The US Military has just been Authorized to use Lethal Force on US Citizens in Matters of “National Security”, by Andy Roman, October 14, 2024.
“And he spake as a dragon.” Revelation 13:11.
The U.S. military is prohibited from being used against U.S. citizens within the United States under the Posse Comitatus Act (1878). This law forbids the use of American military forces to impose domestic law without express authorization from Congress. This long-standing policy has just been abandoned. Today we have unelected officials unilaterally issuing directives allowing the use of the US military against citizens.
The United States military, which is regarded as the most powerful military force in the world, is now permitted to support local law enforcement in matters of “national security,” according to a new directive signed on September 27 by Katheleen Hick, the Deputy Secretary of Defense and a Joe Biden appointee. We must ask ourselves if the current administration’s unilateral decision to use the US military against its citizens is truly an attempt to defend our nation or if it is only intended to further consolidate power and erode the fundamental rights to free speech, assembly, and protest.
On October 7, 2024, GreenMedinfo published the following explaining how our nation’s military powers have been expanded to assist in domestic situations:
• “Imagine waking up to discover that the U.S. military has quietly been granted the authority to assist in domestic law enforcement activities—including the use of lethal force against U.S. citizens in certain circumstances. Now consider that this change was enacted just weeks before an election, already surrounded by concerns about unrest, civil liberties, and potential government overreach.” [1]
• “As the U.S. prepares for one of the most controversial and closely watched elections in its history, a concerning update to DoD Directive 5240.01 has quietly been put into effect. Reissued on September 27, 2024, this directive governs the Department of Defense’s (DoD) intelligence activities and now includes provisions authorizing lethal force in certain circumstances when assisting civilian law enforcement. While the directive forbids assassination, it opens the door to lethal interventions under “national security” conditions, albeit with stringent restrictions on how such interventions are to be authorized.” [1]
• “The 2024 update introduces a dramatic shift, particularly regarding domestic operations. Section 3.3.a.(2)(c) now explicitly permits lethal force in cases of imminent threats or national security emergencies, provided the action complies with legal oversight, specifically DoDD 5210.56, which governs the use of deadly force by DoD personnel.” [1]
In an unprecedented move, the Biden administration has begun preparations for a potential new civil war and a period of unrest during this election year by authorizing the use of the military to ensure a peaceful transition of power. While framed as a protective measure against widespread civil disorder, this decision signals an escalation of federal authority and a disturbing shift towards totalitarianism on par with North Korea. Will deploying the military domestically be used to suppress dissent and control the public? Will the government now justify lethal force to silence political opposition under the guise of maintaining order?
This is something that should be of interest to every Seventh-day Adventist because, according to the Spirit of Prophecy, the true and faithful will be accused of engaging in the worst “hostilities” against the United States and the rest of the world.
“Those who honor the Bible Sabbath will be denounced as enemies of law and order, as breaking down the moral restraints of society, causing anarchy and corruption, and calling down the judgments of God upon the earth. Their conscientious scruples will be pronounced obstinacy, stubbornness, and contempt of authority. They will be accused of disaffection toward the government.” Great Controversy, p. 592.
“There will come a time when, because of our advocacy of Bible truth, we shall be treated as traitors.” Testimonies, Vol. 6, p. 394.
Enemies of law and order? Disaffection towards the government? Traitors? This new directive, intended to help America protect itself in the name of “national security,” will no doubt be used against God’s people one day. How many of our people realize what is happening today? When are we as Seventh-day Adventists going to wake up? Or are we just too busy? Or are too many at ease?
While the principles of liberty and freedom of conscience are being dangerously desecrated, we are to be found working earnestly. Advocating for liberty is consistent with the spirit of the Gospel Commission, because we need both our religious and civil liberties to practice and to share the Three Angels’ Message in this time of emergency. May God’s people be found both faithful and working.
It's no real surprise to learn that FEMA indulges in such godless reprobate evil conduct, the federal agency FEMA is Jesuit Illuminist Masonry Vatican owned-controlled, just like the many other godless reprobate evil institutions-organizations of today such as the FRB, CLUB OF ROME, CFR, CDC, FDA, IRS, CIA, FBI, NSA, SS, HS, DOD, UN, WEF, WHO, IMF, BlackRock, NATO, AFP, ASIO, Parliament House Canberra, etc. Disguised in a deceptive garb of "governance" & "philanthropy" ALL these wolves-in-sheep's-clothing institutions-organizations were created-founded by the Luciferian Jesuit Illuminist Masonry Vatican to serve only their master to foment rapid moral decline & global crisis & implement Global Government aka New World Order aka to restore global power and rule back to the Jesuit Church of Rome Vatican Papacy as forewarned-prophesied in Daniel and Revelation in the Bible. The diabolical goal of this Luciferian Jesuit Church of Rome Vatican Papacy New World Order is a One World Leader (Revelation 13:7), a One World Government (Revelation 13:2 & Daniel 7:4-7), a One World Religion (Revelation 13:8), a One World Currency (Revelation 13. 16. 18).
The mere firing of this woman doesn't go far enough. Yes, she should have been fired immediately. But she should also be sued for tens of thousands of dollars out of her own pocket (not that of FEMA). All the money should then go to every Trump supporter in the effected areas who did not receive assistance from FEMA, due to this shameful, despicable discrimination.
But FEMA are funded by the tax-payer, aren't they? If so, this is not about FEMA themselves being charitable, since the money is all coming from the tax-payer. FEMA have a responsibility to serve and distribute assistance to all who need it, without partiality or discrimination - just like any other job out there.
Exactly James - this is what happens when we abandon basic human decency based on the God-given dignity all humans deserve. Instead of abandoning those we disagree with politically at a time of great need (and when it is actually our job!) normal human compassion should mean we see past the race, religion, and politics and even 'love our enemies' as someone once said and actually practised: "Father forgive them"
FEMA was in trouble in the way it worked in Hawaii after the 'bushfires' that ravaged the island. I was shocked at that tale, but this one really makes conspiracy theories into a best seller. Of course we are awaiting Trumps new person in that role to enlighten Americans to the truth, if it will ever be seen!
Not only Barbarians but Deplorables! I would be thiinking many of those people will be quaking in their boots knowing what is coming. How can anyone obey such an edict? Evil is so far out in the open these days, forget about skeletons in closets, they are on full diaplay and they stink!
Welcome to the highly educated, technologically advanced and supremely self virtuous while simultaneously morally bereft and spiritually bankrupt world of enlightened secular humanism.
The US Military has just been Authorized to use Lethal Force on US Citizens in Matters of “National Security”, by Andy Roman, October 14, 2024.
“And he spake as a dragon.” Revelation 13:11.
The U.S. military is prohibited from being used against U.S. citizens within the United States under the Posse Comitatus Act (1878). This law forbids the use of American military forces to impose domestic law without express authorization from Congress. This long-standing policy has just been abandoned. Today we have unelected officials unilaterally issuing directives allowing the use of the US military against citizens.
The United States military, which is regarded as the most powerful military force in the world, is now permitted to support local law enforcement in matters of “national security,” according to a new directive signed on September 27 by Katheleen Hick, the Deputy Secretary of Defense and a Joe Biden appointee. We must ask ourselves if the current administration’s unilateral decision to use the US military against its citizens is truly an attempt to defend our nation or if it is only intended to further consolidate power and erode the fundamental rights to free speech, assembly, and protest.
On October 7, 2024, GreenMedinfo published the following explaining how our nation’s military powers have been expanded to assist in domestic situations:
• “Imagine waking up to discover that the U.S. military has quietly been granted the authority to assist in domestic law enforcement activities—including the use of lethal force against U.S. citizens in certain circumstances. Now consider that this change was enacted just weeks before an election, already surrounded by concerns about unrest, civil liberties, and potential government overreach.” [1]
• “As the U.S. prepares for one of the most controversial and closely watched elections in its history, a concerning update to DoD Directive 5240.01 has quietly been put into effect. Reissued on September 27, 2024, this directive governs the Department of Defense’s (DoD) intelligence activities and now includes provisions authorizing lethal force in certain circumstances when assisting civilian law enforcement. While the directive forbids assassination, it opens the door to lethal interventions under “national security” conditions, albeit with stringent restrictions on how such interventions are to be authorized.” [1]
• “The 2024 update introduces a dramatic shift, particularly regarding domestic operations. Section 3.3.a.(2)(c) now explicitly permits lethal force in cases of imminent threats or national security emergencies, provided the action complies with legal oversight, specifically DoDD 5210.56, which governs the use of deadly force by DoD personnel.” [1]
In an unprecedented move, the Biden administration has begun preparations for a potential new civil war and a period of unrest during this election year by authorizing the use of the military to ensure a peaceful transition of power. While framed as a protective measure against widespread civil disorder, this decision signals an escalation of federal authority and a disturbing shift towards totalitarianism on par with North Korea. Will deploying the military domestically be used to suppress dissent and control the public? Will the government now justify lethal force to silence political opposition under the guise of maintaining order?
This is something that should be of interest to every Seventh-day Adventist because, according to the Spirit of Prophecy, the true and faithful will be accused of engaging in the worst “hostilities” against the United States and the rest of the world.
“Those who honor the Bible Sabbath will be denounced as enemies of law and order, as breaking down the moral restraints of society, causing anarchy and corruption, and calling down the judgments of God upon the earth. Their conscientious scruples will be pronounced obstinacy, stubbornness, and contempt of authority. They will be accused of disaffection toward the government.” Great Controversy, p. 592.
“There will come a time when, because of our advocacy of Bible truth, we shall be treated as traitors.” Testimonies, Vol. 6, p. 394.
Enemies of law and order? Disaffection towards the government? Traitors? This new directive, intended to help America protect itself in the name of “national security,” will no doubt be used against God’s people one day. How many of our people realize what is happening today? When are we as Seventh-day Adventists going to wake up? Or are we just too busy? Or are too many at ease?
While the principles of liberty and freedom of conscience are being dangerously desecrated, we are to be found working earnestly. Advocating for liberty is consistent with the spirit of the Gospel Commission, because we need both our religious and civil liberties to practice and to share the Three Angels’ Message in this time of emergency. May God’s people be found both faithful and working.
Sources: [1]–0
It's no real surprise to learn that FEMA indulges in such godless reprobate evil conduct, the federal agency FEMA is Jesuit Illuminist Masonry Vatican owned-controlled, just like the many other godless reprobate evil institutions-organizations of today such as the FRB, CLUB OF ROME, CFR, CDC, FDA, IRS, CIA, FBI, NSA, SS, HS, DOD, UN, WEF, WHO, IMF, BlackRock, NATO, AFP, ASIO, Parliament House Canberra, etc. Disguised in a deceptive garb of "governance" & "philanthropy" ALL these wolves-in-sheep's-clothing institutions-organizations were created-founded by the Luciferian Jesuit Illuminist Masonry Vatican to serve only their master to foment rapid moral decline & global crisis & implement Global Government aka New World Order aka to restore global power and rule back to the Jesuit Church of Rome Vatican Papacy as forewarned-prophesied in Daniel and Revelation in the Bible. The diabolical goal of this Luciferian Jesuit Church of Rome Vatican Papacy New World Order is a One World Leader (Revelation 13:7), a One World Government (Revelation 13:2 & Daniel 7:4-7), a One World Religion (Revelation 13:8), a One World Currency (Revelation 13. 16. 18).
The mere firing of this woman doesn't go far enough. Yes, she should have been fired immediately. But she should also be sued for tens of thousands of dollars out of her own pocket (not that of FEMA). All the money should then go to every Trump supporter in the effected areas who did not receive assistance from FEMA, due to this shameful, despicable discrimination.
Truly is disgusting. And they reckon they’re the leaders of the free world?! I don’t think so.
The auchswitz guards were not excused for their inhumanity simply for “following orders”. These cretins should be treated no differently.
How can they preach tolerance from every forum and expect to be excused for this?
Drain the swamp Elon…
The following comes to mind:-
Do unto others......
Heap burning coals......
He who is without sin....
Jesus:" If your enemy is thirsty, give him water to drink."
But FEMA are funded by the tax-payer, aren't they? If so, this is not about FEMA themselves being charitable, since the money is all coming from the tax-payer. FEMA have a responsibility to serve and distribute assistance to all who need it, without partiality or discrimination - just like any other job out there.
I believe it happened in Hawaii after the fire as well. Man’s inhumanity to man. Man’s sinful nature on display.
God is watching and separates the goats from the sheep.
Exactly James - this is what happens when we abandon basic human decency based on the God-given dignity all humans deserve. Instead of abandoning those we disagree with politically at a time of great need (and when it is actually our job!) normal human compassion should mean we see past the race, religion, and politics and even 'love our enemies' as someone once said and actually practised: "Father forgive them"
"...for they don't know what they are doing". But these people, these reprobate ones, know very well what they are doing.
FEMA was in trouble in the way it worked in Hawaii after the 'bushfires' that ravaged the island. I was shocked at that tale, but this one really makes conspiracy theories into a best seller. Of course we are awaiting Trumps new person in that role to enlighten Americans to the truth, if it will ever be seen!
Fired? Is that all?
She should be behind bars!
Yair but try getting another job after that . Would be like a white bloke getting a job with National Parks and Wildlife in Australia.
Not only Barbarians but Deplorables! I would be thiinking many of those people will be quaking in their boots knowing what is coming. How can anyone obey such an edict? Evil is so far out in the open these days, forget about skeletons in closets, they are on full diaplay and they stink!
I wouldnt discount Donald Trump exercising a little bit of payback there.
He has overlooked this for many people in the past. A man of surprising contradictions.
That’s what I am thinking
It’s hard to believe that some parts humanity has sunk so low.
Rightly so that she was sacked but surely there must have been some of the aid workers who would disregard the directive. I’d like to think so anyway.
There should be criminal charges brought against all who participated in this.
'Barbarians with 5G'... brilliant.
Welcome to the highly educated, technologically advanced and supremely self virtuous while simultaneously morally bereft and spiritually bankrupt world of enlightened secular humanism.