That a once esteemed newspaper now casually refers to "non-transgender women" as if that’s even a thing is a sign of just how far into insanity our culture has slipped
The left just can't get enough of sex-changing children. They want them on puberty blockers, they want them on cross-sex hormones, want them chopping their breasts off, and sterilizing themselves all in service to the lie that changing sex is possible. What's wild is when you hear their justification for encouraging children to undergo medical sex change: the whole point is to make sure that when the kid grows up into an adult, they appear more like the opposite sex and are better able to pass. When you hear the term "life-saving care" in the context of transing children, what they mean is that a child will grow up to look like the sex they wished they were as children. It's absurd. There's no reason to make those kinds of changes permanent before a child is even old enough to legally get a tattoo, have sex, drive a car, or vote.
President Trump put a stop to it but a bunch of leftist lawyers and activists who believe that somehow having the right to trans a child is about bodily autonomy (that's how they link it all up with abortion) brought it to a judge who put a pause on the ban. Now mind you, the ban was working. A bunch of hospitals across America stopped sex-changing children. They canceled appointments for puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones. They put a stop to the surgical mutilation of young healthy bodies. These are all good things. Even though people were out there protesting against it, it is right and just to prevent children from undergoing these kinds of horrific treatments in service to a lie. But a federal judge said that the executive order banning sex changes for anyone under the age of 19 is not viable because that population is at risk. And they are, they're at risk of being experimented on by a medical industry driven by a profit motive to turn children into lifelong medical patients before they even know what happened.
Biden-appointed US District Judge Brendan Hurson said, "This is a population with an extremely higher rate for suicide, poverty, unemployment, drug addiction." These are children and teens, mind you. He went on to say that stopping the medical sex change experiments on them would be "horribly dangerous for anyone, for any care, but particularly for this extremely vulnerable population." Of course, that's not how The Washington Post framed it, they called puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and mutilating surgeries "health treatments." Trump has been solid on the reality of biological sex, saying that those who are trans should not serve in the military due to their unique medical constraints. He's said that there are only two sexes: male and female. He's told no to fellas playing women's sports. And at every step of the way, some absurdist leftist judge or collection of enraged activists has tried to put a stop to it.
Americans are still waiting for the Supreme Court's ruling on the Tennessee law banning sex changes for kids. Still, it may not be until June or July that they hear from them about what they think, although if the oral arguments were any indication, they're leaning towards upholding the law. Congress has not yet taken any real action, despite the efforts of lawmakers like Marjorie Taylor Greene, who have advocated for her colleagues to protect those children and teens who underwent sex changes only to spit out the other side, forever damaged, without their breasts, without their genitals, without their reproductive systems. Instead, Congress has made rules about bathrooms but has done nothing where it matters most: protecting children and teens from these vile practices.
Judge Hurson sided with the plaintiffs which consisted of advocacy groups who had rounded up a few families willing to fight the power. PFLAG, GLMA, and the ACLU were the major non-profits behind the suit. The ACLU also joined lawyers from the Biden administration's DOJ in arguing against the Tennessee law. The ACLU lawyer for this case has said that the ban on child sex changes is "in defiance of the democratic process" and that the orders are "terrorizing" hospitals. But what they're really doing is saving kids.
Trump signed the EO on January 28 and it stated that the guidance put forth by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health should no longer be backed by the government. He said that guidance "lacks scientific integrity" and that agencies "shall rescind or amend all policies" that rely on that guidance. That guidance indicates that there should be no lowest age limit for sex changes on minors. It disregards the fact that those who got on puberty blockers and then on cross-sex hormones will never have a normal sex life and never achieve orgasm. The order calls for an increase in "the quality of data to guide practices for improving the health of minors with gender dysphoria, rapid-onset gender dysphoria, or other identity-based confusion, or who otherwise seek chemical or surgical mutilation."
But somehow, these leftists will not rest until they've aborted all the babies and sterilized all the children and teens, because apparently, that's what progress and equality look like.
It just shows what delusion and madness looks like when the media, most of whom are delusional and mad, keep broadcasting this rubbish and celebrating insanity behaving as if this is the norm. Then there’s the weakened on its last legs culture whose sane people haven’t the backbone or the interest to push back on this mental rubbish. Covid thinking sure did a job on humanity!
NYT is a disgrace, as is all the nonsense going on around us all. The western world has lost the plot & I blame China who, via TikTok is seeking to destroy our society.
The Queensland government has started replacing the word "woman" with "person" in the interests of "inclusivity".
Queensland Rail has not done so - yet. I photographed a sign in the train the other day. It listed "pregnant women" amongst those we should give up our seats for. But wait - these are the old trains! We're expecting new trains before the Olympics. I wonder how THEIR signs will read??
Someone mentioned a slippery slope! How long is it before I become a ‘non-transgender man’? Sounds like with these clowns running the circus it’s next on the agenda. Thank God for real men like James and his unshakeable faith and God given insight. Thank you again for your courage to speak up James.
Whilst this trans-stupidity seems to gather more and more attention in the enlightened and inclusive "Educated" West. Newspaper and other media outlets try to outdo each other with new words to bamboozle us into silence. Meanwhile, real men and women in other parts of the real world are fighting to find relevance in a war-torn society suffering horribly. Women, yes I used that word, are mere chattel, and their bodies targets for rebel terrorists who only see them as transitory possessions to assuage their desires!
In God's eyes there is only male and female. Anything else is an abomination to Him!
My head is spinning as I read your latest article. Just after the first few paragraphs - as I was trying to understand this madness. It’s giving me a headache. How long will it be and what will it take for the world to spin back around ?
That would only give the greenies a leg up What we need is a good result for the co-alition and put labor back at 30%where they were without the greenies help Green/labor ? Australia would be down there with Venezuela and where Argentina and Chile were a few years ago .
I still have trouble wondering why a male would desire to be female! It is such an abomination, surely we are at the end of the age. I really feel for young people though
it's a F:@&ing excruciating disgrace. Is this what the suffragettes protested for? Where are the me-too movement that were so eager to protest about the treatment of women by "toxic masculinity" and they run away like little scaredy cats when a real threat comes along?
Within a spiritual vacuum everything becomes subjective; morality, truth and reality.
Welcome to the moral inversion of the self-inflicted, God-sent strong delusion. Good is evil, evil is good, there are no absolutes and there is no objective truth.
Ultimately though, this is a spiritual battle. Not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness in high places. The enemy of our soul hates us because we, unlike him, are made in the image of God. Any wonder satan is systematically seeking to destroy God's prescribed order for His creation; male, female, marriage and family. All under relentless attack from the pit of hell. This garbage piece of ideologically motivated drivel from the New York Times masquerading as news is a prime example.
When do we reach Peak Cultural Madness? You’d imagine it would be when President Trump gets into his stride in a few months, but maybe it’ll take the deprivations of a World War before sanity and scientific reality can again become the norm? I sure hope not.
My head is spinning. I was told off for using the T in LGBT… etc. Then another person said just ignore the T because really it’s about same sex attraction. Cue more head spin.
Good call Jillian I would like to see the parliaments of this country push back a little harder on this bullshit but it might take the bedwetters of all parties the example of Donald Trump when he throws the cat among the pigeons and then they might be able to see things outside the cosy bubble they all seem to be in . He has already declared that all people who identify as trans will be medically discharged from the military AND that is for starters,
The left just can't get enough of sex-changing children. They want them on puberty blockers, they want them on cross-sex hormones, want them chopping their breasts off, and sterilizing themselves all in service to the lie that changing sex is possible. What's wild is when you hear their justification for encouraging children to undergo medical sex change: the whole point is to make sure that when the kid grows up into an adult, they appear more like the opposite sex and are better able to pass. When you hear the term "life-saving care" in the context of transing children, what they mean is that a child will grow up to look like the sex they wished they were as children. It's absurd. There's no reason to make those kinds of changes permanent before a child is even old enough to legally get a tattoo, have sex, drive a car, or vote.
President Trump put a stop to it but a bunch of leftist lawyers and activists who believe that somehow having the right to trans a child is about bodily autonomy (that's how they link it all up with abortion) brought it to a judge who put a pause on the ban. Now mind you, the ban was working. A bunch of hospitals across America stopped sex-changing children. They canceled appointments for puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones. They put a stop to the surgical mutilation of young healthy bodies. These are all good things. Even though people were out there protesting against it, it is right and just to prevent children from undergoing these kinds of horrific treatments in service to a lie. But a federal judge said that the executive order banning sex changes for anyone under the age of 19 is not viable because that population is at risk. And they are, they're at risk of being experimented on by a medical industry driven by a profit motive to turn children into lifelong medical patients before they even know what happened.
Biden-appointed US District Judge Brendan Hurson said, "This is a population with an extremely higher rate for suicide, poverty, unemployment, drug addiction." These are children and teens, mind you. He went on to say that stopping the medical sex change experiments on them would be "horribly dangerous for anyone, for any care, but particularly for this extremely vulnerable population." Of course, that's not how The Washington Post framed it, they called puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and mutilating surgeries "health treatments." Trump has been solid on the reality of biological sex, saying that those who are trans should not serve in the military due to their unique medical constraints. He's said that there are only two sexes: male and female. He's told no to fellas playing women's sports. And at every step of the way, some absurdist leftist judge or collection of enraged activists has tried to put a stop to it.
Americans are still waiting for the Supreme Court's ruling on the Tennessee law banning sex changes for kids. Still, it may not be until June or July that they hear from them about what they think, although if the oral arguments were any indication, they're leaning towards upholding the law. Congress has not yet taken any real action, despite the efforts of lawmakers like Marjorie Taylor Greene, who have advocated for her colleagues to protect those children and teens who underwent sex changes only to spit out the other side, forever damaged, without their breasts, without their genitals, without their reproductive systems. Instead, Congress has made rules about bathrooms but has done nothing where it matters most: protecting children and teens from these vile practices.
Judge Hurson sided with the plaintiffs which consisted of advocacy groups who had rounded up a few families willing to fight the power. PFLAG, GLMA, and the ACLU were the major non-profits behind the suit. The ACLU also joined lawyers from the Biden administration's DOJ in arguing against the Tennessee law. The ACLU lawyer for this case has said that the ban on child sex changes is "in defiance of the democratic process" and that the orders are "terrorizing" hospitals. But what they're really doing is saving kids.
Trump signed the EO on January 28 and it stated that the guidance put forth by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health should no longer be backed by the government. He said that guidance "lacks scientific integrity" and that agencies "shall rescind or amend all policies" that rely on that guidance. That guidance indicates that there should be no lowest age limit for sex changes on minors. It disregards the fact that those who got on puberty blockers and then on cross-sex hormones will never have a normal sex life and never achieve orgasm. The order calls for an increase in "the quality of data to guide practices for improving the health of minors with gender dysphoria, rapid-onset gender dysphoria, or other identity-based confusion, or who otherwise seek chemical or surgical mutilation."
But somehow, these leftists will not rest until they've aborted all the babies and sterilized all the children and teens, because apparently, that's what progress and equality look like.
Come Quickly Lord Jesus!
It just shows what delusion and madness looks like when the media, most of whom are delusional and mad, keep broadcasting this rubbish and celebrating insanity behaving as if this is the norm. Then there’s the weakened on its last legs culture whose sane people haven’t the backbone or the interest to push back on this mental rubbish. Covid thinking sure did a job on humanity!
NYT is a disgrace, as is all the nonsense going on around us all. The western world has lost the plot & I blame China who, via TikTok is seeking to destroy our society.
The Queensland government has started replacing the word "woman" with "person" in the interests of "inclusivity".
Queensland Rail has not done so - yet. I photographed a sign in the train the other day. It listed "pregnant women" amongst those we should give up our seats for. But wait - these are the old trains! We're expecting new trains before the Olympics. I wonder how THEIR signs will read??
Great idea Judith
If I find that on a sign, I will cross it out and write “woman.” They can go jump!
Haha! Maybe I too will start carrying a permanent marker with me! Headlines: "Elderly person arrested for defacing government signals."
To continue your headline: “Sent to Emo, Ontario, for retraining in human rights.”
Someone mentioned a slippery slope! How long is it before I become a ‘non-transgender man’? Sounds like with these clowns running the circus it’s next on the agenda. Thank God for real men like James and his unshakeable faith and God given insight. Thank you again for your courage to speak up James.
I second that!
Whilst this trans-stupidity seems to gather more and more attention in the enlightened and inclusive "Educated" West. Newspaper and other media outlets try to outdo each other with new words to bamboozle us into silence. Meanwhile, real men and women in other parts of the real world are fighting to find relevance in a war-torn society suffering horribly. Women, yes I used that word, are mere chattel, and their bodies targets for rebel terrorists who only see them as transitory possessions to assuage their desires!
In God's eyes there is only male and female. Anything else is an abomination to Him!
My head is spinning as I read your latest article. Just after the first few paragraphs - as I was trying to understand this madness. It’s giving me a headache. How long will it be and what will it take for the world to spin back around ?
Perhaps we should consider not voting for either of the two main parties in this country. Maybe a start.
That would only give the greenies a leg up What we need is a good result for the co-alition and put labor back at 30%where they were without the greenies help Green/labor ? Australia would be down there with Venezuela and where Argentina and Chile were a few years ago .
Hyperventilating as I read this. So so angry.
Remember when “marriage equality” talk started? When those who mentioned “slippery slope” were ridiculed. Look around now.
I still have trouble wondering why a male would desire to be female! It is such an abomination, surely we are at the end of the age. I really feel for young people though
I agree. Why would anyone want to give up the remote?
😂 not in my house 😂
I control the remote in my house.
You are funny, but my husband would have to be me to have the remote!
it's a F:@&ing excruciating disgrace. Is this what the suffragettes protested for? Where are the me-too movement that were so eager to protest about the treatment of women by "toxic masculinity" and they run away like little scaredy cats when a real threat comes along?
When we will all WAKE THE HELL UP?!?!?!?!?!?
Within a spiritual vacuum everything becomes subjective; morality, truth and reality.
Welcome to the moral inversion of the self-inflicted, God-sent strong delusion. Good is evil, evil is good, there are no absolutes and there is no objective truth.
Ultimately though, this is a spiritual battle. Not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness in high places. The enemy of our soul hates us because we, unlike him, are made in the image of God. Any wonder satan is systematically seeking to destroy God's prescribed order for His creation; male, female, marriage and family. All under relentless attack from the pit of hell. This garbage piece of ideologically motivated drivel from the New York Times masquerading as news is a prime example.
So well said Alex. I agree it’s the relentless spiritual battle to destroy all God created, ordained and set in place.
It's all just wind...and chasing after wind...
It's a nothing-ness existence. Sad really...
When do we reach Peak Cultural Madness? You’d imagine it would be when President Trump gets into his stride in a few months, but maybe it’ll take the deprivations of a World War before sanity and scientific reality can again become the norm? I sure hope not.
My head is spinning. I was told off for using the T in LGBT… etc. Then another person said just ignore the T because really it’s about same sex attraction. Cue more head spin.
Why can’t we just be men and women?
Good call Jillian I would like to see the parliaments of this country push back a little harder on this bullshit but it might take the bedwetters of all parties the example of Donald Trump when he throws the cat among the pigeons and then they might be able to see things outside the cosy bubble they all seem to be in . He has already declared that all people who identify as trans will be medically discharged from the military AND that is for starters,
Gotta love the bloke Bob.