversity or hang rainbow flags through the carriages. (insert eye roll)

It's the same where a major construction material company I worked for had a massive lack of drivers - there's a major driver shortage everywhere - so in promoting the role they tried to entice women as well an anybody else (but not white men), but to set a target of 40% women in a non traditional role is just pure insanity - continuing to try and force diversity via targets that cannot be achieved is pure madness for businesses who struggle to recruit to being with - continuing to try and fit round pegs in square hole is the definition of insanity and counter productivity. Needless to say they are still desperate to fill driver roles surprise surprise.

The madness indeed continues and grows exponentially!!

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Madness indeed. But these bureaucrats can afford to spend all day having fun trying to fit a square into a circle, because they get paid by the tax-payer to do so. They must get so bored trying to find a job to do, having been appointed to a 'job' that doesn't even really exist. And so what do they do? Go about telling people who work in real jobs how to do their job. In other words, get in the way of progress by being a general nuisance and creating obstacles. The arrogance of these people is astounding. I have no respect for them or their phoney 'job' positions!

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Well said Heather

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Hi Bella, I'm a disability support worker.. so far the metro trains are still being driven by people. We don't care about their gender or race, as long as they bring out the ramp which enables a wheelchair to roll on in and out and they remember which station we will be getting off at.. we're happy. 👍😊

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So true!

Thank you for the work you do Glenda!! We need more people like you!!

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Thanks Bella, my colleagues/friends and I enjoy our work.. we love our clients/ friends. So therefore it comes easy.

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